Abundance Affirmations And The Law of Attraction

More than likely you already use abundance affirmations every day. Most of us do this, however, from a negative perspective. In fact, it is hard NOT to succumb to the negative habit of emotional reaction. This is true especially when the majority of us have been raised and conditioned into this mindset!

Our minds are constantly working and when it comes to wealth, we all typically have strong emotions tied to this desire. Whether we simply want more money or we are enduring the burden of debt, there is usually a pretty defined emotion associated with our finances. Now as easy as it is to recognize productive feelings from destructive ones, so to do these same emotions define the limits of your financial future!

Whatever thoughts and beliefs you hold within your mind manifest into your life. You cannot hide from them. Any hidden thought and feeling returns to you and is felt again as a manifestation of what you asked for in this way. If you hate rich people out of jealousy and feel only bitter disappointment and anger when you think of money, guess what? You are only attracting MORE things into your life that will make you feel this way. Accept this and understand the gravity of the principle at work here. The law of attraction gives you in return exactly what you give out. The abundance affirmations that work for you are the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you uphold and live by. Good or bad, what you give credence to within your mind is what will come into your life.

There is no force that will give to you the opposite of what you ask, no matter how hard you may try. If you hurt yourself by feeling horrible about money and repeat thoughts which intensify your negative emotions. And you do this in order to feel so bad that surely "something" good must happen, you will fail. You have only succeeded in creating a powerful, destructive, attracting force of equal negativity back into your life. What you give you receive. Childish emotional "fits" in the manner above are common, sadly enough. And if more people realized that their thoughts worked both ways I think there would be no shortage of truly happy people. You can either choose to use your mind for your benefit or allow it to drift into poor negative habits. Either way, you get what you ask for, which is always what you give first!

You have to be willing to accept responsibility for the power of your thoughts and emotions. You have to choose to think and feel what you want rather than don't want. You have to control your emotions and guard them with faith if you want to direct the law of attraction to manifest money. Then you will naturally begin to find and use the most powerful abundance affirmations available to you. For in reality, whatever thought-phrases you can come up with that you believe will elicit a powerful feeling of positivity within you. And the magic of this positive influence will work wonders throughout your life, including your bank account. If you can make yourself believe abundance affirmations such as "Money seems to come to me effortlessly and constantly!" All while producing within yourself the corresponding feelings of excitement, joy, and gratitude then it will work for you! If you think to yourself "I have so much money now that I can do whatever I want!" And you hold onto that feeling of freedom throughout your day, then you have empowered yourself by demanding it of the universe. The best abundance affirmations are quite simply whatever thoughts produce for you the most powerful positive feelings. Find them, save them, and use them as often as you can!

Ask yourself what you want most and start producing the feelings you want from them now. It is not "things" we desire in reality but the "feelings" associated with them. Recognize this and understand the power you hold. You have control over your thoughts and thereby your feelings as well. You are the director of your life. By choosing to feel ONLY the feelings you want to feel, as though you already have them, you attract your every desire into your life. This is the law of attraction and how you manifest money, health, and love into your reality. Your new-found personal abundance affirmations act the same as the systemic negative thoughts you have convinced your sub-conscious to believe in the past. Now it is up to you to replace those thoughts and beliefs with the positive ones that will change your life forever.

Dream of what you want to experience, and find the feelings you have when you own them in your mind as though you already have them now. The thoughts you have in these visualizations are the abundance affirmations which will manifest money, as well as every other thing you can imagine into your life. The opposing option is to continue automatically feeling negative about money out of the response habit of failure. Choose instead to have faith in the fact that feeling good about money will attract more reasons to feel good about money! What have you got to lose really? How far has feeling depressed about finances ever gotten anyone?

Make the decision now to change the way you feel, rather than wait for someone or something to "happen" which will make you feel how you want to. This is because ALL change must first begin from WITHIN if it is ever to manifest into reality. And it is from within this grateful mindset that we discover the most powerful of all abundance affirmations. Which happen to be the same two words we teach our children from the moment they learn to speak. THANK YOU!

The law of attraction is yours to command! Click the link below and learn all there is to know about the limitless power within you, and how to attract whatever you want most in life!

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Seize the Moment

People have the tendency to plan for the future and go down the memory lane, searching for the past. Very few of us really absorb the present, while taking in the paradise of today. The only physical time we can live in is the present, for the future is not tangible and the past is a matter of the heart.

So, why is our mind constantly wondering, searching, digging for answers and jumping on déjà-vu moments? Why can we just stand still and inhale the landscape's fragrance, the one that just unfolds its beauty under our eyes the way a rose peels its petals? Why is it so hard to do nothing and seize the fresh second?

This unique moment is the one that will never come back. Similar experiences will remind us of it, but the truth is that it is gone while we speak. We are in a race against time the moment we are born, and each and every moment eludes from the hourglass in matter of blinks. There are swift and precious instants we don't care for, but they are the ones piling up to add another year to our life's calendar.

Same places, same people, maybe same experiences, but for sure, different moments! The more I think about my life, the more Marcel Proust comes to mind, 'searching for the lost time.' With the help of a Madeleine's smell, I recreate the scene of a crisp Transylvanian morning when my Mom was baking vanilla scones to complement my hot, steamy milk and cocoa. The Sequoia tree and its imposing stature stand still for my recollection of another year spent in the same place with my family. How much I wish to have them back! How much I desire to be transported to 2006, in a time bubble!

Time is our enemy, and we don't even face it. We hide our faces from it, we cover our traces, and we disguise our persona. We cannot control it, for we don't live each and every second to its ultimate intensity. Split seconds grow wings and fly away. Time is just an illusion created by people to keep track of their dos and don'ts. Whenever to tomorrow is coming, it is actually today!

So, yes, it is important to carpe diem, but more important is to seize the moment! Live in the NOW, for it is the only time for things to happen.

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The Powers of Affirmations for Confidence in Sports

For any athlete playing a competitive sport, confidence is a key requirement if optimum performance and success are to be accomplished.

To gain an advantage and achieve a mental edge over your competitors then using affirmations for confidence are a great starting point for anyone.

More than just a state of mind or a skill being enhanced through time, confidence is, above all things, a barometer of an athlete's perception of oneself.

This is significant to know because as I touched on at the beginning, confidence plays a bigger role than what meets the eye; it hugely affects every performance of an athlete and would largely be a long-time factor in determining the span and success of his or her career in sports.

Relatively, there is no better way to bring out the confidence in every athlete than constantly affirming them and this would not only inspire and encourage but also boost their self-esteem.

Positive affirmations for confidence on a regular basis can be done in a multitude of ways and can produce surprising results that may well exceed one's expectations.

It Draws Emphasis To Your Strengths.

One of the most vital emotional needs of every human is the kindness of appreciation from his or her fellow participants and colleagues.

This is very much in parallel with the reality of sports, where affirmations for confidence building acknowledge all your good points as an athlete and as a person.

This is important as a motivation to keep the mind driven and focused towards further improvement.

It Develops The Desire To Practice Habitually.

In an athlete's life of monotonous routines, one of the most blissful encounters he or she could come across with would be daily affirmations for confidence.

There is nothing like good words and compliments to extinguish an athlete's weariness and to refuel their determination.

If an athlete is constantly being reminded that he or she is doing well, there's the subtle affirmation that they are on the right track.

In reality, the need for affirmation is admittedly due to every person's innate sense of insecurity that needs to be fought.

In varying degrees and ways, we are all in constant need of compliments because we always have low moments in life that needs brightening up.

Affirmation for confidence not only boosts your morale but also refines your sense of compassion towards your fellow athletes.

Being in the same situation such as theirs would enable you to not only be the recipient but also a source of inspiration as well.

Sports, at the end of the day, is still about the spirit of sportsmanship and cooperation after all.

It Secures You From Low Self-Esteem.

The most crucial moment where an athlete needs affirmation the most would be whenever he or she experiences defeat or a sub-standard performance.

This largely damages a person's sense of confidence, so people around them should never waver in supporting them to restore their confidence and belief in themselves.

If an athlete is loved and appreciated enough, the consequence of losing a match wouldn't do them any harm. Instead, this would only be an opportunity to deeply feel the dedication of people rallying behind them no matter what.

This is why most of the time, affirmations for confidence can spell the difference between an athlete's decision to give up or get going.

Low confidence really impacts your performance. You can have all the skill and ability in the world to perform well, but if you don't have a confidence and belief that you have that ability then you will never reach your full potential.

Affirmations for confidence is a great way to start instilling that belief you need to realize sporting success.

To reach your true sporting potential you must possess a confidence and an inner belief. Instilling confidence to compete and triumph over the opposition will require a great deal of mental work. By using affirmations for confidence you have in your armoury an effective and powerful tool to train your mind and give you an edge over your competitors.

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How to Apply Affirmations to Your Every Day Thoughts

Have you struggled with weight, love, money, or even being happy in life? Do you find that bad things happen to you all the time? Are you concerned that you'll never be happy in life?

I've been there before too. I used to think very negative things about myself until I realized that there's a better way.

Using affirmations will help you retrain your brain for success.

