Removing Negative Thoughts With Nightly Affirmations to Improve Happiness

The power of positive thoughts to transform lives has been recognized by science. Many people repeat positive thought affirmations to themselves daily, but these affirmative thoughts work more effectively on the unconscious mind, or during the sleep state. But how do you repeat such affirmations in your sleep? With an affirmation recording device, people can use nightly affirmations to remove negative thoughts and achieve happiness.

The market is flooded with many devices but there are a few real good ones out there, for e.g. Awake2000 Mindmaster. Its designer Verne Hall has utilized his knowledge and personal experience of brain power, self-hypnosis and positive affirmations to create a product which can help you attract positivity into your life with little effort. Faced with cancer, Hall created the Awake2000 Mindmaster to strengthen his body with positive thought affirmations, but the uses of this product are limitless, from improving your golf game to helping you break unhealthy eating habits.

Like many others, you may be skeptical of nightly affirmations, especially if you have tried using daily affirmations to little effect. Often, we are our own worst enemies since we tend to focus on negative thoughts instead of positive ones, for example, worrying about failing a test, instead of planning to pass it. The best way to attract positivity is to expose your mind to positive affirmations by means of an affirmation recording device. These products let you record nightly affirmations and play them back to yourself at a time when your brain is most open to suggestion. Having positive words of nightly affirmation repeated as your brain passes through the Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta cycles will help push negativity out of your mind and your life.

Many of us know that negative thoughts are harmful, but it is hard to break a life-long habit. However, with a quality affirmation recording device, you can record nightly affirmations that will encourage positive thinking and focus them specifically to your life situation. If worries about your health are stopping you from achieving the optimal health levels you desire, then record a few positively worded phrases about health.

Over time, you will notice that these nightly affirmations lead to a more positive outlook in life, helping you stay healthy and disease-free. Bear in mind that you should follow the instructions to programme the device to your different brain cycles. With this special kind of devices, being positive is an attainable goal because nightly affirmations, featuring positive thoughts recorded in your own voice, will be transmitted to your brain and dispel your negative thoughts.

Lisa Phillips, NLP personal life coach, is the proud author of the Amazing Coaching DIY Guide. She is a personal life trainer who will help you live with better health, more money, and a better day-to-day mood! Visit to find out more.

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