Tips For Coping With Loneliness

Loneliness can be felt at any point in life. You may lead a very active and socially full life, and yet feel lonely in a crowd. The point is, that one has to realize that you are your best friend. You cannot rely on any one or two individuals to constantly shepherd you, hear you out, or even agree with you on any single point. In fact, if you are lucky to have even one good friend who can understand you and be there for you 24 hours a day and seven days a week, then you are indeed very blessed.

With age and children leaving the nest, most women find themselves caught in a quagmire of anxiety, hopelessness and despair. If they dig a little deeper, they will find out that all the energy spent on negative thinking, can be turned around, and that children leaving the parental home does not spell the end of life. Allow yourself the liberty of dreaming pleasant thoughts when the time comes to wave off your young ones off to college. Imagine what all you dreamed of doing while they were around you, but couldn't do, due to their schooling and other responsibilities. Realize that of course, you (and your spouse) will continue being good parents, and always be there for your children, to guide them and encourage them at any given point.

Rediscover yourself with engaging in your hobbies. Remember the time you had always wanted to complete and oil painting but couldn't, due to your constant preoccupation with the children? Or the musical instrument you always wanted to learn to play, but couldn't, due to the paucity of time? Or the time when you and your husband or your best friends always wanted to go on a particular sightseeing trip, but were tied up again, due to kids and their never ending responsibilities? Of course, time can't grant you your days of youthfulness again, but learn to feel thankful that, having done your work of parenting so successfully when it was required the most, you are now free to pursue your dreams, and live life exactly the way you want it.Keeping your mind distracted with mentally stimulating work and good company of family and friends is a must to ward off any negative thoughts that may prove to be roadblocks on your way to a happier and fuller life, at this point. Pay attention to your health, both mental and physical, for they are the keystones on which our lives revolve. Avoid people with whom you do not share a comfortable relationship with: for they will only underline your need to feel low. Life is beautiful at any stage: it is up to us to finish this grand canvas with a flourish. Meditation, exercise, a bit of spirituality and acceptance will make it all the more easier to keep the machinery of our lives well greased to the end. Maturity, courage, a calm mind, and a steady will, are the positive fall outs of having a great attitude toward life in general, and dealing with ourselves in particular. Having said this, there is no need to let loneliness get the better of you.

This article is an original one. The contents have been garnered from various sources, online, books and real life experiences. In case the reader wishes to add any new dimension to this, I would welcome it.

Original article

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