Abundance Affirmations And The Law of Attraction

More than likely you already use abundance affirmations every day. Most of us do this, however, from a negative perspective. In fact, it is hard NOT to succumb to the negative habit of emotional reaction. This is true especially when the majority of us have been raised and conditioned into this mindset!

Our minds are constantly working and when it comes to wealth, we all typically have strong emotions tied to this desire. Whether we simply want more money or we are enduring the burden of debt, there is usually a pretty defined emotion associated with our finances. Now as easy as it is to recognize productive feelings from destructive ones, so to do these same emotions define the limits of your financial future!

Whatever thoughts and beliefs you hold within your mind manifest into your life. You cannot hide from them. Any hidden thought and feeling returns to you and is felt again as a manifestation of what you asked for in this way. If you hate rich people out of jealousy and feel only bitter disappointment and anger when you think of money, guess what? You are only attracting MORE things into your life that will make you feel this way. Accept this and understand the gravity of the principle at work here. The law of attraction gives you in return exactly what you give out. The abundance affirmations that work for you are the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you uphold and live by. Good or bad, what you give credence to within your mind is what will come into your life.

There is no force that will give to you the opposite of what you ask, no matter how hard you may try. If you hurt yourself by feeling horrible about money and repeat thoughts which intensify your negative emotions. And you do this in order to feel so bad that surely "something" good must happen, you will fail. You have only succeeded in creating a powerful, destructive, attracting force of equal negativity back into your life. What you give you receive. Childish emotional "fits" in the manner above are common, sadly enough. And if more people realized that their thoughts worked both ways I think there would be no shortage of truly happy people. You can either choose to use your mind for your benefit or allow it to drift into poor negative habits. Either way, you get what you ask for, which is always what you give first!

You have to be willing to accept responsibility for the power of your thoughts and emotions. You have to choose to think and feel what you want rather than don't want. You have to control your emotions and guard them with faith if you want to direct the law of attraction to manifest money. Then you will naturally begin to find and use the most powerful abundance affirmations available to you. For in reality, whatever thought-phrases you can come up with that you believe will elicit a powerful feeling of positivity within you. And the magic of this positive influence will work wonders throughout your life, including your bank account. If you can make yourself believe abundance affirmations such as "Money seems to come to me effortlessly and constantly!" All while producing within yourself the corresponding feelings of excitement, joy, and gratitude then it will work for you! If you think to yourself "I have so much money now that I can do whatever I want!" And you hold onto that feeling of freedom throughout your day, then you have empowered yourself by demanding it of the universe. The best abundance affirmations are quite simply whatever thoughts produce for you the most powerful positive feelings. Find them, save them, and use them as often as you can!

Ask yourself what you want most and start producing the feelings you want from them now. It is not "things" we desire in reality but the "feelings" associated with them. Recognize this and understand the power you hold. You have control over your thoughts and thereby your feelings as well. You are the director of your life. By choosing to feel ONLY the feelings you want to feel, as though you already have them, you attract your every desire into your life. This is the law of attraction and how you manifest money, health, and love into your reality. Your new-found personal abundance affirmations act the same as the systemic negative thoughts you have convinced your sub-conscious to believe in the past. Now it is up to you to replace those thoughts and beliefs with the positive ones that will change your life forever.

Dream of what you want to experience, and find the feelings you have when you own them in your mind as though you already have them now. The thoughts you have in these visualizations are the abundance affirmations which will manifest money, as well as every other thing you can imagine into your life. The opposing option is to continue automatically feeling negative about money out of the response habit of failure. Choose instead to have faith in the fact that feeling good about money will attract more reasons to feel good about money! What have you got to lose really? How far has feeling depressed about finances ever gotten anyone?

Make the decision now to change the way you feel, rather than wait for someone or something to "happen" which will make you feel how you want to. This is because ALL change must first begin from WITHIN if it is ever to manifest into reality. And it is from within this grateful mindset that we discover the most powerful of all abundance affirmations. Which happen to be the same two words we teach our children from the moment they learn to speak. THANK YOU!

The law of attraction is yours to command! Click the link below and learn all there is to know about the limitless power within you, and how to attract whatever you want most in life!

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