How To Use Affirmations To Get What You Want In Life

What do you want in life? Or let me simplify the question a bit -- what do you want to happen in your career? What do you wish for your family? What is it that you want for your health? Whatever your answers are, let me teach you a way to help you achieve those dreams more easily -- tools I call "affirmations."

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are words, spoken and thought, that declare what you want for yourself. Affirming your goals -- declaring that they have already been achieved -- instantly gives you a clear picture of what you truly want in your life.

Let's take your career, for instance. Let's say you want to be a successful entrepreneur. A good affirmation would be, "I am a successful entrepreneur." Or if you want to have a solid family, a good affirmation would be: "I have a great family."

Affirmations instantly blow away any fear, uncertainty, or anxiety about your current problems, and gives you the courage and confidence to work towards that goal, whatever that goal may be!

Why Affirmations Work

The idea of "affirming" things that haven't happened yet may sound silly to some. I thought it was silly too, the first time I learned about it. But later on, I realized that they DID work. Affirmations don't "fool" you into believing something that hasn't happened yet -- it OPENS you to the possibility of it happening very soon!

Many of us trudge towards our goals every single day. But every single day, we also have "blocks" slowing us down and making the road to our goals harder and more discouraging.

For instance, some of us want to be millionaires, but deep inside, we don't want to be like those snobby millionaires we see on TV.

Or we'd like to have a good family, but deep inside, we don't think it's possible. Deep inside, we may think certain family members have issues that prevent the dream from happening.

These "blocks" are what's keeping us from achieving our dreams. It's like driving a car with your foot on the gas, but the hand-brake's still engaged. You exert a lot of effort, but you won't go far.

Try These Affirmations

If it's hard for you to accept affirmations as a goal-achieving tool, then try this instead: Instead of declaring your dreams fulfilled, ASK yourself WHY they're fulfilled. For instance, instead of declaring, "I'm a successful entrepreneur," ask yourself: "Why am I a successful entrepreneur?"

Instantly, your brain will find reasons why you're successful. You'll uncover skills, business opportunities, contacts, and more. Instantly, you've blown away your fears and uncertainty, and the road to being a successful entrepreneur lies clear before you!

Affirm And Act

Affirmations are a great tool, but remember that every affirmation requires good, solid action. Start your day by viewing your dream board, reciting your goal list, or lifting your dreams up in prayer. And then spend the rest of the day moving towards what you want for yourself.

Kevin J Donaldson is the Founder and CEO at Real Wealth Solutions, Inc, a consultancy firm specializing in wealth building. Affirmations is one of the skills he teach his readers, friends and coaching clients. For more simple, powerful ways to turn your dreams to reality visit his blog! For over a decade, Kevin J Donaldson has been helping people just like you, improve the quality of their life!

Original article

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