Why Affirmations Aren't Working: Brainwave Entrainment Will Put You In The Right Frame Of Mind

Are you in the right "frame" of mind?

You are standing, alone, looking at yourself, naked, in a full length mirror, saying, for the hundredth time this week,

"I am at my perfect weight. I only eat foods that are healthy for my body",

and the 35 lb spare tire draped around your middle, like icing spilling over the edge on one of those designer cup cakes, yells back


You've been saying affirmations like this for weeks, over and over, and nothing is happening.

You're not any thinner. In fact, if anything is happening at all, it's that you're getting heavier.

What's happening? Why aren't the affirmations working?

They're not working because you are saying them to the wrong part of your mind.

You basically have three minds; the conscious or thinking mind, the subconscious or memory mind, and the super-conscious or universal mind and collective consciousness. Saying affirmations to your conscious, thinking mind won't get you very far. You can't "think" your self "different" in your critical mind.

You have a vault, deep inside your subconscious mind, where your "protector" lives. It's main job is to keep you alive, keep that heart beating, lungs breathing, and then, it interprets information that you send it via your thoughts.

Before the age of six, you spend a lot of time in the alpha and theta brainwaves, slow frequencies that absorb and store information from your life experience. Your "protector" records every event, and how you experience it. It takes careful notes on how "Uncle John" makes you feel when he tells you to "get out of the way", and it stores volumes of data on when the neighbors' kid takes away your only ball, and your Mom doesn't make him give it back. Your favourite ice cream goes into the "hall of records", as does your thoughts on God, the boogey man, and what goes well with peanut butter, and oh yeah, that Daddy likes to give hugs, but isn't home very much.

By the time you reach the age of six, everything in that vault is put on hard drive. This is your blueprint and the heart of your core beliefs. Your "protector" matches the information you send it from your conscious mind and experience, and throws out anything that doesn't match what you have already put in there. It doesn't judge or criticize--it just accepts or denies the information sent to it from your conscious mind. There is a communication gap between the thinking mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind sends the information but the subconscious mind will ignore it if it doesn't follow the blueprint.

You operate on the beliefs of a child.

Yes, it takes in more information as you grow and still does, transcribing every second of your life, and it can change the blueprint, but not easily, and only under the right circumstances.

As you become an adult, you spend a lot of time, in fact, most of the time, in the beta frequency, which is faster than alpha and theta, and is the thinking part of you. In beta, you learn to rationalize, compare, judge, and criticize--and unfortunately, most of the time, you direct all of that at yourself.

If any of those judgements, and the feelings attached to them, matches the experiences recorded in the subconscious, your core beliefs are strengthened. If you perceive that you weren't worthy sometime in your childhood, for example, any information gathered that resonates with this thought will be brought into the subconscious as further evidence to the fact that you aren't worthy. Your actual physical neural pathways will grow larger, with the added information, in that area of the brain where the memory is stored.

Your subconscious, your "protector", receives your thoughts and feelings, and reinforces the thoughts of your six year old self.

You may end up with addictions you just can't seem to overcome, habits that are nasty, relationships that feel awful, or you may live in lack because you can't seem to get ahead. These are all symptoms of the blocks that the subconscious will send to your adult life if you don't go in and meet the it face to face and change its programming.

So how can you get an affirmation to work and change your faulty programming?

Well, if you want to do it quickly and efficiently, you use brainwave entrainment, the scientific technology of introducing an outside sound stimulus to the brain with the intent of having the mind duplicate that pattern presented, to achieve a certain effect. It's easy to use and produces results much faster than if you tried to achieve it on your own with meditation, which can take years to perfect.

When brainwave patterns change, it has been documented that there is also a change in chemical reactions within the body which can have a profound effect on the entire structure, mentally, emotionally, and physically. You can see the changes on a brain scan.

The beneficial effects of brainwave entrainment are immediately apparent.

Change happens in the alpha and theta frequencies, the gateways to the subconscious. In order for an affirmation to work, it must be presented in those brainwaves.

Brainwave entrainment can put you in the right "frame" of mind.

Brainwave entrainment technology allows you to access the subconscious--the subliminal parts just below the conscious threshold. This is the time to introduce your affirmations and make new core beliefs.

The "protector" will hear, and most importantly, absorb the new information, and with your intent and repetition, will soon make new neural networks (new blood vessels and cells) for that new information. The old information, from lack of use, will eventually recede and the synapses will erode leaving lots of room for the new programming.
For affirmations to work
Decide what it is you want to change on the conscious, beta level.
Use a brainwave entrainment session that targets the alpha/theta level. After about 6 minutes, your brain will be entraining and this is where you introduce your affirmations. Keep them simple and in the present sense. Alpha wave will take them to the theta wave at the doorway to the subconscious, where the new information will be stored.
Sleep well, that night, as your new beliefs are processed and enforced in the delta wave, a mysterious frequency that you are in when you are being formed in the womb, and where your mind will go as your body is preparing to die.

Affirmations do work at changing your core beliefs.

You just have to be in the right "frame" of mind and brainwave entrainment will help you do that, easily and quickly.

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Waverider Emporium

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Gain Confidence and Make Relationships With Nightly Affirmations

Nightly affirmations are a wonderful way of getting better in life. They can greatly improve your relationships and friendships by giving you the confidence you need in your life. People respond very positively when they see confidence in someone. It shows in how you walk, how you talk, and what you say. Unfortunately, most people aren't as confident as they'd like to be.

Luckily, with nightly affirmations, it is possible to gain that confidence. It is important to put nightly affirmations to good use, since your positive thoughts during the day run into the barrier of the conscious mind. Although you look to be optimistic about everything you do, your conscious mind keeps finding some impediments on its way. Eventually, you end up short of where you wanted to land in the first place. However, when using nightly affirmations, the conscious mind is dormant so it doesn't cause problems. All you need to make your life what you want it to be is a little help from modern technology to ensure you can attain your desires.

Talking about technology, an affirmation recording device works by allowing you to record all of your affirmations and then plays them back to you in your sleep as nightly affirmations. It does this in order to access your subconscious mind. As said before, the affirmations you go over during the day can be blocked by the conscious mind's negativity. When you are really depressed, your conscious mind is thoroughly convinced that you deserve not having the kinds of friendships and love interests that you want. However, when your positive thoughts are played directly into your subconscious mind, they can take right shape without any mental blockade. More importantly, when you are able to send your affirmations for self-esteem straight into your subconscious, your conscious mind will accept it too.

As you would know, keeping a high level of self-confidence is the first step to improving your success with interacting with other people. When you project your confidence and convince yourself that you really are a person that other people like interacting with, then you'll truly become one. This confidence in turn helps your nightly affirmations take root and grow until they become true. By replaying your affirmations while you are sleeping, you will gain more confidence necessary to start conversations. When you feel on top of your confidence, you would start making more friends and more relationships. Maybe you can ask your crush out finally.

Finally, the key to making your affirmations successful is saying them as if they were true until they actually are. If you are willing to put in the time and commitment, then you can succeed in making meaningful relationships.

Lisa Phillips, NLP personal life coach, is the proud author of the Amazing Coaching DIY Guide. She is a personal life trainer who will help you live with better health, more money, and a better day-to-day mood! Visit http://amazingcoaching.com.au/diy-ebook.html to find out more.

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A Call to Women: Choose Self Love

As women, we are taught to spend our lives worshiping and paying attention to the external world, concentrating more on physical aspects and appearances, always focusing on what's on the outside. By doing this, we are trying to win the approval of men, thus losing our identity and becoming dependent on men. When our lives depend on men, we stop doing what works for us, what brings us satisfaction and we are very unhappy.