How We Treat Ourselves

Imagine for a minute that you are babysitting your neighbor's 6 month old daughter. When she starts crying, you wouldn't respond by poking her with your finger or knocking on her head with your fist, would you?

Of course not. You would find out what she needed through experimentation. Maybe she wants a bottle of milk, or a diaper change, or needs you to hold her to feel comfort after her parents left to see a movie.

Now imagine your body in pain, your emotions telling you that something is wrong, something with your finances or love life needs fixing. What do you do?

Do you tell that part of you to shut up and let you finish working on what you're doing? Do you stuff those feelings down inside you for later?

Or, do you acknowledge them and let yourself feel them?

If you did the first two, then you're poking yourself and knocking yourself on the head with your fist, beating yourself up. Right? You wouldn't do that to the baby, so why are you doing it to yourself?

If you acknowledge and receive the information that your body is trying to tell you, then you will have more success and receive blessings in this life. We can use our body as an intuitive reading tool that helps us know when there's problems that need solutions.

One way to overcome those struggles and challenges within ourselves is to fight back with positive affirmations. Walking in the truth of what we know of ourselves helps keep us from unbelieving and moves us towards believing and manifestation.

How to State Affirmations

All affirmations should be stated in the positive tense. That means that we're claiming what we want right now.

For example:

1. I am going to earn $100,000 in 2012.

2. I am easily attracting money to me right now and have peace around money.

In these examples, the first one is a future stated goal. It's not an accurate affirmation. It's like a carrot dangling in front of you, always one step ahead so you can't reach it.

In number two, it's a present, positive tense affirmation that says you're having this right now, this peace and money coming to you right now. Not in the future, but right now.

See how these two affirmations differ? Say both of them and feel what power they have in you. Which one is stronger, brighter?

When to Use Affirmations

You can use affirmations anytime. I mostly use them when I first wake up in the morning and whenever I start to doubt myself throughout the day.

It sometimes gets lonely working alone and saying affirmations helps me in my small business to remember what I'm working toward manifesting.

Imagine how many uses affirmations can come in handy for you.

Anytime you have an interview, say affirmations before going in.

You have a date, say an affirmation. You have a business meeting, say an affirmation.

You can use affirmations in any circumstance, no matter what and you'll find that they help you think more positively and increase your joy and peace.

Gabrielle Conde is an intuitive counselor, writer and spiritual coach. You can connect with her on her blog Mission Engage. Sign up for a free intuitive reading at http://www.missionengage.com/.

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How To Craft The Perfect Self-Talk

One of the best ways to control your thoughts is to create a positive self-talk. A self-talk is a short, self-directed positive statement that you repeat to yourself to stop the negative chatter going on in your mind when you don't consciously direct your thoughts.

In this article, I wanted to share with you a simple, but effective way to create a positive self-talk that will help you overcome negative thoughts, attitudes and habits, and will help you achieve your goals and dreams. Here is the simple 5-step formula.

STEP 1: Think of a time in your life where you had the "perfect day", or an activity, event or a time when you were at your greatest emotional high ever. It could be a time of great achievement, reaching a difficult goal or any other event that created a strong emotional state within you.

STEP 2: Now that you have the time of your greatest emotional high in your mind, go there. Re-live that time as if you were there again--in your mind--until you feel the same strong emotions and good feelings you experienced when it was real. Be there... Feel it... Capture those wonderful emotions and hold them firmly in your mind.

STEP 3: Identify the specific emotional state you are experiencing and put a word to it such as jubilant, ecstatic, joyful, happy, excited,loving, etc. Now take these emotions and create the first line of your statement by stating, "I AM ___________." using one, two or three of the positive emotions your identified.

STEP 4: Determine your what you want to bring into existence next. You may want to change a bad habit, correct a negative statement about yourself, or state your next big achievement or income goal. This will become the second line of your statement. Make sure it is written positive in the present tense.

So here is an example of how a positive self-talk may look like so far. "I am ecstatic and joyful earning $500 per week."

STEP 5: Finally, add how you are going to accomplish your statement. What are you personally going to do? What will you offer as a service? Or what will you give in order to make your statement become a reality? The exact plan is not necessary. That will come to your mind, over time, as repeat your statement consistently on a daily basis. For now, just state generally what you are going to do.

So now your statement may look like this. "I am ecstatic and joyful earning $500 per week building my network marketing business, easily and consistently, through education and teamwork."

Put your statement on 3x5 cards and place them on your mirror, the frig, in your car and keep one on yourself to remind you to say your statement daily. You should repeat it a minimum of 100 times each day, working up to 300-400 times per day. This will allow you to replace the random thoughts your mind generates that are often negative and unproductive. With your positive self-talk you can take control of the thoughts that are influencing your sub-conscious mind.

When you say your statement, it must be read or said with the same emotion and feeling you have put into your statement. Just reading or saying it is not going to work. The emotion gets it to sink into the sub-conscious mind. Once it is planted there, it can start working on you to make the changes necessary for your to reach the goal you have listed on your statement.

Finally, you have to back it with the faith and belief that it will work. No doubt can creep in. You must believe the statement as if it is were 100% true. The more you say it to yourself, the stronger your belief will be. You can use this method to change any thought, habit or attitude that is not currently serving you well.

Try it and let me know how it works for you. If this helped you, it may help others. Please share this article on your favorite social network and let them know the value you found with this article.

For the past 20 years Steve Scoresby have worked in the insurance industry, training and developing new agents. He has now have taken his skills to the web, showing others how to generate leads and traffic for their businesses. For more information please visit: MarketingStampede.com

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The Importance of Faith

As an empowerment writer, mentor and motivator, I strive to live to very high standards, values and character. I just need to remember that I am human. I do make mistakes, stray far from perfection and have many flaws. Having strong shoulders isn't just something I write about, but something I need at all times. What carries me is my faith. I believe in everything that I do, practice and say, but before any of these things there is my faith. I have come to realize that it is a higher power that drives my will. It's that higher power that allows me to retrace my steps and get back on the road to a life full of purpose and prosperity. Though part of my drive is to be prosperous financially, it's just part of the equation. The equal parts are spiritually, physically and mentally. My faith allows me to accomplish things in my life that without it would never happen.

We are subject to all of what life has in store, including its good and its bad. How we allow situations to affect us will be a telling factor. Putting myself in this equation, allows me to confess I sometimes don't do so well. When the roads get tough and seemingly unbearable, just trust in your faith and the higher power will do the rest. There is very little you can do even when you seem to have the situation well in hand and things still fall apart, your faith will take you through. You see faith always has a purpose and faith will always carry out it purpose. I sometimes become sidetracked from my faith, but because it is strong, I get right back in line. When we seek to become better stewards of our life, certain guidelines will be established. Those guidelines need to be adhered to. The more we understand the importance of adhering to those guidelines, the easier it will become for faith to work in our lives. When we allow ourselves to be who and what he wants us to be, we truly become who we are. Let nothing or no one distract you from realizing that.

Adversity will come in ways we never imagined and in ways we never saw coming. Depending on where we are and who we believe we are, the ways of dealing with it, are unique within itself. The answers are many and for every time you feel you did the right thing, there will always be someone who will question your decision. When we make decisions based on belief in a higher power than ourselves, we allow the intellect that was bestowed upon us to be used in the correct way. We allow the gifts that have been given to us, the opportunity to work for us. When we lose our focus for whatever reason, we under utilize our God given talents and gifts. Adversity is part of life. If we focus on what gives us momentum instead of what we are up against we achieve better results for our efforts. Never give adversity power it has enough of its own. When we allow our strengths to flourish and learn from our weakness, adversity takes a blow. Life has recorded many that have overcome obstacles that were thought of as impossible to topple. Life continues to go forward it will never stop or go backwards. If we are to become empowered, then we must understand the importance of truly living. When we give life our all, we give ourselves an opportunity to live in ways that are bigger than our imagination. Take the best of your past, the dreams of your future, the drive to make it happen and the insight to keep you focused and your faith will see you through.

The Empowerment Group Inc (The Empowerment Page) is a non profit organization that has set out to empower those who have for years never been given the opportunity to live empowered lives. We intend to educate on self empowerment, social values, motivate, uplift,instill financial ethics, and push for moral responsibility.

Established in 2005 and became Stl Empowerment Group Inc. in 2010 and developed Stl Empowerment Page.com. We have decades of comprehensive knowledge and experience. Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world, as in being to remake ourselves.

We must become the change we want to see.

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Words That Release Wealth

Water Affected By Words

Japanese born, Emodo Masaro, is an expert on wave and motion. He wrote a book entitled, "Water Contains the Answer." In this book he shows that water reacts to words filled with emotion. Negative words spoken over a glass of water will break apart the crystals into ugly shapes. Positive words will produce a reorganization of the water molecule crystals into harmonic, six sided shapes. He further discovered that when the words, "I love you!" are spoken, with true meaning, the water molecules take on very beautiful shapes! Amazing!

A most compelling realization occurs when we see that the human body consists of over 60% water. Thinking upon Masaro's observations we see that the words spoken over our lives result in astounding molecular transformations in the human body. The words we speak (with emotion and intent) have the capacity to cause more harm or good than we realize.

