The Process of Empowerment

I am whom I've become, not who or what I used to be". That statement best describes just who you are. The value of your life is engrained in the journey that has gotten you to where you are now. The past is history, recorded in time. If you look carefully, your past will allow you to gain insight of your strengths and weaknesses. You will develop a clear understanding of what works for you what holds you back. There is an Akan word, "Sankofa". It means to reach back in your life and gather the great things about you and bring them to your present. Make good, of what is good in you and you keep momentum in your favor. Understand that your life is a journey, and you are captain of that journey. What you do, and how you do it will be the factors that determine your faith. Understand that greatness is developed by habitually and constantly doing good, righteous things, over and over. Greatness becomes a habit.

Once you truly realize the process, you gain the ability to impact the events of cause and effect that define, exactly who you are, how you got where you are and how you are going to get where you want to go. Life offers no quick solution that will instantaneously turn your life around. What you are and where you are, was determined by your past actions and experiences, good and bad. The key to this process is drive. There has never been an occasion were something was accomplished by doing nothing. You got to want it. It's possible to be fueled by outside forces but that effect is temporary. In order to reach your goals or have some successes, it has to come from within. Internalize what you want to make of your life, the process will help to sharpen your aim and keep you focused. I don't want to give the impression that this can be overnight, but in all actuality it can. Doing these things habitually and consistently, determines that. It's a matter of where is your starting point.

Do you have the drive to implement the process now, or do you feel you need to think about this more? Both decisions still offer you momentum in the right direction. This journey is a simple one, if you want it. There will always be obstacles, please count on that. Taking advantage of what's inside you, not only benefits you but it benefits all of us. It critical that we understand, that in order to truly understand who we are and what are we made, of we need to understand our past. Reach back grasp on to makes you unique and special. When we allow the greatness of our past to intertwine with our present, success will surely be in our future.

LaMont Campbell born St. Louis, MO has sought to mentor and motivate the underserved communities throughout the St.Louis metropolitan area for the last 5 years. Founder of Stl Empowerment Group Inc, formed to assist the disempowered by offering assistance from building empowerment through linking with Social Services organization that serves the particular needs of individuals and groups.

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