Start the New Year Well With Positive Resolutions

New Year is a time for examining our lives, for vowing to improve and then usually deciding what we need to give up. Let's look instead at ways to improve ourselves by using positive resolutions.

Why not decide to start to:
- be more open and honest about your feelings. Instead of trying to please others, let them take responsibility for their own choices. By communicating more honestly you'll build a better relationship both with yourself and with others.

- be more positive about your job. Work provides more than income in our lives: a reason to get up each day and look smart, social contact, challenge and satisfaction are some of the important benefits of being employed. Decide to relish the work opportunities that come along and try to do your best every day.

- commit to having positive people in your life. Friends often stay in our lives out of habit; over time you may come to realise that you do not even like them very much. Positive people bring with them fun, interesting conversation, energy and enthusiasm for life. Clear away negative, unsupportive people. Decide instead to spend time with positive, fulfilling friends.

- make time for those special people. Sometimes our priorities need re-assessing. Many people find that months can go by without them seeing their friends. Life can get in the way, but spending time with friends matters. If times are tough, people are short of time or money why not plan a dinner where each person prepares a course. One person provides the house and setting, the effort and expense are shared by all and you have a pleasant evening together.

- ensure that you do things you enjoy within your relationship. Compromise is an important part of sharing your life, but it's important that your interests are also accommodated at times. Make a commitment to schedule activities that give you pleasure on a regular basis. That way you get to know each other better, respect each other's interests and bring variety into the relationship.

- enjoy the things in life that are free. Start to notice the valuable experiences that cost nothing or very little in terms of expense. Walking on a beach or in the countryside, visiting art galleries, browsing in a book store, having friends round for coffee are all inexpensive ways of enjoying life. Some theatres host free lunchtime concerts. Find out what's on in your home town.

- allow yourself some personal time. Many people are busy keeping their boss/family/friends happy. Other people's priorities can often take precedence over our own. Schedule time for yourself on a regular basis. Appreciate that if you'd booked to see an important client you would be sure to keep that appointment. You're equally important.

Treat yourself with kindness and you'll find that the other areas of your life improve as a consequence. When you feel refreshed, recharged and happy everyone benefits. Positive resolutions support you looking after yourself. The results speak for themselves.

Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief, with couples in crisis to improve communications and understanding and with business clients to support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams.

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