The Power Of Words

Many of the world's faiths teach us that humanity has the power to control destiny through thoughts, emotions and words. The Hebrew King Solomon wrote in his book of Proverbs, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit."

John Garlock comments on Solomon's words stating, "A person's life largely reflects the fruit of his tongue."

The pastor of the largest Christian church in the world, Dr. David Yong-Gi Cho explains further by declaring that "The words that come out of our mouths create and form our lives."

Whether we are a member of a faith community or not, it is true that spoken words have great significance in the direction and outcome of our lives.

Empowering Our Words To Release Wealth

For our words to carry power, we must believe the things we say! That is the subject of another article, however, we may increase the power of our words by altering our core beliefs.

Information we absorb, on any subject (wealth, health, relationships, influence, peace, faith, success, etc.) will register upon our subconscious and produce core beliefs. To create powerful words on any subject, e.g. wealth, we simply focus upon gaining information that affirms that subject in our core beliefs.

Speak 5 Truths About Wealth

As you say the next five sentences, with understanding and conviction, daily over your circumstances, you will begin to attract wealth into your life. This happens via subconscious programming, an elevated awareness of opportunities, a conscious focus on wealth, and many more unseen avenues as you simply state these wealth statements daily about yourself.

1. I am aware that wealth is coming towards my life today!
2. I am willing and ready to receive wealth opportunities today!
3. Wealth, you are mine to receive today!
4. I am receiving wealth into my hands and life today!
5. Wealth I call you to be in my hands today, you are mine!

Power To Speak Wealth

Wealth words spoken with confident conviction result in our lives succeeding more quickly. Download a free chapter of the book "Success Steps Towards Wealthy Living" at http://www.jcspublishing.com/ to help you empower your wealth thinking and words today.

Thank you!

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The Power of Affirmations for Success

Affirmations for success are a particular set of statements to be used for you to achieve your goals for success. There is no limiting factor to the type of success that you can use these for, however. Success is only defined as what YOU feel it is. You can use your affirmations to help you be as successful in your career, your finances, your family life, or your love life. Used correctly, affirmations for success can help you achieve the success goals that you have created and want to strive for.

So what exactly are affirmations for success? Affirmations are phrases that you say to yourself at different times during the day. By repeating them, you help reprogram your subconscious mind into seeing the things close to you as tools that will help you achieve your success. To put is another way, your mind will be trained so that it views you as a success already. Because of this, your mind will view the things and situations around you as examples of that success. This makes it possible for you to actually become that success.

What exactly will affirmations for success accomplish? They achieve many things, ultimately, but you can narrow some of their most important uses to just a few. Most importantly, they are motivational. If they can't motivate you, then they shouldn't be used. They won't be able to affirm the goals you have in mind. They also help keep your mind focused so that you are always moving toward your desired goals. In order to achieve this, they tap into your subconscious, helping to influence it. This power isn't tangible in and of itself, but it will help tap into the Law of Attraction, bringing people around you that are like-minded and better able to help you accomplish your goals. These affirmations, by tapping your subconscious and giving it a direction, will help buoy you and keep your spirits up.

Knowing when to repeat your affirmations for success can be almost as important as creating them in the first place. The two main times to say your affirmations to yourself are in the morning shortly after waking up and in the evening shortly before going to sleep. These are the times that your subconscious is most susceptible to influences. Your mind is clear and free from most of the extraneous thoughts that invade you in the busier parts of the day. However, you can also repeat your affirmations throughout the day, taking advantage of any break in the hustle and bustle. Riding a bus or subway to work is a great time to mentally picture your affirmations. You can use just about any break in the day to work on your affirmations for success.

If you have goals in life, you can use affirmations for success to help achieve them. As you can see, these need not be limited to your career or something similar. You can use your affirmations for anything that may be important to you. Repeating them at key moments during the day, you will also help reinforce the ideas behind your affirmations. Looking at them deeply, you will see that they can accomplish things that you wouldn't have even dreamed possible. Affirmations for success can be some of the most versatile tools in your self-improvement toolbox.

Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning™. He is also the co-founder of New You Life Coaching.
Because his interests stem from philosophy, spirituality, psychology, and leadership, Rich's coaching style incorporates a rare and ingenious approach to understanding and empowering you in an insanely effective manner.

New You Life Coaching

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Talk Back - Strengthen Your Spiritual Power

The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large. ~ Confucius

How do you respond when someone tells you something you know is not true? Don't you talk back? "Now, wait a minute; that is not right! Let me tell you..."

Or when a friend says something you disagree with, aren't you quick to voice your viewpoint?

Perhaps a conversation turns heated. Aren't you quick to talk back, defending your point of view?

And, of course when we were teens, we back-talked to our parents and those in authority, expressing our personal opinions as absolute fact!

So, why don't you talk back to yourself?

Your spiritual power is as strong and limitless as your Father, God's. All you have to do is agree with His Words to reap His results. That's what faith is all about.

God declared that we are made in His image after His likeness, and [we] have dominion (Gen. 1:26). The Bible teaches that faith comes by hearing - so what are you listening to? What are you telling yourself... that you shouldn't be? Listen to yourself.

Imagine these scenarios.

Your bills talk to you, telling you that you don't have enough. Sometimes they even scream. Talk back! My God supplies all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  My cup runs over! I have all sufficiency in all things. (Phil. 4:19); Ps. 23:8; 2 Cor. 9:8)
 Your body is telling you where it hurts and you want to tell everyone how you feel. Talk back to yourself instead. God restores my health and heals me. By Jesus' stripes I was [already] healed (Jer. 30:17; 2 Peter 2:24).
 You're in the midst of a mess, and don't know what to do. Instead of listening to the merry-go-round of negative self-talk, talk back! Tell yourself, Jesus is made unto me wisdom... God gives me wisdom. I hear His voice. (I Cor. 1:30; Prov. 2:6; John 10:27).
 You're exhausted, but you still have a full To Do list. Don't listen to the litany in your head that's telling you, "I'm so tired. I just don't think I can do this." Instead, talk back! Claim Phil. 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
 Do you tell yourself, "I can't remember anything anymore"? Talk back! "I have the mind of Christ. My mind is full of life and peace. (Phil. 2:5; Rom. 8:6).
 You are doing stuff around the house and your spouse is watching TV/reading/having fun. Your brain short-circuits. "I worked all day! Surely he/she could pitch in. Why do I have to do everything?" Of course, you know - honestly - that you don't do EVERYTHING, but a pity party is a pity party. Talk back!. I will not be fretful or resentful. I am rooted and grounded in Love. (I Cor. 13:4-8; Eph. 3:17)
 Your kids (or grandkids) are sassy and full of attitude. Talk back! Affirm (to yourself) on their behalf: My kids are filled with peace. They are taught of the Lord. (Is. 54:3)

God told us to call those things that be not as though they were (Rom. 4:17). In other words, talk back to your situations. He told us to cast down imaginations (2 Cor. 10:5). Talk back. Tell them how you want them to be! Use your internal voice to change your external circumstances.

I know this isn't something that is taught very much, but what do you think those verses are in the Bible for? Did God put them there just to make us wonder? Or maybe He really wasn't telling us the Truth when He said, "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63)

The Bible says to renew your mind (Rom. 12:2). This is how it's done. Spoon-feed your faith by talking back to all those negative "I can't, I don't, I will never" thoughts. Replace them with His promises of health, wholeness, plenty, peace and blessing. Talk back!

For more information on developing life skills, better relationships, and becoming the best YOU possible, visit http://www.seebecksolutions.com/ and sign up to receive your FREE subscription to "What Matters Most", a weekly ezine of inspiration, motivation and humor from a Christian perspective.

Ruth Seebeck has built a reputation over the last three decades as a life-skills coach, mentor, Christian counselor and friend. She is a business owner, author, community volunteer and event coordinator whose passion is helping others overcome life's challenges.

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Renewing Your Mind in 2012

The affirming power of God's Word has a unique and transforming quality. We are told that we are to be transformed by renewing our mind. The key is that there are so many believers that do not understand the dynamics of mind renewal, so I decided to share with you a truth so powerful that when received and acted upon it will literally change transform your life.

Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. (Rom. 12:2, AMP)

In Paul's admonishment to the Romans concerning their potential conformity to the world (the current way of thinking). He reveals a succinct yet quite powerful truth; the power of thought to transform one's existence. "But be transformed by the renewal of your mind" speaks to the power of words and thoughts. Your perceptions, your attitude, your emotional responses are all a part of your thought processes.

And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]...(Eph. 4:23, AMP)

Yet again we see the call to be renewed in the mind. Why is this? The mind is the foundation of our existence; as we think and believe; we exist. In psychology there is a constant inference that feeds the cliché "perception is reality". This inference recognizes the fact that our thought processes influence every other aspect of our lives. We truly are what we think.

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...(Pro. 23:7, AMP)

If this is true, then it is very important for each of us to monitor our thoughts, the words we speak, as well as the words others speak concerning us. Let's take a quick look at Romans 12:2 once again. This scripture reveals that the renewal of the mind produces the capability for transformation. So, when you are looking for elevation, power, focus, and more, it begins with your thought processes.

