Affirmations when used correctly can be very powerful tools to transform your thinking and reprogram your subconscious mind. However, if you're only repeating affirmations and you don't own them you'll find them to be ineffective in bringing you the results you desire.
Affirmations need to come alive with the spirit of your belief otherwise they'll be just words without the power of you behind them. In order for your words to become 'flesh', become tangible in your life, you must become one with them, own them.
So let's look at 3 mental tips you can put to use right away to own your affirmation and gain the transformative results you desire.
1) See yourself experiencing your affirmation
As you repeat your affirmation, you must see yourself doing the act or experiencing what it is you desire to manifest in your life. You must become one with your affirmation. Let your imaginative skills come alive in all its vivid colours and sounds that will make this experience feel very real to you. Create the mental images you desire that let that image communicate to the rest of your body and stimulate you into action while attracting the resources needed to help you on your journey.
2) Become emotionally connected
Feel the feelings of experiencing your desire. How does it feel to have the relationship you want? How does it feel to be more confident, to believe in yourself? How does it feel to break free of low self-esteem and see the value in you?
Feel the emotions of that feeling because that will help you connect on a deeper level with what you desire and also attract to you more of the experience you want to have or the conditions you desire. The energy of your emotions fuels your desire and connects you to it.
Your emotional connection to your affirmation helps you repeat them. Without this connection you'll may find it becoming a chore to remember saying them and then lose interest.
3) Express gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful tool when combined with your affirmation. Because as you are being thankful for what you desire to experience, to manifest, you're seeing it as already yours. You are being thankful for something that you already see yourself in possession of and that mindset sets the belief that will cause the universal power to act on your behalf to create the mirrored image of your desire in tangible form.
Changing your life may seem like an overwhelming frustrating process. But it doesn't have to be if you're given simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be and experience a transformed life.
Now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to Using Affirmations, Visualization and Vision Boards To Overcome Inferiority Complex And Create The Life You Desire from the e-book Overcome Inferiority Complex, 5+ Steps to Overcome Inferiority Complex and Build Self-Confidence when you visit
From: Alicia Isaacs - Changing Inside Out Now!
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