Let me share an experience with you that I think highlights how affirmations can be used both effectively and ineffectively to assist in taking action.
I visited a forum recently on a website. In it a thread was posted by a concerned user in which he stated that he was unsure about the affirmation of saying he had $10000 in his account when he clearly had no money at all in his account. He wasn't taking any action because he'd been told he just had to believe and keep saying the affirmation over and over and he was doing that, but he wasn't seeing any money show up yet.
He felt like a fraud saying it over and over again, knowing in the back of his mind that it wasn't true.
So, what to do?
Do affirmations have to be contrary to the truth? No.
Can affirmations be used by people who do not like this "feeling of being a fraud?" My answer is yes. And here is how...
Let us imagine the world of possibilities
Take your perception of making money. You can have two types of thoughts around making money, ones which encourage you to make an effort and ones which make you not even try.
The point is to follow the simple process of:
1) Identify which thoughts empower you to make an effort
2) Identify which thoughts don't
Imagine if you were to repeat the thoughts that do not empower you over and over again? Where would that lead? Now imagine accessing the thoughts that empower you over and over again? Where would that lead?
OK, but can we make it more powerful? Super charged? YES!
Let's start with an affirmation like this:
"There are millions of ways to make more money available to me, every day!"
Or this one "I am a very capable of achieving my goals!"
Now as you say the affirmation, remember past things you have done - the images, the memories as you have done things successfully in the past. The more you do this the more you reinforce the truth, the reality that this is true by linking the empowering affirmation with the image or memory.
How does this make you feel? Does it make you feel confident? Excited? Powerful?
If so then do this any time you are putting off taking action. See if it can super charge you and propel you forward with a spring in your step. Feeling empowered is just one of the keys to taking great action.
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