When we do not develop our inner identity, when we don't feel good about ourselves, we turn into erotic objects. We see the man as prey we must attract and, with that purpose in mind, waste time and the powerful and valuable energy that we could be investing in getting to know ourselves.

Women are endowed with the power of creation. We are able to give life and overcome enormous obstacles to do so. This powerful inner strength we possess and use to give birth is precisely what we can use to create and develop ourselves as individuals.

When we begin thinking on our own terms, seeking the answers within and stop depending on the opinion of others, we find the power and wisdom inherent to our gender.

Many times our emotional connection with our surroundings does not allow us to see the whole picture, and we perceive events as problems instead of realizing that they truly are opportunities to grow and develop.

In order to face the challenges that inevitably come our way in life, we must stop concentrating on the outside and instead develop our great inner strength using more unique, creative and personal criteria.

Our true strength resides in our ability to love and accept ourselves just as we are. Inside ourselves, we can find the answers we seek and the solutions to all our problems. We can find our true happiness.

To reach our maximum potential, it is important to wake up and free ourselves from the limiting social mandate indicating that it is our duty to multiply the species and sacrifice our own wellbeing to properly care for our children.

We have been repeating this false belief for so long that it now rings true. The time has now come to realize that sacrifice does not work because, when we do things for others and we are unhappy, others aren't happy either.

In fact, a woman who cannot sincerely love and care for herself cannot truly love and care for others because she is empty and has nothing to give. We can only give unconditionally, with true love, when we are full. When women are okay, everybody is okay.

We cannot continue to focus on keeping up appearances in order to catch a man and have children. Limiting our existence to these purposes turns us into slaves and makes us very unhappy. We can be as queens, but we must choose to be dependent. We can't blame anybody else for our unhappiness: we have decided to believe that this is our role in society and that we "need" to capture a man and have children in order to have a place in the world.

In truth, appearances are fleeting and temporary. They do not satisfy the soul. By placing so much importance on appearances, we live in the shadow of the world outside of us, limited and bitter. Our beauty might be striking but, unless we are strong and beautiful on the inside, we will never be happy and satisfied. By seeking our true value in the wrong place, we become unable to fulfill our true purpose in this life.

Once and for all, we must realize the damage we are inflicting, not only on ourselves but also on our children and the world. When we go along and maintain a passive attitude with social pressures to focus on the physical, it destroys more than it builds.

I am not talking about the women's liberation that leads to strong competition with men, which we mistakenly imposed on ourselves and caused the pain of competition. I am talking about the inner development and appreciation that will help us accept and respect the men in our lives because, as we learn to value ourselves, we will become able to acknowledge the value of men instead of competing with them. There are no competitors on the outside.

We must support each other. In reality, people treat and appreciate us as we treat and appreciate ourselves.

Our role in this time of great change is fundamental. Change can begin with us. Men are here to complement and support us. It is useless to continue seeing them as enemies or putting them on a pedestal. We are both just as valuable, each with specific talents, qualities, and challenges.

The world will change when we change, because happy women raise happy children, and happy children can create a better world.

It all depends on us!

If you want to find more INNER PEACE, get your FREE Peace Screensaver: http://www.peacewithinISworldpeace.com/.

You'll find more about practicing Ho'oponopono to improve your life at http://www.hooponoponoway.com/. Be sure to leave a comment on the blog.

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How Positive Affirmations Will Help You Believe In Yourself

Suffering from depression hurts. Sometimes, all the drugs in the world can't make the ache go away. And yet, there is an easy way to fight depression without drugs or diet changes. Just by thinking positively, you can reduce your depression symptoms. Positive thinking isn't bunk pseudoscience: scientists have found that, by trying to be upbeat, your brain actually feels less depressed. But how to think positively? Easy: repeat a list of positive affirmations of your worth to yourself.

Sometimes it can be hard to find positive things to say about yourself. While it is always a great idea to come up with your own, personal thoughts, you have to be in a mindset capable of producing them. Having a simple mantra that you can repeat to yourself helps a lot in this regard. Read over the following list of positive affirmations. Find ones that speak to you, and repeat them to yourself whenever you are feeling blue.You will be surprised how good they can make you feel. They can get you moving and active again, getting those endorphins flowing.

Learn some of these affirmations. Because you are worth it.

1. I have worth

2. I am worth loving

3. My point of view matters

4. I live an interesting life

5. I am interesting

6. I am rich with blessings

7. I am energetic, even if I don't always seem like it

8. I am smart

9. I am clever

10. I learn quickly

11. I am knowledgeable

12. I am a calm person

13. Comprehension isn't a problem for me

14. My mind is clear and capable of rational thought

15. I have a great job

16. My job is steady and meaningful

17. I am a happy person

18. People love me

19. People care about me

20. People want to be around me

21. Every day, I earn more money and move up a little more in the world

22. My life is getting better every day

23. I am a successful person

24. I am healthy

25. I am beautiful

26. I have healthy relationships

27. Those who criticize me are wrong

28. I am right more often than I am wrong

29. I am a fighter, and won't let worry get the best of me

30. I don't worry

31. I am care-free

32. I can do whatever I want

33. I am free

34. I love my job

35. I have great friends who care for me

36. I believe in myself, and others do to. Even if they don't always say it.

37. I am not alone in this world

38. I make enough money to live

39. I am doing much better than most people in the world

40. I can improve my life

41. I have done difficult things and succeeded

42. I am healthy and choose to live healthily

43. I choose to live a healthy lifestyle, regardless of my past

44. My history doesn't determine my future

45. I can do anything

These are just a few to get you started. You might notice that some are variations of others; that is an important trick, because repetition of an idea makes the idea more effective. While this list should help you, the best results will come from affirmations you write yourself for yourself. You will care about them more, and they will mean more. Try to avoid any negative thoughts when writing them, sticking to things that make you happy and you can believe. Write several different versions of each, and read the list whenever you feel down or think you can't do something. Because you are a valuable person, no matter what your biology wants to make you think.

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Life Quotes: Motivational, Inspirational

Many people have a large repertoire of life quotes at their disposal for use at any appropriate time, and having the right quote at the right time can be very important. While many quotes are not original, a good quote with a good message can stand the test of time and be passed down from generation to generation. Great quotes can be used for a variety of different purposes: to amuse, to inspire, to educate, to inform, or even just to make a person in a bad mood crack a smile and break out of their shell.

Most great quotes are passed down from generation to generation through families and friends. Most of the time, the quotes aren't even passed on intentionally...they simply stick out in a person's mind after hearing them, and down the road, the person finds someone else to pass on this knowledge. Good quotes can be able a variety of different things, and a person who is well versed will have a quote for just about anything.

The most useful kinds of quotes are quotes that are either motivational or informative and can be used in just about any situation. Quotes about life that are motivational hold a very dear place in people's hearts. Sometimes something as simple as a quote that one's heard a million times, delivered by the right person at the right time can be all it takes for a person's mood to do a complete one hundred and eighty degree turn.

In addition, there are many informative quotes out there that a person can remember. From quotes along the lines of biblical, proverbial wisdom, to idioms that we use on a daily basis, quotes can provide a cautionary tale for all people to heed. There is a reason quotes are passed down from generation to generation and it's not because the advice is bad or that the advice shouldn't be taken seriously. Quotes are passed down time and time again because the advice holds true time and time again. In most cases, tidbits of useful wisdom transcend generational and technological gaps, and can help anyone who hears them in any time period.