Well, how does one renew the mind? The mind is renewed by the constant, daily intake, digestion, metabolism and inculcation of Bible doctrine. Simply put, the more you place the Word of God in front of you, to read, hear, and meditate on, the more you will begin to see the transforming power of God's Word through the renewal of your mind.

When you begin to fill your mind with the Word of God you will see the powerful effect it has to change you and your position. In order to change you, you have to change your thinking and the way you change your thinking is to change the information you feed your mind.

The most powerful resource that I have encountered in assisting believers in renewing their minds is Bible scripture. There literally thousands of Christian Affirmations within the multitudinous scriptural passages in the Bible and each one has the power to transform.

In my years of study in the fields of psychology and theology, it is hard for me to think of one single thing that has more impact on a Christian's walk than their faith and their faith is a direct reflection of what they believe; not just what they believe concerning God, but what they believe about their relationship with God. Based on Scripture, these beliefs (faith) are the direct result of hearing the Word spoken.

When you are able to hear, read, and meditate on these Christian Affirmations it builds up your self-worth, emotional and spiritual self-esteem, and more. You have probably had those moments in which you felt overwhelmed about all you face daily, but a constant influx of positive affirmations about who you are, what you mean to God, how God is working in the midst of all your struggles will lift and strengthen you to endure until your breakthrough comes.

Whether you have been a serious student for years or you are just beginning your quest for knowledge, this program will elevate you in ways unimaginable. I encourage you to elevate yourself through the renewal of your mind.

The Word of God has served me well and I encourage you to take hold of Its power to transform even the most troubled life into a powerful and productive one. Simply click http://www.renewingyourmind2012.info/ and begin the renewal process. Take advantage of this powerful resource and experience a life altering transformation.

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The Power Of Affirmations And Your Subconscious Mind

The power of affirmations has long been promoted by all the self-help gurus and masterminds the world over.

But what are affirmations, and how do they work?

Affirmations are simply statements that we say we say to our self that are either positive or negative in nature. We use affirmations every day. These affirmations basically come in the form of our self-talk or inner dialogue that constantly goes around in our heads.

To get a better grasp of how affirmations actually work and the theory behind them, it's important first to have a good understanding of how our mind works.

The Workings Of The Mind

When we come into this world, our brain is like one huge sponge soaking up all the information that it is fed. The source of this information comes from all the experiences and situations we encounter has we grow up towards adulthood.

Our parents, family, friends, teachers and colleagues generally shape our life experiences in the early years.

All this information that is being fed to us is channeled through what we call our conscious mind into our subconscious or unconscious mind.

The Subconscious- The Mind's Hard Drive.

Our subconscious is by far the most powerful part of our mind.

If you think of our mind as a computer then your subconscious is the hard drive of that computer. It's the part of your mind that stores every experience, situation, feeling and emotion, both positive and negative that we've encountered throughout our lives.

You have to admit that's a fair bit of information.

Now, one of the main benefits of all this stored information within our subconscious mind is to help keep us safe from any danger. A good example of this is when you were young, your curiosity led to you to check out your surroundings which often tested the boundaries of safety.

Perhaps you can remember a time when you may have approached a hot stove and through your curiosity you touched a red hot cooking ring and suffered a very nasty burn.

When you experience a situation such as this, your subconscious mind will relate pain and being burnt to the extreme heat from a hot stove, and therefore pre-warn, or guard you when you ever come across a hot stove again.

Our subconscious does in fact employ this very same method with every situation in our lives. As I've already mentioned, it's this part of our mind that stores all our experiences, situations, feelings and emotions.

All this information that we gather and store literally goes on to create our dominant habits, beliefs and behaviors, which in turn moulds and creates our life and destiny.

Your Life Is A Reflection Of Your Past Thoughts

Another very important thing to know is that your external environment is and always will be a reflection of your internal environment. Put another way, the life you're currently living is a mirror image of the thoughts and beliefs you hold deep in the recesses of your mind.

So can you see how important and powerful the mind is and in particular the subconscious mind?

Let me ask you a straight forward question.

Are you happy with how your life is at the moment?

If not, then it probably means you need to start reprogramming your mind.

Reprogramming Your Mind Through The Power Of Affirmations

You may think that it would really difficult to re-program your mind.

But in fact this can be done relatively easily and quickly

One of the most powerful and most effective ways of reprogramming the mind is through the power of affirmations.

I mentioned at the beginning of this article, affirmations are simply the positive and negative statements you say to yourself every day. These can come in the form

It is this self talk and inner dialogue that determines your consistent thoughts. What's more, it is those consistent thoughts that have brought you to where you are in your life today.

So by changing those consistent thoughts, the course of your life will automatically change.

Using affirmations is an extremely powerful technique to help you do this.

Before you use affirmations, you first have to become a persistent observer of your thoughts. When you notice yourself thinking self-defeating, negative thoughts you must change that thought to one that's positive in that very moment. Doing this immediately will neutralize the negative thought there and then and prevent it from taking hold and adding to the rest of the garbage you store within your subconscious.

The whole purpose of using affirmations is to convince your mind that what you're consistently affirming is the truth.

This may be difficult at first, but like everything, the more you do it the easier it becomes.

What is also vital is to add as much emotion as possible to your affirmations. Emotion is the driving force that powers your affirmations.

Your subconscious mind will not be able to turn your affirmations into reality unless you attach a high emotional energy to every statement. Your subconscious responds best when emotion is present.

So when you're saying your affirmations and it's worth noting, this can be done by reciting them out loud or in your head, get into the feeling that what you're saying is actually true. Visualize the scene; hear all the sounds, and create the feelings and emotions that what you desire is already yours.

Your mind holds the key to you achieving every desire possible. Once you take control of your mind, you will begin to take control of your life. Your destiny is before you. Create the life you've always dreamed of through the power of affirmations.

Affirmations help develop a positive attitude toward life, which is essential to becoming happier and more successful. A positive attitude is the key to achieving whatever you want. Discover the formula to manifest EVERYTHING you desire through the power of affirmations.

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Rehab for Killer Phrases

Did you know you were using killer phrases? Does it shock you when I say "we all use killer phrases"? You do, I do, everyone does. Before we can perform today's intervention, we need to recognize the problem. A killer phrase may not physically kill us, but it kills our self-esteem and our momentum that we need to propel us forward to be successful. Some examples of killer phrases are: I can't, I won't, I have to, I'm not. If you don't see anything wrong with just the fragments listed above, think about a sentence containing the phrase: I can't seem to get up in the morning. I won't be able to achieve my goal. I have to go to that meeting this afternoon. I'm not as talented as she is. Yikes!

Didn't any of us watch Saturday Night Live in the 80's with Stuart Smalley when he would look in the mirror and say: "I'm smart enough, I'm strong enough, and gosh darn it people like me!"? When did we start using killer phrases...and why...??? You'll have to answer that for yourself, or chat with your counselor. There's no couch in my office because I have enough trouble solving my own problems - but that's another story for another time. Here's what I do know. We NEED to stop kicking our own butts. There are plenty of people out there willing to kick us - why would we feel the need to tell ourselves anything so negative as I can't, I won't, I have to, or I'm not? Our self-esteem is depending on us to be positive. Put on that cheerleading skirt and grab those pompons and be prepared to be your own biggest fan. NOW!

Send those killer phrases off to rehab and let them complete some sort of 12 step program while you wiggle into that cheerleading outfit. Ready? Yes! Go ahead! Instead of saying I can't do something, replace it with a positive statement: I plan to improve on something. These are much easier to understand in context. Let's go back to our earlier examples: I can't seem to get up in the morning. I won't be able to achieve my goal. I have to go to that meeting this afternoon. I'm not as talented as she is. We have all agreed these are killer statements (or at least I don't hear any arguments). Now, let's take those same thoughts - after rehab, they'll sound something like this: I have a goal to become more of a morning person; I'm improving. I have set a goal to wake up 15 minutes early each day. I have an opportunity to go to a meeting today; I'm looking forward to learning something new. I'm going to ask her where she learned that so I can be just as talented and knowledgeable as she is.

Doesn't it feel a lot better to tell yourself positive things? You are a beautiful person, a talented over-achiever, a patient parent, a sympathetic spouse. Of course there are times when you don't live up to those accolades, but over all you know you're a great person who is capable of anything you set your mind to. Send those killer phrases off to rehab and vow to be your biggest fan. Keep that cheerleading skirt on because you're going to need it. You're going to be successful, because you deserve it! And most importantly, stop kicking your own butt...really...focus that energy on starting your own fan club. YOU are worth it!

Are you looking for Crystal's style of Executive partnering/coaching? She would be happy to partner with you and your team. To learn more, go to: http://www.relaxconsulting.com/

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Empowering Self-Talk: How to Make Affirmations That Inspire Change

"Change Your Thoughts and Change Your World" - Norman Vincent Peale

"Every day in every way I am getting better and better." You probably heard this famous affirmation popularized in the 1920's by Emil Coue, a French pharmacist and psychologist. After observing his patients heal faster when they focused their mind on positive healing images, Coue developed this therapeutic method he called optimistic autosuggestion. His belief that, "you are what you think" proved to have great success in rehabilitating the thousands of patients he treated each year.

You might ask what makes this deceptively simple affirmation so powerful. And how can I duplicate it?

