You can manifest many deep changes in your life using positive affirmations. It is simple and it is true. This article addresses how to make these positive suggestions work for you. Start with the following affirmation. Read it to yourself:
"I have the right to believe in myself, regardless of my past." Now, read it out loud three times.
Now read this one: "I believe in myself." Now, read that one out loud three times.
Did you get stuck here, ("But it's not true!")? Type "I believe in myself" on a pretty piece of paper, and follow the suggestions in the rest of this article. If you are ready to expand into different affirmations, follow the suggestions in the rest of this article. You will have fun as your life unfolds in a new a delightful way.
When you come to believe in yourself in a deep way, your life changes, and other people change around you. You also find that you create, use, and believe in affirmations on a daily basis; it becomes a habit like brushing your teeth. These short statements become more and more your reality as time goes by. Your life becomes easier, more fun, and creative the very day you begin to use affirmations. Does this sound like a good idea?
In the beginning, you want to saturate your subconscious mind with this new information to redirect how you build your life. Your past may have been rather drab, or even truly negative. To build a happier life, you will need to change the drab and negative words of your deep mind. At first your mind may only accept the new ones as a joke or with a sarcastic grin. That's the old self talking, trying to hang on. The new statements become true as you soften your shell and allow them in. Here are some ways to do this (and I learn new ones all the time):
Start with short statements that do not feel true for you at the moment, but that you wish were true. I created a list to jumpstart my life (again) in 2009. I began with little phrases I found in magazines. Here is what I started with: "I can play in the sky" "watch me soar" "develop our projects" "stretch the imagination" among others. I was pretty timid at the time. There I was: Within six months I had been widowed, undergone a big surgery on my face for cancer, was jobless, and had just put my 16 year old dog-buddy down. I was not strong, did not believe in myself, and felt utterly alone. Notice, however, that I used the word "our". In reviewing my collection of affirmations at that time I noticed that, two years later, every single affirmation had come true!
Here are some techniques to create and use affirmations on a daily basis:
· Find phrases in magazines that you wish were true for you, or that you think could be true with just a little luck and/or effort. Cut them out and paste them on an 8 ½"X11" cardboard. Use something pretty or interesting or representative of your desires (again, magazines are great) as a backing before you start pasting your affirmations onto it. We are not talking artistic perfection here- the phrases can be placed somewhat randomly, or in perfect order. Put a happy picture of yourself in the middle of this board. That way, you are happily surrounding yourself with your new thoughts. Hang this board somewhere where you will see it at least twice a day. (I use my bathroom mirror.) Read every phrase each time you look at it. You will find that different phrases jump out at you on different days. I just find that interesting.
· Create three phrases for yourself. ("I am important" "I am a loving person" "I am loved" "I trust my creative spirit" and on and on) Type them out, write them in magic markers, and tape them to your dashboard, your bathroom mirror and your fridge. Notice that I am saying "and" here-do it all. You are making up for lost time, so feel free to flood your mind with them. Every time you see one of these notes, say it out loud. Make a song of it and sing it to yourself in the shower. After about a month or more, you will not notice them all over the dashboard or the fridge. They may even sound a bit boring. This is a good thing; you are accepting them deeply within you. Time for new ones.
· Are you more high-tech? Make a screensaver out of them, or have them randomly float by on your working screen. Set up your phone for random texts of your affirmations during the day. Do you have a computer calendar? Enter your affirmations on future days. You'll sort of forget what you wrote where, so you will have new affirmations daily throughout the month.
· Get a notebook of some kind, and when you realize that one of your affirmations has come true for you, take it and put it in the notebook. Date it, and write a short description of what has become true for you in this way. When you review it later, you will be surprised by your feeling of satisfaction.
Using your personal sense of direction and your creative spirit, you can make affirmations that help you grow in steps toward that happier, lighter, more exciting life that awaits you.
I write about hypnosis practice itself and about those experiences that are felt and interpreted by the deepest aspects of ourselves. As a hypnotherapist and author for 15+ years, I explore how we incorporate information from our subconscious mind into our daily lives.
Please visit my website/blog to order my book, "20-20 Insight, Advanced Theory and Practice of Hypnosis:" (click on "hypnosis")
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