Life quotes are little gems and everyone should have a few up their sleeve. A person never knows when he or she might have the right, life changing piece of wisdom for a friend, coworker, or colleague. Sometimes knowing what to say can make all the difference in the world.

To learn more about life quotes please visit this link!

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What Is an Assertive Definition to a Woman?

Sometimes women will find themselves in heated debates. Sometimes, views and opinions among people are conflicting with each other. Occasionally, the conversation can lead to more difficult situations. Knowing how to be assertive in a good way will avoid an argument to burst out and can even help one win an argument.

Learn how to be assertive, a woman can experience two things includes: one is the trend towards a positive attitude, and the other is obscene. Assertiveness means having a kind of courage, courage to express your opinions and views to others.

The heart of audacity is the confidence that your opinions really are holy and pure. Have confidence in your beliefs cause you brave enough to disclose or transfer to others what you want to say. And, conversely, you have the courage to stand up and defend your opinions towards people who may feel disagree with you.

To be assertive, a woman should also show a positive attitude. Speak with a positive tone, despite the problem can be from things that are negative. The reason is that a person with a negative attitude having the risk of losing her calmness and maybe say things she may regret later, or are not align with the argument. Be sure to think appropriately about the words you are going to use and not just simply walk out. Rude words are not a sign of assertiveness. It will not help win other person heart and you can be labeled rude.

Assertiveness is definitely not trying to balance between passivity and aggression. It simply means that if you're in an argument, you are not forced to compromise on your values or beliefs. This means that you are staying there undisturbed. It is transmitted through every thought and every word with grace and elegance to express the fact that you are in the right path. No need for you to feel belittled or insulted, but because you have the confidence that truth is on your side, the grace, elegance are not big issues to you.

Always think of your credibility other people may judge. The ability to back up the things you want to say. If possible, find in advance possible counter argument could come and be prepared to answer them. Looking from the perspective of others. Step into their shoes and try to understand why they are taking side at current position they are now. This finding will let you see the flaws in others, or, perhaps, create your own perception of what reality dictates.

Learn to be an assertive woman is the ability of educating self to uphold the truth. The truth that you can trust. Assertiveness is certainly nothing to do with changing how your opponent think, but to ensure that your views, beliefs and feelings are heard.

Discover practical tips and techniques in assertiveness training you can implement yourself to move from being passive and a people-pleaser to confident and assertive. Vist my website at http://assertivenesstraining.wordpress.com/

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Using Affirmations to Increase Energy

It is often said that what you believe is what you become. In many ways this is true. All one has to do is consider how the things a person says to oneself over and over again can influence their psyche. For example, people can speak positively towards themselves and others which generates positive energy. They attract positivity into their life because they exude positivity. Likewise, this is also related to what one believes about oneself. Individuals that are going through a difficult period in their lives may need to adjust their thinking and personal beliefs in order to increase their self-image and their positive energy. One of the best ways to do this is to use affirmations to increase energy in a positive manner. The use of affirmations in order to change perception and to increase positive energy is achievable through numerous methods.

Positive daily affirmations can be found literally anywhere. They can come in the form of quotes or they could simply be positive thoughts that a person has of themselves in order to change their thought patterns which ultimately changes their behavior. In order to gain obvious changes in one's psyche through the use of affirmations, people must understand the concept behind an affirmation. An affirmation is often considered a declaration. The declaration is something personal to the individual, and is oftentimes used to change perception and promote positive thinking and actions. For this reason, many people utilize these affirmations as a means of beginning or continuing positive thoughts and actions.

Because there is a significant amount of power behind declaring something to be true for oneself, these affirmations can be quite life-changing when utilized on a daily basis. This is one reason why positive daily affirmations are so very popular. These affirmations can be found on calendars, date books and even in journals. They are readily available for those who are seeking to increase their positive energy by reading quotes and/or words that will push them into a direction of self actualizing in a positive manner. Essentially, the whole purpose of affirmations is to propel people to analyze themselves so that they can take the necessary steps to improve their condition so that they can walk forward in positivity and self-assurance each day.

One of the most effective ways to use affirmations daily is to write down personal declarations on index cards and place them in strategic locations. It is very important to remember that these declarations are things that an individual desires to have for oneself. Thus, these declarations should come from a place of self-knowing and should not be influenced by outside opinions or views. Most people like to write their declarations on index cards or brightly colored Post-it notes and then repeat the affirmations to themselves over and over again. In many ways, this is a means of self-conditioning as a person continues to repeat these words over and over they begin to believe what they are reading. Thus, those individuals that tell themselves they are positive people exuding positive energy will eventually begin to act in accordance to what they are affirming each day.

Overall, one of the best ways for people to increase their perception and energy in a positive manner is through affirmations.

Learn more about affirmations daily.

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Life Quotes - Evoking Inspiration

Everyone needs some inspiration from time to time. Whether a person is struggling with issues, or simply needs a little encouragement to deal with a home or work situation, sometimes they need a little push in the right direction. How can someone be there to encourage them when they need it most? One great way to give them a little pep talk.

Many times, people aren't prepared to give those pep talks that we have to give from time to time. When this happens, it is a good idea to have something prepared to present to the person. Often times, having specific life quotes up one's sleeve can be all a person needs. Not everyone has the ability to be completely original, but the beautiful thing about life quotes is that the people who said those quotes are often in situations that are much worse.

Some of the most influential people in the world became the heroes that they are due to trials and tribulations they faced. In times of adversity, they often gave great speeches or ended up making comments and being quoted with some of the most memorable life quotes we have on record. Everybody, no matter how popular or famous they get, will eventually go through some tough times. How they deal with those situations is what makes those certain people rise above their circumstances.

Knowing this, how can one not be inspired even when situations seem to be almost impossible? When a person is on the edge, often times all he or she will need is a little encouragement. This is where the pep talk, as well as knowing a good life quote could turn out to be useful. Even when a person cannot possibly think of the words they need to say, there is something that person should know. Somewhere, sometime, a person has went through that situation and they've already said what needs to be said. All that needs to be done now is a bit of memorization for the sake of inspiration.

Having the right quote at the right time is truly a gift, and people who have the ability to inspire others are a blessing in these trying modern times. Being able to deliver the right quote at the right time can make a person a game changer. Honestly, at some point in a person's life, that quote may just be the inspiration they have needed to change the world.

To learn more about life quotes please visit this link!

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Positive Daily Affirmations Made Easy

I hate my job. I'm so unhappy. No one loves me.

Does any of the above sound familiar to you? Don't be surprised if you've thought one or all of those statements at one time or another. In today's society we are programmed to focus on the things we are unhappy with and the things that we wish would change. Unfortunately, this mindset leads to negative thinking, and these kinds of thoughts can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Many people are starting to realize that to change their lives they first need to change their thoughts; this is where positive daily affirmations come in.

Everything we think, everything we say, is an affirmation. Whether conscious or not, we are continually analyzing our existence. The way we think about ourselves and our lives shapes the way that we respond and react to the environment around us. If we tell ourselves we hate our job we'll spend so much time focusing on that, we will fail to notice things such as we have friends we work with, the great employee care our company offers and career advancement opportunities. Conversely, if we were to tell ourselves we loved our job we would smile more at work, be more productive and excited about our work and network and make more connections that could lead to a coveted promotion.