Start with the area you want to work on. Emil Coue addressed the health concerns of people who were ill and wanted to get well. Your challenge may be with finances, career, family, relationships, physical or emotional health, etc. Define your source of stress.
Make your affirmation simple and specific. Coue's autosuggestion is a simply stated imagery for healing. Yours may contain specific relaxation instructions, or suggestions for improved self-esteem or a mantra for success. Make sure it describes exactly what you want to achieve. For example you want to ask for a raise, "I am clear and direct asking my boss for a raise".
Powerful affirmations are positive and carefully expressed. Phrase them as if they are occurring now. Notice Coue says, "I am getting better and better." Avoid negative statements. For example instead of "I will not be nervous asking for a raise". Use a positive version such as "I am letting go of tension when I talk to my boss" or "I am calm and assertive asking for a raise."
An affirmation works best when combined with an image or mental picture. So write it down, close your eyes and visualize the touch, taste and feel of the change you want to create.
Repeat your affirmation throughout the day, every day. The more you say it the more connected it becomes to your desired outcome. Routine repetition was an important part of Coue's method. He recommended his patients repeat "Every day in every way I am getting better and better" upon awakening, throughout the day and before going to sleep at night. When he put the power of healing into the hands of his patients Coue had great success curing them of illness and disease.

Affirmations are good for your mental health. Evidence proves that serotonin and endorphins, those feel good hormones, are released when we focus on positive thoughts. This scientifically based evidence works even if you are a skeptic.

So take a cue from Emil Coue. Practice positive thinking. Make affirmations that work to improve your life. You have nothing to lose but time and everything to gain. Like a happier outlook on life, less anxiety, and better health. The power to change is in you.

Barbara Mitchell DCH is a Stress Management Consultant, Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy and author of "When You Need a Timeout" a self-help guide of relaxation and energy exercises, motivational examples, diet and pampering tips for a life less stressful. Won "Finalist "Women's Issues" National Indie Excellence Book Awards and Global eBook Awards. Her CD "Just Relax Like This" features the top five relaxation techniques to be a more vibrant person (BA MVP).

Dr. Barbara has a consulting practice in New Jersey where she helps clients resolve stress related personal, emotional, job burnout, anxiety and trauma issues. See her full bio at http://www.thecalmingbreath.com/.

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Healing Affirmations: Powerful Biblical Words of Health and Life!

Healing affirmations positively and powerfully affect a person's life. Living a healthy life requires making the positive forces primary. Unfortunately, when a person is suffering and in pain, mentally or physically, their mind is primarily focused on their current negative condition. This in turn leads to speaking and reaffirming the same unhealthy condition.

You Choose Your Affirmations

The words that we think and speak have a powerful effect on our lives, positive or negative. The key to living a healthier, happier life is choosing to affirm the positive and healthy affirmations.

Important! Paying attention to the daily, seemingly insignificant thoughts and words is the first line of defense. Any negative affirmations need to be replaced as quickly as possible. If not, the battle to overcome simply becomes greater.

Consider the following thoughts and affirmations:

My head hurts. I hope I'm not getting a cold.My stomach aches. I think I'm getting the flu.I feel warm. I must have a fever and I'm sure I'm getting sick.I'm always sick lately.I catch every illness that comes around.I just can't seem to get better.

Do any of the above statements sound familiar? If these are the regular affirmations you think and confess, how do you suppose they affect your health?

Powerful Biblical Healing Affirmations

Healing affirmations and confessions based on the Word of God develop a powerful healthy attitude in life; which is an essential element in good health. In fact, by using biblical affirmations you'll tap into a "hidden power" that can supercharge your life.

"He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." -- Psalm 107:20

Start quoting scriptures to yourself earnestly and fiercely. Tell your body to line up with the Word of God. Confessing biblical healing affirmations is something we can do in the natural, but at the same time we are fighting off sickness and disease in the spiritual realm.

The following biblical healing affirmations will help you get started:

My God is the Lord that heals me. (Exodus 15:26)I bless the Lord with all my soul and remember His benefits, which includes healing my diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3)I am wise and speak health. (Proverbs 12:18)I am washed by the Spirit of God. (1 Corinthians 6:11)I have a sound heart, and a mind at peace, and they are life and health to my body. (Proverbs 14:30)

Search the Word of God and find more of His healing benefits and begin to use them as your own healing affirmations.

Imagine waking up each morning, bursting with energy and joy for the new day. Chances are, you have "tried" positive affirmations, but haven't yet developed a positive, healthy mindset. Choose to renew your mind to the Word of God and change your thoughts into His life-transforming thoughts of health and life.

May you keep sickness away with powerful, biblical affirmations of health and life and experience days of growing prosperity!

And now, get a Free life changing "How to Attract Prosperity" download. Plus enjoy Christian and Self-Improvement Resources along with Motivational Videos and a Meditation Podcast.

Check this out: http://www.growingprosperity.com/.

B.K. Smith seeks to provide resources to help you prosper in all areas of life - including your spirit, soul, body, finances, and relationships.

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How to Transform Your Life With the Magic of Words

I am a great believer in the tremendous transformative power of words. As Dumbledore said to Harry Potter, "Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it." We are all products of the words that were repeatedly said to us as children, and continue to say to ourselves now. Some of us heard words in childhood that hypnotized us into believing that we're not valuable or important. However, we can use the magic of words to transform our lives and fully own and embody our inherent worthiness.

I recently became motivated to step up my capacity to own and feel comfortable with my worth when a friend generously offered to host a book signing party for me for my new book about my 3-year cancer journey, Oh No, Not Another 'Growth' Opportunity! My first reaction was FEAR! The thought of being the center of attention made me want to run for the hills! But then my higher self piped in and said, "This is a perfect opportunity to work on increasing your sense of self-worth and becoming more comfortable receiving love and appreciation." When I saw it that way, I said a resounding "Yes!"â?¨

I went into training for the book signing party like an athlete; I diligently applied myself towards building my 'worthiness' muscles; I felt like the Rocky of self-worth! I saturated myself in words and feelings and evidence of my value. Everyday I went for a walk and as I walked I affirmed, "I am a beautiful soul. I am comfortable being seen and appreciated." I breathed deep slow breaths and let that belief in. I reinforced that by thinking of all the times that I have been loved and appreciated. Every morning when I awoke I imagined and felt complete relaxation and peace as I pickled myself in the energy of love and worthiness.

I know from experience that with focused and fervently felt words we can hypnotize ourselves into or out of just about anything. Here are some examples of times I have used words to successfully psyche myself into more love, more money, greater self-esteem, and better health:

When I first began selling my arts and crafts at the Sunday Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show, it was difficult for me to believe that people would buy my work; therefore, my reality reflected that belief with paltry sales. So...I began imagining and repeating to myself words like: "People are delighted with my creations. They love to buy my arts and crafts." And they did! As I said my affirmations, my sales increased and I was able to happily make my living at it for 25 years.

When I was ready to have love in my life, I used a powerful form of hypnosis called "yes sets" to help me break through my disbelief. Everyday I'd say a series of truisms about my lovability, getting my mind nodding in agreement, and then I tagged on the new desired belief: "I know that I am a fabulous spiritual partner and fun playmate for some very lucky guy." That helped open the door for some very lucky guy who I ended up marrying!

I'm currently using the power of words and imagination with my health. I daily verbally affirm how I want my day to go; I see and feel it as if it is already so. I say things like: "I am filled with vitality. I am healthy and strong. I have an abundance of energy to do everything I want to do. I feel comfortable and joyful in my body." After my chemo and radiation treatment for cancer almost two years ago, I felt pain and discomfort; but when I started affirming and imagining that I was becoming pain free, I soon actually became pain free!

With the help of my magic wand of words, my book-signing party was a wonderful success. I felt relaxed and worthy of all the love and attention I received. I believe we are all on a hero's journey to discover and reclaim our inherent magnificence, and our soul enthusiastically encourages us, "Remember who you REALLY are!"

How about you? Can you remember times when you used the magic of words to transform yourself into a new way of being? Have you owned that you are a ravishingly beautiful soul? If not, you can affirm, imagine, and feel the truth of that, hypnotizing yourself into owning and being your true magnificent self!

Janet Jacobsen
Author or Oh No, Not Another 'Growth' Opportunity! An Inspirational Cancer Journey With Humor, Heart, and Healing

Are you or someone you know coping with cancer or other life challenges? To read more of Janet Jacobsen's FREE, inspirational, entertaining, and informative essays, as well as the first 4 chapters of her book, go to http://enlightenink.com/

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Super Charging Your Affirmations

Let me share an experience with you that I think highlights how affirmations can be used both effectively and ineffectively to assist in taking action.

I visited a forum recently on a website. In it a thread was posted by a concerned user in which he stated that he was unsure about the affirmation of saying he had $10000 in his account when he clearly had no money at all in his account. He wasn't taking any action because he'd been told he just had to believe and keep saying the affirmation over and over and he was doing that, but he wasn't seeing any money show up yet.


He felt like a fraud saying it over and over again, knowing in the back of his mind that it wasn't true.

So, what to do?

Do affirmations have to be contrary to the truth? No.

