People have the tendency to plan for the future and go down the memory lane, searching for the past. Very few of us really absorb the present, while taking in the paradise of today. The only physical time we can live in is the present, for the future is not tangible and the past is a matter of the heart.
So, why is our mind constantly wondering, searching, digging for answers and jumping on déjà-vu moments? Why can we just stand still and inhale the landscape's fragrance, the one that just unfolds its beauty under our eyes the way a rose peels its petals? Why is it so hard to do nothing and seize the fresh second?
This unique moment is the one that will never come back. Similar experiences will remind us of it, but the truth is that it is gone while we speak. We are in a race against time the moment we are born, and each and every moment eludes from the hourglass in matter of blinks. There are swift and precious instants we don't care for, but they are the ones piling up to add another year to our life's calendar.
Same places, same people, maybe same experiences, but for sure, different moments! The more I think about my life, the more Marcel Proust comes to mind, 'searching for the lost time.' With the help of a Madeleine's smell, I recreate the scene of a crisp Transylvanian morning when my Mom was baking vanilla scones to complement my hot, steamy milk and cocoa. The Sequoia tree and its imposing stature stand still for my recollection of another year spent in the same place with my family. How much I wish to have them back! How much I desire to be transported to 2006, in a time bubble!
Time is our enemy, and we don't even face it. We hide our faces from it, we cover our traces, and we disguise our persona. We cannot control it, for we don't live each and every second to its ultimate intensity. Split seconds grow wings and fly away. Time is just an illusion created by people to keep track of their dos and don'ts. Whenever to tomorrow is coming, it is actually today!
So, yes, it is important to carpe diem, but more important is to seize the moment! Live in the NOW, for it is the only time for things to happen.
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