Positive affirmations work by the power of thought, and the power of thought plays a large influence on our lives. Many of the extremely successful people today operate with daily affirmations, and you can too. You are the only limit to your dreams; only you can create the reality you want.

Daily affirmations are available in many places (online, in books), but the more personal they are, the more effective they will be. This is why we encourage you to write your own. It's easier than you might think. First, grab a paper and a pen. Write down what you are unhappy with, or what you would like to change in your life. Then, write in present tense what would make you happy. This might look something like, "I hate being broke," and then, "I am financially secure and happy." If you have trouble with this, start simple and short. You can always edit your statement later on to be more specific. "I am happy," is a fine beginning.

Now that you have your affirmation, you need to use it. You'll want to make positive thinking a part of your daily routine. Try to do this first thing in the morning, and then throughout the day if you find your negative thoughts are creeping back in. Look at yourself in the mirror. Be convincing, be enthusiastic, and make yourself believe what you are saying. Keep a paper with your positive statements on it with you at all times. Take it out and read it to yourself if you need to. Don't feel silly. Remember that you have the power to change your life, and positive daily affirmations can be the first step in a great journey.

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Improving Relationships and Friendships With Nightly Affirmations

Some people build romantic relationships easily, while others struggle. If you identify more with the latter, don't despair. You can improve relationships with the people in your life and resolve personal and professional conflicts using positive thought affirmations. Positive thought affirmations involve repeating statements that describe your goals, for example, "I always listen to my daughter's point of view." The goal is to reprogram behavior and attract positivity. To put it briefly, it is a radical treatment to condition your mind to think of something that you want to do.

Most people repeat their positive thought affirmations in front of a mirror, but daily affirmations don't reach your mind's most suggestible state. Nightly affirmations, however, let your unconscious mind receive positive thought affirmations as you sleep. Of course, this begs the question: how will you repeat the positive thought affirmations if you are asleep? Fortunately, inventor and life-long practitioner of positive thought affirmations, Vern Hall, has answered this question with his affirmation recording product - Awake2000 Mindmaster.

Affirmation recording devices like the one mentioned above makes instills affirmative thoughts by playing your recorded nightly affirmations as you sleep. For example, if you and your spouse are constantly arguing, word your nightly affirmations to address the behavior that contributes to this problem or to create behavior that can solve it. Awake2000 Mindmaster will then play these nightly affirmations according to a specified schedule as you sleep. The nightly affirmations are suggested to your unconscious mind as your brain goes through the sleep cycles.

Such affirmation devices work because your mind never sleeps, unlike your body. In fact, in an unconscious state, your mind is far more open to subliminal self-hypnosis since emotions, thoughts and other conditioned thought do not interfere with the process. Soon, you will notice that your attitude and behavior is being shaped by the nightly affirmations played by these devices.

To use affirmation recording devices for optimum effect, pay close attention to the wording used in your affirmation statements. Hall advises against using negative sentences, for example, "I do not blame my husband when things go wrong." Instead, word the positive thought affirmations positively, for example "I try to find a solution to problems when they arise." As the affirmation statement in the Awake2000 Mindmaster can be re-recorded, you can continue to change and adapt your nightly affirmations until you reach your desired goal in your relationships with loved ones and friends. Better still, nightly affirmations with products like Awake2000 Mindmaster can be used to re-shape any and every area of your life.

Lisa Phillips, NLP personal life coach, is the proud author of the Amazing Coaching DIY Guide. She is a personal life trainer who will help you live with better health, more money, and a better day-to-day mood! Visit http://amazingcoaching.com.au/diy-ebook.html to find out more.

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It's Possible to Beat Stress With Nightly Affirmations

Using nightly affirmations can reduce your stress by avoiding the negative walls put in place by the conscious mind. By practicing it, you could clear out the state of muddle that you are caught in between. Psychological experts are not convinced with using only positive daily affirmations, seeing that the conscious mind blocks your attempts with negativity every time you say the things you are trying to program into your mind. Since your conscious mind does not believe your words, your subconscious mind won't either, which means you won't truly accept what you are saying. That is why nightly affirmations are so useful. A recording device that is loaded with select nightly affirmation phrases delivers your positive phrases directly to your subconscious mind in your sleep, and, without the resistance of the conscious mind, the affirmations take hold to impact your life.

Dealing with high levels of stress can greatly decrease your quality of life. As you would know, stress can have multiple negative effects on your life, both physically and mentally. One of the primary things it does to you is cause depression. It's needless to talk about the state of trauma that your mind would set in to. Therefore, to counter this threat, it is important to use the recording device to use your positive daily affirmations as nightly affirmations if you're suffering from depression. Another possible physical consequence of chronic stress is weight gain. It is almost impossible to lose weight when you don't have a positive opinion of your chances. You need to use both positive daily affirmations and nightly affirmations to help you lose the weight stress can add. Another serious result of stress is an increase in the chance of heart disease or stroke. If you have any risk factors, you especially need to maintain a positive outlook on life.

A nightly affirmation device takes full advantage of the benefits of nightly affirmation, which is when your affirmations are piped directly into your subconscious mind while you're sleeping. The reason this generates better results than daily affirmations is that, if you are someone that needs help, your conscious mind already doesn't believe what you're saying. Because of this, every time you say your positive daily affirmations, your conscious mind says it isn't true.

What are you waiting for? Record nightly affirmations and then replay them with different playback schedules so that you can reprogram your subconscious mind, which convinces your conscious mind that what you say is true. You can record a simple phrase for instance "my mind is relaxed and I am not stressed", and play it back while you sleep. Believe it or not, you will wake up with a fresh mind like never before. Certainly, you will feel optimistic for having won over the harmful clutches of stress.

Lisa Phillips, NLP personal life coach, is the proud author of the Amazing Coaching DIY Guide. She is a personal life trainer who will help you live with better health, more money, and a better day-to-day mood! Visit http://amazingcoaching.com.au/diy-ebook.html to find out more.

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Releasing Stress Factors Using Nightly Affirmations

You work hard and play hard, but do you rest with the same intensity? Or are you plagued by stress? Being stressed negates the life you work so hard to create and can seriously affect your health. It is also completely unnecessary. Do not worry. It is not end of the world, yet. Ingenious products, which record and playback affirmations, release stress factors by using the power of your subconscious mind and nightly affirmations. These products can help improve the quality of your life using positive thought affirmations to shape your behavior as you sleep.

Psychologists see these modern gizmos as a tool that can help you release stress through subliminal self hypnosis. Designed by experienced users of positive thought affirmations, these devices let you reprogram your mind and behavior through nightly affirmations, which are projected into your unconscious mind as you sleep. Using the power of the mind, laws of attraction and visualization to promote positive change in health, work, finances, behavior, relationships and virtually every aspect of our lives is nothing new. These methods work by utilizing the power of mind over matter. Positive thought affirmations work in a similar way, by repeating affirmations to the mind, in order to affect change in your life.

The innovative devices let you perform nightly affirmations, or the repetition of positive thought affirmations to your unconscious mind. When compared to daily affirmations, nightly affirmations are far more effective as the unconscious mind is much more easily shaped by suggestion when compared to the conscious mind. Just record your nightly affirmations on the affirmation recording device and set the time schedule at which they will be played. After all, using these devices is fairly easy.

If your aim is to reduce stress, you can try some positive thought affirmations that help you wind down after a hectic day. For example, nightly affirmations that encourage positive attitudes such as, "Everything is as it should be," or "The project is successful," help remove worries and allow you to relax better. These positive thought affirmations will slowly reduce the stress level in your life as the nightly affirmations shape the way you think and the way you behave.