Can affirmations be used by people who do not like this "feeling of being a fraud?" My answer is yes. And here is how...

Let us imagine the world of possibilities

Take your perception of making money. You can have two types of thoughts around making money, ones which encourage you to make an effort and ones which make you not even try.

The point is to follow the simple process of:

1) Identify which thoughts empower you to make an effort

2) Identify which thoughts don't

Imagine if you were to repeat the thoughts that do not empower you over and over again? Where would that lead? Now imagine accessing the thoughts that empower you over and over again? Where would that lead?

OK, but can we make it more powerful? Super charged? YES!

Let's start with an affirmation like this:

"There are millions of ways to make more money available to me, every day!"

Or this one "I am a very capable of achieving my goals!"

Now as you say the affirmation, remember past things you have done - the images, the memories as you have done things successfully in the past. The more you do this the more you reinforce the truth, the reality that this is true by linking the empowering affirmation with the image or memory.

How does this make you feel? Does it make you feel confident? Excited? Powerful?

If so then do this any time you are putting off taking action. See if it can super charge you and propel you forward with a spring in your step. Feeling empowered is just one of the keys to taking great action.

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Segment Intending and Virtual Reality Explained

I was asked to explain the process of Segment Intending as well as the process of Virtual Reality. These processes were created by Abraham-Hicks. In order to understand these processes you must first comprehend the mechanics of the Universe. We are physically integrated on a vibrational level with our environment. The basic component part of all things is energy. The structure of energy is vibration. Our environment is constructed from this vibration. Each individual part of the Universe vibrates at different frequencies. These frequencies are energy signatures. Energy signatures interact with each other creating the illusion of a physical reality moving in a linear timeline.

Our energy signatures originate from our higher self, source self, or over-soul as some may call it. This over-soul is a part of the Divine Energy, God, or Universe. We manipulate our environment through the cooperative interaction of our energy signatures and the vibrations around us. Similar energies are attracted to each other. So in order to change your circumstances you have to change the energy signature you are putting out.

Our energy signatures match our beliefs, thoughts and feelings. It is through the process of knowing that manifestations occur. We have to direct our environment not react to it. This is easily accomplished by the process of Segment Intending and Virtual Reality. Segment intending is a strong focusing technique that is used to intentionally control our environment whereas Virtual Reality is a process that sets up a series of events pre-paving the future.

Segment Intending

Segment intending is a foundational technique that we can go back to as we would a trusted family recipe. Motivational speakers tell us the importance of having goals broken down into manageable pieces. When we speak about manifesting our desires we tend to think about long term goals and overlook the simple day to day processes. If I were to ask you what you want to manifest you may respond by mentioning abundance, marriage or healing. Having a safe trip to work is a manifestation. Meeting a new friend today is a manifestation. Being on time, having fun, enjoying the meeting are all manifestations.

Waking up in the morning is a segment. So is jogging, getting ready for work, eating breakfast, commuting, working, playing, conversations and etc. Each moment of your day is a brand new segment. Focusing on these moments is the key. This is what is termed; Living in the Now. It may all seem tedious but this Now Moment is all we ever have. Set an intention for each new Now Moment. A quick prayer, affirmation statement or thought is all it takes.

This will become second nature after awhile and is well worth the initial effort to learn and apply. There will always be moments that are unpleasant for us and this simple technique will save you a lot of unneeded frustration.

Virtual Reality

When we were children our imagination was vivid and realistic. It was easy for us to wander off in make-believe for hours at a time. This is the place in our minds where we must return. Our bodies and our environment cannot tell the difference between the energy we create through Virtual Reality or our physical senses. For our subconscious mind, there is no difference. It creates within our bodies the identical response. Studies have proven that athletes who imagined practising were just as effective as those who actually practised. All of the same muscle fibers fired as if they were in use.

Virtual Reality is simply the process of daydreaming. Directed imagination in order to produce and emotional response. It only takes a few moments to be very effective. I personally find it most beneficial to do cardio exercise at the same time because my body and mind are generating energy together.

Whatever you can imagine has literally been created for you and is waiting for you to line your energy signature up with it. Once you learn these simple processes results come quickly, synchronous events will reflect back to you where you are in relation to your manifestation. But that's another article.

Happy Manifesting.

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Affirmations: Your Most Important Conversation

"You can't do anything right!"

"You suck at everything!"

"God, are you ever dumb!"

Who could be so cruel to talk to someone like that? Even so, these words probably sound familiar to you, because that is how most of us talk - to ourselves.

Words like this hit home for me more that I care to admit. For the longest time, I beat myself into such a state I couldn't even hold my head up and say hello. I once thought that to compliment myself would be arrogant and conceited.

I never dreamed I would write articles like this, especially one this personal.

For my lack of self confidence, I did what any self respecting teenager would do. I blamed others. I blamed it on my parents. Sometimes, I would even blame the kids on the playground from so many years ago who told me I was ugly.

Now I know I created most of my own problems. When I started to tell myself that I was ugly, stupid, and couldn't do anything right, I set up a self fulfilling prophecy.

I neglected my appearance and made myself unattractive. I never tried very hard at anything and gave off an attitude that made many people not like me.

When I got to college, I felt sick of the way my life was going. Enough was enough. My life wasn't going to magically get any better, and no one else was coming to my rescue.

I realized that if I wanted to be happy and successful, I had to work for it. If I wanted miracles in my life, I had to make them happen myself. The only problem was I had no idea where to start.

One day I heard about a book called Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. It opened my eyes to the fact that my subconscious programming could be changed. Self talk is the secret.

Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who often wondered what made some people improve their lives after having a deformity corrected. On the other hand, some patients were just as insecure as ever even though they attained perfect outward beauty.

This led him to a lifetime study into the human mind, and human potential. He found that in order to achieve any outward success, you first had to see it mentally. Through visualization and self talk, you can reverse even the most miserable of circumstances.

To combat negative self talk, I learned to visualize a giant red stop sign and mentally yell "Cancel" every time I had a self defeating thought. I also learned that trying to change years of subconscious programming and negative self talk is about as easy as trying to toilet train a cat. I had to mentally yell "Cancel, cancel, cancel" so much it seemed ridiculous.

But over time, I started to respect myself for doing the best I could with the knowledge I had. Gradually, my self talk became more empowering. With persistence, the new thoughts began to take hold, and for the first time in my life I felt a touch of self confidence.

Changing your self talk is like trampling a new path through the woods. With each use, the new pathway becomes clearer, and the old way grows over with grass and weeds. It's difficult at first, but the rewards are well worth it.

This life can only be as great as our minds will allow it to be. Our dominant thoughts determine our attitude, beliefs, and most importantly, our actions.

All of the things you desire most are not going to drop from the heavens. Happiness and success are only possible when we take full responsibility for ourselves. It begins when we become more aware of and more in control of the most important conversation any of us will ever have - the one within.

Discover how you can use visualization to tap into your Subconscious Power and improve anything in your life. Go to http://blog.howtovisualize.net/ and get your Free report "Power Visualization Tips You Can Use Today"

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Affirmations to Unleash Your Subconscious Power

"I hate cold calling" thinks the salesperson with a sinking feeling in his gut as he tries to book appointments for the day.

"I don't know why I bother. I'll never be good enough," thinks the young singer going to an audition.

"No matter how hard I try I just keep getting fatter."

It's almost heartbreaking to listen. We all have goals and dreams and ambitions. We all have a deep yearning to feel attractive and liked by other people.

The problem is most of our self talk reflects the opposite of what we really want.

Are you ready to take back the reins and regain control of your mind and your thoughts? Do you want to start moving toward the happiness, success and dreams you desire instead of away from them? You can when you teach your subconscious to work with you instead of against you.

You can get positive results quickly.

Just remember that energy follows thought. You always act and move in the direction of your dominant images and feelings. If your current mental pictures aren't taking you where you want to go, you can change them by using affirmations correctly.

An affirmation is a phrase you say to yourself over and over again in order to get into a desirable habit of self talk.

Imagine for a moment that you are a salesperson. Up until now, you've been telling yourself how much you hate cold calling. Since energy follows thought, you end up dreading the first hour of your day where you have to call on prospects. The rest of your day continues on a downward spiral.

You need to put the brakes on this pattern and get back to making sales again so you can pay your mortgage. You might try an affirmation like "I am a great salesperson. I believe in my products and I am proud to offer them."

To get the best results, follow these three guidelines when using your affirmations.

Use them when you are relaxed

Your mind is more open to suggestion when you are calm and free of stress.

Believe your affirmation

Your subconscious will reject a suggestion you don't believe in. That's why many people get the opposite of what they want. Choose a statement that is both empowering and believable and you will get far better results.

Follow up with action

Show your subconscious you mean business by taking immediate action toward your objective after doing affirmations.

Try using affirmations in this way for the next 30 days. You'll be astounded at how much more positive and effective you become.

Discover how you can use visualization to tap into your Subconscious Power and improve anything in your life. Go to http://blog.howtovisualize.net/ and get your Free report "Power Visualization Tips You Can Use Today."

