How Daily Affirmations Work

Did you ever wonder why being loved, successful, or admired is something for other people, but not for you? The answer to that question is very simple: other people have heard, and accepted, positive quotes about themselves from people they believe. Think for a moment about the simplicity of that: Positive affirmations feed your belief in yourself. They are like high octane gas in your tank.

Now say this: "I can fuel myself by accepting positive affirmations every day." Say that three times.

How does this work? Just what does that word, "work," mean?

We begin with the word "work." This will mean something a bit different for each of you reading this, but in essence, we are speaking of tools that assist us in changing how we face the world and how we perceive our own value. If you are reading this, I can assume you have doubts about your right to declare what you expect to get in life and then going for it whole hog. Is it OK for you to be the center of attention? Is it alright for you to make mistakes? Is it alright for you to be publicly acknowledged for good work done? Is it alright for you to tell others what you need to be happy, or to feel loved? (Or are they supposed to "know" already?)

Affirmations will "work" for you as you begin to believe in them and find yourself acting on their truth.

How does this happen? Think back in your life to your young years and re-hear the angry or disheartening words you grew up with. We all got these words; some of us got much more than others. They came from the very people we loved and who we believed had a true insight into our inner selves. As a counselor, I have heard many of these words, and I grew up with many myself: "Don't be so stupid. Are you EVER going to get it right? You're an idiot. You're too fat (short, inept, dumb, tall, awkward, weird, etc.) to ever do that. You're just an egghead. What did you expect? You're just too sensitive (shy, silly...)"

The list goes on and on. All these statements are nullifications of the true wonder of your being. They went in when your defenses were down, and they seemed to be sort of right, because you loved or feared the one saying them, and you were generally feeling pretty crummy at the time anyway.

Positive affirmations are the medicine-these are statements that counteract all the negative ones from the past. You may find yourself saying, "They sound great, but they aren't true!"----You are right, and the others weren't true, either. Think about it: this beautiful, incredible child who is trying to learn how to do all things adults seem to expect is also trying to find out about life on his own. Sometimes it gets complicated. Errors get made. Is that so bad? Those nullifications weren't true at the time. They became true, however, through repetition which became expectation. In the same way that past nullifications created your sense of being outside the good life, so, too, can positive affirmations bring you into that good life now. They build your belief in your own right and capability to create your own happiness, love, and success.

This building begins with saturating your subconscious mind with this new information. As we surround ourselves with the affirmations that build us up, our subconscious mind will begin to lay them over the old outdated statements. Positive affirmations are more fun, and are more NOW than the old ones from the past, which is why the subconscious wants them. With repeated reading, reciting, writing, and singing of your affirmations, your mind will begin to allow your actions to direct your life towards making them true for you. You will find yourself turning towards happiness, love, and success---a cosmic YES waiting just for you.
I write about hypnosis practice itself and about those experiences that are felt and interpreted by the deepest aspects of ourselves. As a hypnotherapist and author for 15+ years, I explore how we incorporate information from our subconscious mind into our daily lives.

Please visit my website/blog to order my book, "20-20 Insight, Advanced Theory and Practice of Hypnosis:" (click on "hypnosis")

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