Regardless of the cause of your stress, these products can be of great help, since you can record your own positive thought affirmations, for example money affirmations, love affirmations and spiritual affirmations. All in all, with a typical affirmation recording/playback device, you can make the most of nightly affirmations and remove unhealthy stress factors from your life. It's your life; enjoy it to the fullest.

Lisa Phillips, NLP personal life coach, is the proud author of the Amazing Coaching DIY Guide. She is a personal life trainer who will help you live with better health, more money, and a better day-to-day mood! Visit http://amazingcoaching.com.au/diy-ebook.html to find out more.

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Life Quotes And Their Impact On Our Lives And Our Speech

A very important part of being a good conversationalist is being able to provide the right advice at the right time. While a person may not always have a knack for originality or an ability to come up with great quotes on the spot, a person can have an arsenal of life quotes at his or her disposal that can be used for almost any situation. Even when a person can't find the original words to lift a person up, resolve a situation, make a person laugh, or add insight to a conversation, a life quote may provide the answer a person needs.

Quotes are a very important part of our lives. Most people will use other people's quotes many times a day. Whether a person is quoting their favorite TV show, a movie, a famous person, or a well known philosopher, the quotes can often add another dimension to a conversation. Whether the quote is meant to inspire a person or make them smile, life quotes can be used in any situation. Many life quotes are very memorable. In fact, some quotes are so powerful and profound all it takes is a person using the quote once for it to permanently resonate within someone else.

Life quotes can also be very inspirational / motivational. In fact, sometimes something as small and simple as a quote can take what started as a small spark burning within someone's soul and ignite it into a burning passion. Many people have quotes that they remember that have had this effect. A lot of examples of quotes like this are quotes from presidents, civil rights leaders, and people in positions of authority trying to get things done.

Everyone has a favorite quote or favorite quotes, and sometimes sharing them may be the gift that someone else needs so badly. Whether a person is feeling down, like nothing in the world matters, completely lost, or just needs some inspiration, a well timed, well delivered quote could be what that person needs to get through the day.

Knowing when to comfort or motivate a person and what to say at the right time truly is a gift that not very many people possess. Whether talking to one's co-worker, colleague, or friend, everyone can appreciate some profound wisdom on occasion. Having an arsenal of quotes can help a person prepare for the moments when their words of encouragement are needed, whatever the occasion.

To learn more about quotes on life please visit this link!

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The 5 Secrets to Using Affirmations to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

What is a Limiting Belief?

A limiting or negative belief is something you believe about yourself that is holding you back in your life: A belief that is literally limiting your ability to lead the kind of life that you would like to lead. Almost everyone has some limiting beliefs and accepting this fact is often the first step you need to take towards addressing your own. Admitting you have a limiting belief is not a sign of failure on your part. It is a sign of courage and strength.

Here are some typical examples of limiting beliefs that some people have about themselves:

• I'm too shy to meet new people
• I'm not the sort of person who will ever be any good at giving presentations
• I have a terrible temper and there's nothing I can do about it
• I was born unlucky and bad luck follows me wherever I go
• I can't resist sweet food so I'm never going to be able to lose weight

One of the most important things to learn in any self-improvement programme is how to identify the limiting beliefs you have about yourself; and then to replace them with new positive beliefs. Anyone can do this - provided you follow the secrets to success contained in this article.

What is an Affirmation?

An affirmation is a short sentence that crystallises a new belief you would like to have about yourself into a simple statement. A new belief becomes "true" as soon as the sub-conscious mind accepts it as true. But before this happens the sub-conscious mind will look for evidence to support the new belief and this must be provided through appropriate actions. When the actions are accompanied by an affirmation over a sustained period of time, the sub-conscious mind finds it very difficult to resist the new belief.

Some people like to repeat their affirmations over and over again (such as 50 times every morning) until the sub-conscious mind gives up all resistance.

Other people like to write down their affirmations once a day, or print them out on a note for themselves to see whenever they look in their diary or in their bathroom mirror.

Some people find that just having an affirmation and knowing what it is, is enough for it to work - provided it is accompanied by actions that confirm that it is true.

The 5 secrets to a successful Affirmation

These are the five golden rules: The secrets to successful affirmations.

1. A successful affirmation should be short and simple (otherwise it will be hard to remember) and then should follow the three "P"s:
2. Personal: It should always begin with "I"
3. Written in the Present tense, as if the belief were already true: In other words "I am..." not "I will..." or "I am becoming"
4. Positive, not negative: such as "I breathe healthy clean air all day" not "I am stopping smoking" or "I am not a smoker". All negative words such as fear and worry should be avoided in affirmations
5. Finally, a good affirmation must be accompanied by actions that will demonstrate to the sub-conscious mind that the new belief is true. In other words, acting "as if" the affirmation is true will very quickly make it so.

How Affirmations Work: The Story of Peter

Peter was a 30 year old accountant who had a negative belief about himself that he was too shy to talk to people he didn't know. This belief was not serving him at all well because it resulted in him having very few friends and often being left on his own with no-one to talk to at social gatherings.

He decided that life would be much better if he could change his belief about being too shy into a positive belief that meeting new people makes life more interesting. By talking things through with his Life Coach he came to the conclusion that the best way of meeting people was to concentrate on listening and being interested in what the other person was saying rather than concentrating on his own feelings of shyness (which is what he had been doing). In other words he decided his priority should be to be interested, rather than interesting.

After some thought Peter decided that what would work best for him would be start a Journal about his new belief so he bought himself a little book with 80 empty pages. On the title page he wrote the words "Interesting facts about interesting people"

Then every morning, after breakfast, he wrote down an affirmation at the top of a new page. The affirmation he chose was "I enjoy meeting new people and finding out about them". The action he had decided to take to accompany his affirmation was that every day he had to talk to at least one person he had never talked to before - by asking them a question or two. It didn't matter who the person was, his task was to find out something about someone else (by talking to them) so that he could write it down in his Journal that evening before going to bed.

On the first day he asked an old man sitting next to him on the bus what he was going to do today. The next day he asked the girl on the till at the supermarket whether she was feeling cold because she noticed she had her jacket on. The day after that he offered the janitor at work a biscuit and when he said yes he asked the janitor what was his favourite type of biscuit. At first it was very hard to think of questions to ask, but every day it got easier and easier. It was quite surprising to him how willing people were to answer his questions. And he never forgot about the task because of the affirmation that he wrote in his Journal every morning.

After just two weeks he started to notice something unexpected. When he saw someone again who he had previously spoken to they often smiled at him or gave him a little wave. This gave him encouragement that his new belief was really starting to come true. But a nagging voice in his mind kept trying to tell him it was a trick and that he couldn't stop being shy as easily as all that. Peter soon found out that the best way to keep this voice quiet was just to repeat his affirmation to himself once or twice and to his surprise it seemed to work.

After two months, Peter decided he didn't need the Journal any more. He was speaking to so many people every day that it had become quite a habit; and he had even been asked by some colleagues to join them in the bar after work one day which they had never done before. It wasn't all perfect of course. He realised that some people were quite boring and talked endlessly about themselves without ever asking him anything in return. But he was learning how to spot these people in advance and try to avoid them if he could.

Overall, Peter was so much happier in his life. He had wanted to believe something only to find it was actually true: He really did enjoy meeting people and finding out about them!

To find out more about how Paul Hemphill could help you to identify and overcome your own limiting beliefs, please visit the Horizons Life Coaching website at http://www.horizonslifecoaching.co.uk/. Paul can coach people anywhere in the world using Skype.