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My Sixth Sense the Night Before the Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy

I Was Watching The NASA Space Shuttle Challenger Live on January 28th, 1986

I was living in Daytona Beach, Florida. It was January 28th, 1986, the day before my birthday, January 29th. I was in class in college at 11:30 A.M. I asked the course instructor if we could go outside and watch the Challenger takeoff live.

Daytona Beach isn't far from Cape Canaveral. You could see every shuttle launch from Daytona Beach easily. The night launches always lit the whole sky up. I was working on getting my Commercial Pilot License at the time.

The Challenger was scheduled to depart at 11:38 A.M. It was the coldest winter I had ever spent in Daytona Beach. The temperature was a bone chilling 22° F on January 28TH, 1986 at 11:30 A.M. I say bone chilling, because I lived in Florida. I did not even own sweat pants, just shorts.

So the course instructor said, "Yes, let's all go out and watch the launch." So we did. We were all standing outside jumping around trying to stay warm. The time was 11:37 A.M.

The night before the Challenger launch, me and my roommate were studying and watching the news. NASA had 10 launches of a shuttle from January 1985 until January 1986. The entire year of 1984, there were only five. We were discussing how close together the launches were to each other.

I was actually flying over Sanford, Florida at 6,000 feet when Atlantis launched on November 26TH, 1985 at 7:29 P.M., E.S.T. The launch lit up the whole state. It was incredible to see from the air at night. The launch looked like the sun was coming up from the sea.

So, I and my roommate were discussing how cold it would be for the launch on January 28th of the Challenger. I actually made the comment that if NASA keeps pushing this hard and this fast, with this many launches, there was going to be an accident. Little did I know what I foretold that night.

January 28th, 1986, 11:38 A.M. We were looking up into the tremendous blue and cold sky that morning. The Challenger came roaring up from the ground. It was breath-taking. Seventy-three seconds later, we saw the unthinkable. But we did not know exactly what we saw. We could see the solid rocket boosters separate from the shuttle and start spinning.

My class mate said, "Looks like the crew jettisoned the boosters, and are going to return to Cape Canaveral." I said, "Let's go to the University Center and find a T.V. and see what is going on." So we went and found T.V. and anxiously watched. I did not go back to class the rest of the day.

Later, the determination was made that the O ring seal on the right booster rocket had failed initiating the disaster. Little did I know on that fateful day in 1986, that a little over 11 years later, on a severely cold day (8°F) in March 1997 while flying over Tennessee, my right O ring (on the right brake) would fail while landing the aircraft I was flying, resulting in a very near fatal accident.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends, and all the persons associated with the Challenger, 26 years and 20 days ago. I think about the crew and families often to this day.

"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards." - Author Unknown.

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What Guides You? These Will Help

Everything in life is a choice.

How do you make your choices? What are they based on?

When we are clear about what is most important to us, we can make choices that are aligned with what we want in our lives. Guiding principles help keep us focused throughout the year and give us a foundation to determine the choices we make every day. It is through those daily choices that we build our lives.

Here's a quick visualization exercise you can try to help you create your guiding principles. Journal about the following:

Imagine yourself one year into the future reading from your journal and reflecting back on how you lived your life. As you are reading your journal, you noticed that everything in your personal and professional lives went exactly as you would have liked. You lived by the values that were important to you, your life was balanced and focused on your highest priorities, and you achieved everything you wanted.

Now, respond to the following questions.
• During that year, what did you value most? What were your top three priorities?
• How did you feel and what were the results when you focused on what was most important to you (e.g., in control, fulfilled, challenged, loved, secure, etc.)?

Now elevate your responses to a thematic level, and create your guiding principles using the format below.

I believe that... and I am committed to... so that I can...

Here are some of my guiding principles.

I believe that family is my most important priority, and I am committed to building a relationship with every immediate family member so that I can grow, share, and experience life with them to the fullest.

I believe that living a balanced life will enable me to be a better person, friend, family member, athlete, and business owner, and I am committed to taking care of myself physically, spiritually, and mentally so that I can live a long and prosperous life fully enjoying every moment, person, and being in it.

I believe that life should be lived with passion, and I am committed to traveling and exploring, climbing, meeting new people, and serving others so that I can experience everything that life has to offer and share in its beauty.

This is a great time of year to reflect and to renew, and guiding principles will help you make choices aligned with what you want to create for your life.

Sal Silvester is the founder and president of 5.12 Solutions http://512solutions.com/ Working with teams is Sal's passion. He has a unique perspective on team development and leadership gained through his experience over the past 17 years as an Army Officer, an executive at Accenture, and founder of 5.12 Solutions. He has led and managed teams in the desert of Kuwait, the mountains of Turkey, and in the offices of many clients on process improvement, organizational change, and training projects.

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The Susan Boyle Example Entices Motivation

Most likely you have heard of Susan Boyle. Today she is a world celebrity after presenting herself in a music reality show in England. Her physical appearance, somehow sloppy, caused a certain underestimation by the jury and audience up until she sung admirably for few minutes. Her presentation caused surprise, tears, laughs, and ultimately claps. It was the birth of a star in the music world.

Maybe, she had to wait the information era, as we live today, full of technologies to see the explosion that her voice became through the internet. In only 2 weeks her videos had been seen for more than 100 million times. She got her own page on Wikipedia; she was invited for many talk shows throughout the world, and she was offered a CD contract.

The lesson learned in this episode is directly related to our capacity to judge other people, businesses, or any instance without knowing the inside of that same instance. It only takes a bad report from someone else, a bad visual impression, and sometimes a possible negative thought for this negative chain of reaction to start. We, humans, have the tendency to be optimistic if we hear one hundred positive comments, but the time we hear only one negative comment, besides the fact of already having one hundred positive comments, we withdraw from that particular instance and sometimes even give up of our dreams.

The society has made us this way. Our families make us be this way, sometimes unconsciously. Going back to Susan Boyle we could notice how transformed was her style few days after her presentation. She cut her hair; she changed her clothes, she was a new woman and much more attractive. Why did that happen? It happened because we live in a world where our external appearance matters. This is no exception, unfortunately.

This pressure that comes from the outside most of time pushes our talents and gifts to a place where we can never reach unless we decide to overcome the world and start to shy. This is a tough task for the timid, fearful, pessimistic, and anybody who do not believe that dreams can be achieved.

The truth is that anything can be achieved if we change our attitude and go for it. I can imagine how hard it was for Susan to be there at first in front of the world and sing, knowing that she was being overlooked by everybody due to her appearance. She still went up there and showed who she really was and her life changed forever.

My advice for all of us is to go ahead and dream. However, do not dream only, but seek to make that come to pass. If you want to lose weight, do something. If you want to buy a house, do something. If you want to be happy, do something. Eliminate your fears and disregard the pressure of the world.

Remember the Susan Boyle example!

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Are Your Affirmations Positive? How to Do Them Right

Making daily affirmations positive is a sneaky art, but once you get the simple "twist" that makes your affirmation list become positive, you're well on your way to success. This article gives you tips for creating phrases that really are in line with what you desire, as well as gives examples and encourages a well-rounded approach to practicing your list of affirmations.

WHAT IS AN AFFIRMATION? Let's take just a second to make sure that we are all on the same page when it comes to writing positive affirmations. The goal, of course, is to learn how to write affirmations that work. Before you begin writing positive affirmations, though, you've got to be completely sure of what you want to "affirm" to yourself since that is at the core of your daily affirmations or positive phrases that you are using to "program new thoughts into your mind." So, what is an affirmation? It's a positive phrase that you repeat often enough to "affirm" a new idea into your mind.

WRITING POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: The "sneaky" trick when writing positive affirmations, however, is in creating the phrases in the exact direction of what you want to "affirm" to your mind. I'll explain that one quickly...

To write affirmations that work, you want to make sure they are short affirmations and that they focus directly on the "object of your desire." However, if the "object of your desire" is to lose weight, for example, most people mistakenly write daily affirmations that focus on "losing weight." Ah hah! That's where most people make their mistake because affirmation examples that focus on "losing weight" focus on the subject of "weight."

This concept may be hard to "figure out" in the beginning, but it gets easier as you go along. Weight loss affirmations, for example, should focus on "becoming slim and beautiful" because THAT is what you want to "affirm" to yourself.

EXAMPLES: Since weight loss affirmations are so popular and so tangible, I'll give you a few short affirmations that drive my point home. Although this affirmation list may sound unusual, I think you'll see that there is more to doing weight loss affirmations than just focusing on the subject of "weight."

"I am slim and beautiful."
"My body is healthy, happy and slim."
"My metabolism works perfectly."
"I enjoy telling myself that I am beautiful."
"I see my body in perfect balance."
"Everyone around me accepts me as beautiful."
"I accept that I am beautiful just as I am now."

LIST OF AFFIRMATIONS: Creating affirmations that are positive is important by focusing on exactly what you want to "affirm" to yourself, but there is one other ingredient for success in making your affirmation list for daily affirmations work and that is to make sure you are using positive affirmations that encompass many facets of your life. This concept is just as important as making affirmations positive because you'll want to be "hitting your target" from all angles. To do this, you'll want to include positive phrases that keep you motivated, confident and energized to make the changes you want in your life.

Combining the art of making affirmations positive and making your daily affirmations encompass many parts of your life are two key ingredients for making affirmations that work.