You can also follow Horizons on Facebook to receive daily news, quotations and cartoons on the subject of happiness, well-being and work-life balance: http://www.facebook.com/HorizonsLife.

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Making Yourself Happier With Nightly Affirmations Is Easy

Everyone deserves to be happy about their lives and themselves. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do, you have a right to be happy and a responsibility to try to achieve it. It's much easier to make yourself happy after all. Have you heard of nightly affirmations? Have you thought about cashing in on the potential of nightly affirmations to make a positive impact in your life? Ultimately, you need to bring about a positive change to set about on a happy course of life. Luckily for you, there are many devices that record and play nightly affirmations.

As you would know, nightly affirmations are much more effective since they aren't blocked by the negative thoughts you get during your daily affirmations. It's wise to use affirmation recording devices that send positive thoughts affirmations while you sleep to begin reprogramming your mind without interference from your conscious thoughts. There's no point in waiting any longer to be the happy, confident person that you know you should be. After all, the devices that record and playback nightly affirmations can help you reach that goal.

The reason why such a device comes in handy is that it helps you to deliver your positive thoughts affirmations directly to your subconscious mind. It allows you to record your nightly affirmations and then replay them in your sleep. If you just rely on positive thought rituals during the day, then your progress will be much slower and may not be successful at all, since the conscious mind, which is what's being accessed during the day, carries around all of the negativity that is making you feel down in the first place. Anytime you tell yourself something positive, your conscious mind rejects it with something negative. This makes the reprogramming process very difficult. On the other hand, when you use a device that is programmed to play back nightly affirmations, you can avoid all that and just send your positive thoughts affirmations straight to your subconscious.

There are lots of ways that nightly affirmations can make you happier when using them. Depression is, obviously, the opposite of happiness, and it is something that countless people struggle with. Also, lack of self-confidence can keep someone from being happy, and it's also something that afflicts a huge number of people. Being overweight is perhaps one of the primary things that prevents people from being satisfied with themselves. Nevertheless, nightly affirmations can change all three of those problems. Use the recording devices to focus your positive thoughts affirmations into your subconscious mind so that you can achieve the goals you have in life.

Lisa Phillips, NLP personal life coach, is the proud author of the Amazing Coaching DIY Guide. She is a personal life trainer who will help you live with better health, more money, and a better day-to-day mood! Visit http://amazingcoaching.com.au/diy-ebook.html to find out more.

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Using Positive Affirmations in Finding Your Way to Success

A great and timeless mind technique that you can do to achieve anything you want in life is to have a positive mindset and do self pep talk. Many successful entrepreneurs, writers and even athletes take this as an edge or an advantage because it helps them become driven and motivated to achieve a certain goal.

If you think that doing positive affirmations looks like a hoax or some kind, you may want to think again and try it yourself to experience its effects firsthand. You may end up being surprised and habituated by the positive effects it pulls into your life.

Below are some guidelines and steps on how you can make the most out of using your own positive affirmations to attract happiness, joy and success.

Determine your goals and desires

The first thing you need to do to help you achieve what you want in life is to know what your heart, mind and body truly desire.

If you want to retire early and attain financial freedom before you hit the age of 40, you need to lay down all your plans and goals in a sheet of paper. Make sure that your goals are highly achievable, realistic and specific.

Write something down that can help you achieve your true goal like for example, if you reach 30, you already started to invest on your own business. Or at the age of 35, you'll have passive income coming into your bank account. Any goal will do as long as it corresponds and lead you to attain your goals.

"I can do it!"

You may have heard these punch lines such as "Impossible is nothing" or "Just do it!" in most sports commercial ads. These little yet powerful phrases are often the key to anyone's success!

Do you have a scary job interview that you've felt frustrated several days ago or do you crumble down whenever you hit the spotlight during your work presentation?

Start beating your fears and say to yourself that "I can do it!"

From there, find your motivation and strength to surpass any of your daily life challenge. If you learn to believe and trust in yourself, you'll become unstoppable.

Affirm your assets and strengths

You should know yourself better than anyone else. When you do affirmations, start affirming based on your strengths and assets. You can say to yourself something like "I have peace and clarity within me." "I have family and friends who are very supportive." or affirm by saying "I am unique and that's my greatest gift."

Learning to appreciate what you have is a start to help you feel empowered and motivated in achieving your goals.

The author loves to share valuable resources on how to use positive affirmations for success. To learn more about affirmations and how hypnosis mind control can help you achieve your goals, sign up and get your 100% FREE mini-course by visiting us online.

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Get Focused - Get It Done

It's the first week into the new year and many people are already overwhelmed with new projects, goals, business schedules and life in the fast track. How do we get all (or any) of it done in a world of constant demands and distractions? In a word - Focus. That's also the title of a great new e-book/manifesto by zen blogger Leo Babauta.

While Leo writes about all kinds of helpful Zen Habits to get focused, I love his simple approach to "getting amazing things done." Lately, it's how I start, and prioritize, my work everyday... and my productivity is way up.

Here's my edited version of his 3 easy steps to focus... and finish.

Step 1: Find something amazing to work on

First things first, find something amazing that you want to work on today... choose something exciting or fun. It can be a work project, business idea, learning a new skill, taking photos, writing a song... or writing a blog!

But it should be something that excites you, and compels you to work on it because you're inspired, excited, motivated. It doesn't have to be huge, just "amazing" by your definition - it could be a novel, a screenplay, a garden, a new craft or a new recipe.

Step 2: Clear away everything else

This may be the hardest step: clearing away distractions.

But in order to focus, you'll need to clear your desk, clear your computer (close all programs, including your browser, that you don't absolutely need for this task), and clear (turn off) your techno-interruptions, such your phone, Blackberry, iPhone, and anything else that might distract you from your Something Amazing.

Step 3: Focus on that something amazing

OK, all clear. Now just focus on that Something Amazing - that one task you chose that you're excited about, that's going to change your life in some small way. Do this as soon as you can in the day - not after lunch or late in the day. Again, this step, like clearing all the distractions, can be a challenge. The great urge to respond to email, Twitter, Facebook, that phone call or anything else, can be unrelenting. If that happens: Stop, take a deep breath, and remember why you chose this task. Feel that excitement, and focus.

Of course, big Amazing projects may take days, months or years, but just by focusing on ONE task for an hour or two each day, you'll be able to complete great, exciting, and possibly life-changing things.

And then, all that's left to focus on is celebrating your accomplishment.

Note: Leo Babauta has waived the copyright on the content from his book Focus and encourages sharing it. See his simplicity manifesto.

My philosophy of writing, and all art, echoes Gaboury's belief about architecture: "The essence of architecture is space structured for human beings, but the ultimate goal is symbolic, metaphoric or spiritual, like any other art form. The difference with architecture is that it links art with the practical." I believe that powerful writing, too, can link the artistic with the practical. You can hire me to write feature length stories, or to produce short, snappy creative content for print, broadcast or online.


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Writing the Best Positive Affirmations

When you start working on your own positive affirmations, you may become inundated with information. One of the best tips you will get though is to write your affirmations out. By writing them out, you will be able to keep a clear, concise list of the exact words that you want to use when reciting them. This will also give you the chance to ensure that they follow some basic guidelines and tips, because in order to create successful positive affirmations, there are some tips to keep in mind that will help you achieve the best success you possibly can.