Suzanne Glover shares a well-rounded list of affirmations which gives you more information about which facets of life should be covered in your affirmation list. She also gives more free tips and advice at effective-positive-thinking.com

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How We Use Sounds For Daily Affirmations

In our normal every day lives we often use sounds for daily affirmations without even realizing that this is what we're doing! In the car you may have your favourite track playing on the stereo. Even though it's music, it's still sound even though it's been formed into a structure that we identify as music.

The essential thing is that we are using the sounds to help us feel good. It's a trigger to give us that boost of euphoria we need in order to face the day. It can lift us from the lowest mood to the highest peak of exhilaration, depending on exactly what fires our own emotions. Hence some people get a great thrill jumping about and listening to heavy metal - while the neighbour next door could be burying into the pillow at the constant thump, thump, thump of the drums. My father used to cry tears of joy listening to Messiaen's organ music while I used to cry tears of pain.

Some people use daily affirmations to help them find the confidence to face the day. These are, after all, sounds in another format. Everything we hear is sound. It's the meaning we attach to it that causes our emotions to run high or to flatten out to a tranquil state. So to find those sounds that have the best effect is essential to finding affirmations that work.

Have you ever heard how it doesn't matter what you say to a baby because it's the tone in which you say it? This has the same effect on us if we can't understand what the meaning behind the words is. I remember hearing a beautifully intoned phrase in German and thinking it must be something beautiful. It turned out to mean "we're having some really shocking weather".

To reinforce positive words, we use as affirmations we can use them against a backdrop of music or sounds that have a positive effect on us. For some it will be Beethoven's powerful music. Others will prefer the dulcet tones of Enya. Still more will want to relax to the sound of waves lapping on the shore.

One of the most powerful experiences in my life has been to work with Tibetan singing bowls. I have seen these in action in Nepal and been deeply moved by the response to them and the experience of coming into contact with their deep vibrations and tones. For me, this is one of the most magical sounds there can be, reaching out from across the millennia with healing energy - essentially because of their beautiful sounds.

Thanks to the work of early pioneers, such as Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins in the 40s and 50s, the world of science is only just beginning to recognize the significance of music as a psychological tool. As a result, music therapy and various forms of sound therapy are developing as disciplines in their own right.

So if there is only one thing you do to make yourself feel better, make time to listen to music. Personally I have recorded the sounds of the sea lapping the beach at Rocky Bay in Co. Cork, Ireland and this gives me great comfort when I am holed up in my city address and in need of the freedom of the countryside. If you can organize yourself enough then repeat some positive statements aloud or silently as you listen to the music or sounds. Most of all, find the opportunity to surround yourself with sounds as daily affirmations.

I have worked with sounds all my life. If this article has fired your interest in some of the ways that I look at sound then take a look at http://www.squidoo.com/sounds-for-daily-affirmations. There are some fascinating advancements in this area which are well worth checking out. I also use Tibetan singing bowls to work with adults and children with autism. To see more of what I do then please visit http://www.feelingsounds.com/ and if there is anything you can add I would love to hear from you on either site. Thank you for reading.

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Success Using Positive Affirmations

Everyone dreams of success in one way or another. Unfortunately, those who don't know the power of positive affirmations often think that success is out of their reach. With positive affirmations, however, you will find that anything is possible. Most people know the story of the little engine that could. This is a little engine that was faced with a seemingly insurmountable hill while carrying a heavy load. The engine started up the hill, repeating himself, with conviction, "I think I can, I think I can!" By using positive affirmations, the little engine was able to overcome the hill in front of him. The same holds true for any person facing any perceived obstacle in life.

Positive affirmations are the way for you to reprogram your mind into believing that anything is possible. It is easy for a person to view things in life as hard, or impossible to accomplish. If you believe that you can not do something, then you won't be able to. If, on the other hand, you tell yourself over and over again that you can achieve something, then you will find what used to be obstacles as nothing more than minor bumps in the road. Using positive affirmations will give you the confidence you need to overcome anything that might be put in your way.

How can positive affirmations help you in life? Affirmations can be compared to the lines an actor has to memorize. When actors prepare for roles, they will practice their lines as often as possible. They will repeat them to them selves any time there is a break from their regular day. When it comes time for them to perform, they have practiced their lines so often that they don't even have to think about them, they will come automatically to their mind. Positive affirmations are the same. The more that you use them, the more automatic they will become. When faced with a potential obstacle, your mind will already know that you will be able to overcome it, because that is the way you have taught you mind to think. Since you know you will overcome it, there is no longer anything blocking your forward path.

What is the best way to train your mind with positive affirmations then? Just like the actor, you will want to repeat your affirmations as often as you can. Anytime there is a break in the normal day, just take a couple of minutes to tell yourself that you can overcome and achieve anything. The best way to do this is by creating short statements that are easy to remember. It is also important to keep them positive in nature. This makes them easier to remember so you can repeat them at any given time. Make sure that you are not distracted while saying them. Riding the train or bus to work is an ideal time, since you don't have to concentrate on work or driving. Before long, as you start to get a routine, you will find yourself repeating your positive affirmations without even thinking about them. That is when you know that you are on the road to success.

Positive affirmations are the essential ingredient in a successful life. Remember that in a race, the winner will not necessarily be the person who has the best build or the best shoes on the market. The winner will be the person who, when the race is the hardest, can push through and say to them selves "I can do this!" Programming your mind to know that success is within your grasp will give you the edge in anything. Life, just like physical races are won by those who have the will to win.

Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning™. He is also the co-founder of New You Life Coaching.
Because his interests stem from philosophy, spirituality, psychology, and leadership, Rich's coaching style incorporates a rare and ingenious approach to understanding and empowering you in an insanely effective manner.

New You Life Coaching

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Upon the Spiral Stairs - A Dynamic Year Long Program Self Empowerment and Spiritual Identity

An affirmation is a statement made in the present about a future event as if it has already occurred. The following set of affirmations is transformative when practiced and affirms the perfect perception of Consciousness in our lives while initiating the transformative process of denial to acknowledgment, alienation to surrender, and powerlessness to dominion.

When we affirm we are willing to participate, to accept and willing to be in divine will they become a creative force in our lives.

Step 1 - INTEGRATION --Physical Integration
I choose I am willing to accept my physical reality from...
I choose I am willing to participate in the physical reality of...
I choose I am willing for my physical reality to be in harmony and balance with the will of...

Step 2 - UTILIZATION --the utilization of energy for creation.
I choose I am willing to participate in the utilization of the power of... in all my activities.
I choose I am willing to accept the power of... in all my activities.
I choose I am willing to utilize the power of... in all aspects and energies in my life.

Step 3 - MANIPULATION - Mental Integration
I choose I am willing to participate in the purpose of... in my life and my reality.
I choose to accept the ability to focus on the purpose of... in my life and my reality.
I choose that I am willing to submit to the purposeful plan of... in my life & my reality.

Step 4 - LOVE
I choose I am willing to participate in the love of...
I choose I am willing to accept the love of...
I choose I am willing to love in the will of...

I choose I am willing to accept the inspiration of...
I choose I am willing to participate in communication with...
I choose I am willing that all communication is in the will of...

I choose I am willing to accept the creation of...
I choose I am willing to participate in the creation of...
I choose I am willing to create the will of...

I choose I am willing to accept the connection with...
I choose I am willing to participate in the connection with...
I choose I am willing to be connected to...

I choose I am willing to accept the awareness of...
I choose I am willing to participate in the conscious awareness of...
I choose I am willing for my awareness to be in the will of...

I choose I am willing to accept my participation in...
I choose I am willing to participate in...
I choose I am willing for my will to participate in...

Step 10 - ONENESS
I choose I am willing to accept my oneness with...
I choose I am willing to participate in my oneness with...
I choose I am willing that my will to be one with...

Step 11 - UNISON
I choose I am willing to be in unison with...
I choose I am willing to participate in the unison of...
I choose I am willing that my will to be in unison with...

I choose I am willing to accept the Inspiration of...
expressed in the physical dimension.
I choose I am willing to participate in the Inspiration of... expressed in the physical dimension.
I choose I am willing to Inspire the physical expression of...

The Authors:

Patricia, an artist, photographer and writer and Stanley, a lecturer, therapist and writer bring a unique blend of spiritual intuition, vivid imagery and practical application to their writing.

Through Awakening Publications, they have published: Ships Of Song, A Parable of Ascension; Eternal Dawn, A Parable of Transition - books of visionary fiction, Energies Awakening - A Course in Universal Energy and Awakening Realities - a book of therapeutic scripts; Awakening Series Mini Books and Study Guides and Communiques and Mind-filled Meditations - books of meditation.

In addition, they have authored the Awakening Series lectures and audio recordings for self-empowerment and spiritual identity and developed the New Realities therapeutic approach and CDs for creating positive change in ones life.

Their works currently offer daily inspirational messages to tens of thousands.

Communiqués: http://awakeningpublications.blogspot.com/ Join us on the journey and share your wisdom on our blog. Over 700 in depth concepts.

Join us on the Journey Facebook Group is open to all who R on the journey of self discovering & spiritual awakening. http://www.facebook.com/groups/communiques/:

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