Positive affirmations are always that: positive. A good affirmation does not have negative connotations. A very simple example of this is stating what kind of person you are. There are two ways to do this. The first is to say "I am not a bad person". This states your desires and beliefs simply, but it puts things in a negative light. Your purpose is to change your way of thinking from the negative to the positive. The word not is a negative term, so is the word bad. These, by default, put your mind into a negative way of thinking. Don't try to accomplish something by moving away from the negative, accomplish what you want by moving toward the positive. "I am a good person" is the exact same statement, but is stated as a positive affirmation.

Make your mind visualize your positive affirmations in the here and now. Don't tell yourself what you are working toward, instead tell yourself what has already happened. "I want to be a good person" implies that you are currently not a good person, but that you want to work toward that goal. Using the future tense, how will you know that your affirmation has happened? If you instead state "I am a good person", then you are telling yourself that you are already a good person. When that goal has been reached, you won't have to guess whether your affirmation was correct or not, because you have already stated that it is true. This can be a tricky tip to think about sometimes, but it is an extremely important one for writing successful positive affirmations.

Each of your positive affirmations should be a single statement containing a single thought. If you say too many things in the same affirmation, you will be creating a scenario to fail. "I am a person with a great personality and wealth flows into me" is a statement that may be hard to know when it has come true. Is it true when you have a great personality or when you have wealth? This statement is only true when both conditions exist. Both conditions may not happen at the same time. So it is important to keep your positive affirmations as single, individual goals, rather than one long list of conditions in one statement.

Writing your own positive affirmations that will work the best does require a little bit of planning out. You will want to ensure that they are positive, in the present and individually listed. It is possible that when you sit down to write them, you will have to make a couple of drafts in order to get them correct for you. While it may seem like a large task, keeping these tips in mind will help you easily write the best positive affirmations that you can.

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Removing Negative Thoughts With Nightly Affirmations to Improve Happiness

The power of positive thoughts to transform lives has been recognized by science. Many people repeat positive thought affirmations to themselves daily, but these affirmative thoughts work more effectively on the unconscious mind, or during the sleep state. But how do you repeat such affirmations in your sleep? With an affirmation recording device, people can use nightly affirmations to remove negative thoughts and achieve happiness.

The market is flooded with many devices but there are a few real good ones out there, for e.g. Awake2000 Mindmaster. Its designer Verne Hall has utilized his knowledge and personal experience of brain power, self-hypnosis and positive affirmations to create a product which can help you attract positivity into your life with little effort. Faced with cancer, Hall created the Awake2000 Mindmaster to strengthen his body with positive thought affirmations, but the uses of this product are limitless, from improving your golf game to helping you break unhealthy eating habits.

Like many others, you may be skeptical of nightly affirmations, especially if you have tried using daily affirmations to little effect. Often, we are our own worst enemies since we tend to focus on negative thoughts instead of positive ones, for example, worrying about failing a test, instead of planning to pass it. The best way to attract positivity is to expose your mind to positive affirmations by means of an affirmation recording device. These products let you record nightly affirmations and play them back to yourself at a time when your brain is most open to suggestion. Having positive words of nightly affirmation repeated as your brain passes through the Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta cycles will help push negativity out of your mind and your life.

Many of us know that negative thoughts are harmful, but it is hard to break a life-long habit. However, with a quality affirmation recording device, you can record nightly affirmations that will encourage positive thinking and focus them specifically to your life situation. If worries about your health are stopping you from achieving the optimal health levels you desire, then record a few positively worded phrases about health.

Over time, you will notice that these nightly affirmations lead to a more positive outlook in life, helping you stay healthy and disease-free. Bear in mind that you should follow the instructions to programme the device to your different brain cycles. With this special kind of devices, being positive is an attainable goal because nightly affirmations, featuring positive thoughts recorded in your own voice, will be transmitted to your brain and dispel your negative thoughts.

Lisa Phillips, NLP personal life coach, is the proud author of the Amazing Coaching DIY Guide. She is a personal life trainer who will help you live with better health, more money, and a better day-to-day mood! Visit http://amazingcoaching.com.au/diy-ebook.html to find out more.

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Tips For Coping With Loneliness

Loneliness can be felt at any point in life. You may lead a very active and socially full life, and yet feel lonely in a crowd. The point is, that one has to realize that you are your best friend. You cannot rely on any one or two individuals to constantly shepherd you, hear you out, or even agree with you on any single point. In fact, if you are lucky to have even one good friend who can understand you and be there for you 24 hours a day and seven days a week, then you are indeed very blessed.

With age and children leaving the nest, most women find themselves caught in a quagmire of anxiety, hopelessness and despair. If they dig a little deeper, they will find out that all the energy spent on negative thinking, can be turned around, and that children leaving the parental home does not spell the end of life. Allow yourself the liberty of dreaming pleasant thoughts when the time comes to wave off your young ones off to college. Imagine what all you dreamed of doing while they were around you, but couldn't do, due to their schooling and other responsibilities. Realize that of course, you (and your spouse) will continue being good parents, and always be there for your children, to guide them and encourage them at any given point.

Rediscover yourself with engaging in your hobbies. Remember the time you had always wanted to complete and oil painting but couldn't, due to your constant preoccupation with the children? Or the musical instrument you always wanted to learn to play, but couldn't, due to the paucity of time? Or the time when you and your husband or your best friends always wanted to go on a particular sightseeing trip, but were tied up again, due to kids and their never ending responsibilities? Of course, time can't grant you your days of youthfulness again, but learn to feel thankful that, having done your work of parenting so successfully when it was required the most, you are now free to pursue your dreams, and live life exactly the way you want it.Keeping your mind distracted with mentally stimulating work and good company of family and friends is a must to ward off any negative thoughts that may prove to be roadblocks on your way to a happier and fuller life, at this point. Pay attention to your health, both mental and physical, for they are the keystones on which our lives revolve. Avoid people with whom you do not share a comfortable relationship with: for they will only underline your need to feel low. Life is beautiful at any stage: it is up to us to finish this grand canvas with a flourish. Meditation, exercise, a bit of spirituality and acceptance will make it all the more easier to keep the machinery of our lives well greased to the end. Maturity, courage, a calm mind, and a steady will, are the positive fall outs of having a great attitude toward life in general, and dealing with ourselves in particular. Having said this, there is no need to let loneliness get the better of you.

This article is an original one. The contents have been garnered from various sources, online, books and real life experiences. In case the reader wishes to add any new dimension to this, I would welcome it. http://littlemissmuffet19641964.spaces.live.com/

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The Best Affirmations For Women

Women are often their own harshest task masters and take their responsibilities seriously, especially when children are involved. They are often the hub of the family and so will usually tell themselves to keep going, take a break later, other people's needs are more important. In a work environment they are frequently all too aware of the need to prove their competency and dedication. The ability to find a balance in life is difficult to navigate.

Affirmations are about the way we talk to ourselves. We may come to realise that we talk to ourselves negatively, and as such reinforce low expectations and self belief. We may use positive affirmations that other people suggest but find that they sit uncomfortably with us. Selecting the most appropriate affirmations for ourselves and our lifestyles is an important step to take.

The important thing about affirmations is that they have to sit well with the person who is saying them. Affirmations need to be phrased in the present tense and resonate well when they are being said. So an affirmation is not about negating another person and their importance. It is more about acknowledging that if we are well and happy then the other people in our lives benefit and get the best from us. We become more positive and satisfied in our roles.

Affirmations about our body:
Many women struggle with the way they feel about their body, especially when they are naked or after childbirth. Learning to love ourselves, imperfections included is a tough exercise to undertake. Appreciating that our body is a testament to who we are today is an important step in the process. Childbirth, surgery, stress and life all take their toll on our bodies but that story is an important part of who we are today. Affirmations that include the phrase 'I am learning to like myself', or 'I am becoming more accepting of myself and my body' can acknowledge that we are moving towards feeling more positive and are starting to feel better about ourselves.

Affirmations within the family:
Many women juggle several roles and often feel guilty about neglecting their family because of the compromises that they have to make to maintain their various roles. Deciding that an important step would be to delegate and allow others to shoulder some responsibility could be a way to ease the burden, but it can cause feelings of guilt to occur. There is often a feeling of letting others down or falling short as a mother if the family are expected to help. Affirmations which acknowledge that it is a positive step to allow others to help can start to change that perspective.

Affirmations at work:
Women are often all too aware of the difficulties of balancing the demands of home and work. They are conscious that many work environments require women to be especially competent and this means that there is often a struggle to do more, achieve more and continuously prove how committed they are. Affirmations for work can include taking the pressure off, relieving stress and allowing enough to be sufficient. Affirmations like 'I am enough. What I do is enough.' said regularly and with feeling can help to ease the stress of the situation.

Becoming aware of the role that positive self talk plays in shaping our mindset and self-esteem can enable better confidence and a more beneficial outlook to occur. Positive affirmations can enable women to view themselves and their role with a more healthy perspective. Being kinder in the way we talk to ourselves is an important step towards this goal.

Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief, with couples in crisis to improve communications and understanding and with business clients to support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams.

Further help, advice and articles are available.

For more information see http://www.lifestyletherapy.net/

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The Law of Attraction and the Wrestler

I recently came across a perfect example of how the law of attraction works. There was a freshman in high school who decided that he wanted to earn a letterman's jacket in his first year of school. This freshman knew that he would have a fairly good chance of doing so by playing baseball, since he had played it for many years already. He changed his goal to earn this distinction in an entirely different sport, just to prove that he could. The freshman decide that he was going to try earning it in a sport he had never tried before: wrestling. Little did he know that he would be working harder than he ever had in his life during those first few weeks of practice in order to get into tip top physical condition. During only the second day of practice, he seriously considered quitting the team. Then he imagined walking down the halls of his school in his letterman jacket, and how proud he would feel to have earned it. From that point on, any time his thoughts went to how hard things were for him, he would change his thought patterns around to the positive rewards of what he was going to achieve. From there, he began to see not just the jacket, but saw himself winning matches rather than just participating in them. Slowly but surely, he began to see these grueling practices not as hard work, but as steps he needed to take to succeed in his goals. As the season progressed, he began to improve and make a name for himself. He found that he was achieving his goal even before he had reached his initial goal. He used the law of attraction to rid his mind of the negative and instead fill it with the positive, and the universe responded in kind by giving him the positive he was looking for.

The law of attraction is a very simple concept to define. In the universe, like attracts like. By filling your mind with positive, you will attract the positive to you. This is easy to accomplish if you are willing to change your own thought patterns. If you look at a situation in its negative aspect, you are going to only see it for the negative. The wrestler learned this during his practices. If he viewed them strictly as the hard work they were, then they became nothing more than work. Hard work can become monotonous and difficult to look forward to. No one wants to try to do something fun only to find out that it is only hard work. An attitude like that will end up with nothing but losses and brick walls preventing you from moving forward. By invoking the law of attraction, you will be able to change the way that you look at that hard work. No work is ever done just for the sake of work. You work hard for a reward of some kind, no matter how insignificant that reward may seem to others. Be it money for a job well done, a positive attitude for seeing the reasoning for the work, or a sense of pride for the completion of a job, your reward will be what it is that keeps you going when you are ready to just throw in the towel. By keeping your reward in mind, you will be able to use the law of attraction to change that task from hard work to another step toward your goal.

The law of attraction isn't really magic. Ultimately, if used the right way, it isn't even mystical. The law of attraction is quite simply changing the way you view and think about the things around you. If you eliminate the negative thoughts regarding your circumstances, you will eliminate the negative results that go along with them. Reprogramming your mind to see each obstacle as a chance to learn or grow, you will find that there are no more negative circumstances, only learning exercises that will get you closer to your goals. This is how to get the law of attraction to work for you, and eliminate the negative from your life.

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Are You Choking on the Dust of Your Own Regret?

Are you choking on the dust of your own regret, for all the great opportunities you have squandered over the years? Is this attitude or philosophy serving you in any positive way? Can you see how living in the past, focused on what might have been, complaining about all the challenges that have come your way is dragging you out into the financial desert, to die a slow and painful death of regret, where your life seems to just continue to spiral out of control.

You can no longer afford to accept a mild approach to eliminating the negative weeds of doubt, regret and negativity, which are controlling your mind and keeping you trapped in a life you despise. It is time to wrestle back control of your mind and to finally put the past in its rightful place. Learn all the lessons the past has taught you and now begin to catapult yourself forward, turning every single "NOW" into a powerful moment of happiness, joy and a crucial contributor toward creating a better and more fulfilling life.

Every five minutes you spend focused on the past or complaining, is five irreplaceable "NOW's" you have squandered and wasted forever. Stop accepting your constant negative thoughts; it is time to begin winning the battle against the constant negative self-talk you indulge in every day. Until you commit to remove doubt and regret from your mind, the weeds of negativity will continue to dominate your mind and they will just keep robbing you of any sustainable value.

Make the shift today and start to replace all your doubts, regrets and negative thoughts with new positive and reinforcing statements that will help you to grow and become more. All habitual thoughts are only neural pathways that can be replaced, if you are willing to apply effort to start thinking new more positive and developmental thoughts.

Think of yourself living in a beautiful house in the middle of a huge green field of long grass. Your current negative thoughts are deep rutted pathways cut into the ground through the long grass. If you continue to walk along these pathways, (think the negative thoughts) the pathways will only become deeper and more ingrained. The only way to remove these pathways is to begin to walk along different routes every day. As you think different more positive thoughts (walk a different route) you will eventually see the grass begin to grow back on the old deeply rutted pathways.

The way to achieve this is to create at least three new positive affirmations or memorised positive thoughts. For example if you keep sabotaging your success, because you feel like you procrastinate all the time. You could memorise an affirmation like this:" I use my time effectively and efficiently and always tackle the most difficult and challenging tasks first thing in the morning" This affirmation when repeated every time you think about procrastinating and putting off difficult tasks, will over time replace your negative tendency to procrastinate, with a new success habit that will see you tackle and complete all the tasks you would have previously procrastinated.

Repeat this process with any other areas in your life where you may be acting negatively or thinking negative thoughts and you will very quickly replace them with more positive behaviours or thoughts.
Develop a positive affirmation that is the exact opposite of the negative thought and behavior, you want to eliminate.Learn this affirmation, until it is easy to repeat.Every time you begin to think a negative thought or act in a negative fashion, keep repeating the affirmation, until the thought goes away or you change your behavior.

This is a really powerful tool, that will help you to gradually eliminate all of your negative thoughts and actions.


Hi my name is Andrew Horton; I am an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author. My area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. I travel the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. I delve into the inner workings of the universe, always looking for ways to understand my role in making things better and contributing to the improvement of the human experience. Please visit my website to sign up for a daily inspirational message, by following this link Daily Inspirational Message. This is your daily call to action, a reminder to do things better each day. Visit my website at http://www.andrewhorton.co.za/

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