Affirmations Work - Your Word Is Your Wand

'The Power of the Spoken Word,' was written by Florence Scovel Shinn many years ago. In the book Florence explains how your words create your world, claiming, 'Affirmations Work.' She claimed that those who didn't know the power of their words were living behind the times. The book was written in the 1950's.

Let's imagine a fairy story. In this story there's little boy who is very poor. He works hard and nobody is kind to him. One night, as he lies in his hard and uncomfortable bed, an Angel appears and the Angel tells him that his word has power. She tells him that when he speaks his words create whatever he is talking about.

Whatever you wish for says the Angel is yours. All you have to do is ask for what you want and all of my fellow Angels in the heavens will listen to all your words and give you anything your heart desires.

What do you imagine the poor little boy would ask for? Maybe he would get confused and change his mind so much that even the Angels would become confused. Maybe he would find it difficult to decide what he wanted and could only formulate what he didn't want.

After a while of to-ing and fro-ing and focussing on what he didn't want the little boy may decide what the Angel told him wasn't true as his life hadn't changed from how it was before. His faith is lost and he carries on being a poor little boy who people are unkind to.

Is this how many of us are going through life? Is your life spent more thinking about what you don't want than what you do? They say that there is only one thing you need to know ion life to be successful, happy, healthy and wealthy and the question is, "What do I want?" Until you sit down and think about what you want you cannot go there. You don't go anywhere unless you decide to go there first. Of course you may get dragged along with someone else's plans which may or may not be fun but it may not be where you want to go.

First of all, according to Florence who had a good a grasp of Universal Principles, you decide where you are going, what you are being or what you are having and then you declare you already are it, already have it or already are doing it. Why! Because the Universe doesn't give us what we want it gives us what we already declare we have. It's no good wanting to be more confident we have to declare, "I am confident," or, "I am becoming more confident every day."

The trouble with wanting is that wanting something implies we don't have it. The thing we want is out there somewhere and there is a gap between us and it. To close that gap we declare either that it is ours already or that we are becoming it. While it may not seem right to say, "I'm healthy," when it's obvious to everyone including you that you are sick you can say, "I'm getting better every day."

Instead of saying, "I'm rich," which in the beginning may be an obvious lie, try "Money is beginning to flow into my life." When you focus on what you want you feel good. Positive words and affirmations are constructive, they build things up. Negative words and thoughts are destructive, they destroy. They destroy lives, homes, marriages, health, happiness, finances, looks and anything else you can name. The negative person lives at a lower level of consciousness than the positive person.

To change your level of consciousness from negative to positive and to tap into the positive energy of the Universe you can say affirmations. The more you repeat an affirmation the more firmly it becomes embedded in your consciousness. It's actually how all your beliefs were formed; by constant repetition. Have a look at the affirmations below then, find one or two that resonate with you, memorise them and say them over and over again.

Note: I find that the affirmations that resonate with me and are the most effective are those that give me a vivid picture of the actual event happening.
Write your chosen affirmations out on a card and say them several times a day for maximum effect.

Affirmations for Success:

• "Me and mine are successful in all our endeavours."
• "If God is with us who can be against us."
• "The doors to my success are now wide open and nailed back."
• "I let go of worn out conditions and worn out things and make all things new."
• "Endless good now comes in endless ways."
• "I am amazed at the ingenious ways door open and I see huge vistas of success."
• "I am wide awake to good and gathering in the harvest of endless opportunities."
• "My barns are full, my cup of happiness is overflowing, I am at peace."
• "My word is my wand and with it I create success in all things."
• "My greatest expectations now come to fruition."
• "The door to eternal happiness and success has been flung open and nailed back."
• "I see me and mine as God sees us, perfect in every way."
• "If God is health, I am health, if God is success, I am success."
• "I cast every burden on the Christ within and I go free."

Affirmations for Wealth:

• "My word is my wand and I declare abundant in all good things."
• "Money comes into our family from all sources expected and unexpected."
• "Everything I touch turns to gold, under grace in a perfect way."
• "Unexpected doors fly open, unexpected channels are freed and endless avalanches of abundance are poured out and over me, under grace in a perfect way."
• "I give thanks for my financial success."
• "The door to abundance is wide open and nailed back."
• "My good now overtakes me in an unexpected and surprising way."
• "I consistently thank the Universe for my abundance."
• "All things I seek are now seeking me."
• "My good comes to me now, under grace and in a perfect way."

Affirmations for happiness:

• "I am now deluged with happiness. My cup of happiness overflows."
• "Happy surprises come to me every day. I look to each day with wonder."
• "I am harmonious, happy, radiant and full of joy."
• "My happiness is built on a rock. It is mine now and for all eternity."
• "I am at peace as my endless good comes to me."
• "My good now comes to me in an unbroken stream."
• "The door to happiness is bolted open. Happiness and joy stream through it and over me."
• "My joy knows no bounds."
• "I am happy and my family is happy."
• "Happiness is my birthright and I open my arms wide to accept it now."
• "Goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life."

Affirmations for Love:

• "As I am one with the Universe and everyone in it, I am one with my love."
• "Love is all there is, I release the love that is in every one of my atoms and I glow."
• "I love everyone and everyone loves me."
• "I am at peace and in harmony with everyone and everything."
• "I am at peace with my past and now see it through the eyes of love."
• "I love me as God loves me."
• "The perfect love is in my life."
• "He/she loves me as I love him/her."

Affirmations for Health:

• "I thank God for me and mines continuing health."
• "I expect health and receive it."
• "Every day in every way I become healthier and healthier."
• "I put my trust in God and keep it there."
• "No thing can come between me and my faith."
• "I stand strong in the defence of me and mine."
• "I hold up my hand like a traffic cop against the forces of evil."
• "I wave on the forces of goodness, inviting them in to my mind."
• "I am a force to be reckoned with in my defence of my children."
• "God sees all of us as perfect."
• "Behold I see a miracle and others see it too."

"Take one or several of the above affirmations and memorise it. Then take any opportunity to repeat it.

You can find time to repeat your affirmations:

• "On the loo."
• "In bed either before you sleep, when you awaken or during the night if you find yourself awake."
• "On the way to work."
• "During lunch or tea breaks."
• "On the way home from work."
• "In the bath."
• "In the shower."
• "While cooking supper."
• "While walking the dog."
• "While doing the ironing."
• "While cleaning."
• "While washing the car."
• "While washing up."

The list is endless. There are so many times in each and every day that you could repeat your affirmations. Remember, your word is your wand. Every single affirmative session raises your vibration and sends out an attractive force into the Universe.

We often block our good by having fixed ideas where it can come from. Let go of any fixed ideas, leave it to the force within, the subconscious mind that does the work. All you have to do is do the declaring and enjoy the happy feeling they create; the rest is taken care of.

However if you are still feeling blocked and would like some one on one personal help please contact me and I will be happy to help.

Contact me at:
I work with people all over the world by phone. To your success and happiness Christine

Hi, my name is Christine Wesson. I'm a professional therapist whose been studying the mind for over ten years. I work with people all over the world by phone using Metaphysical Techniques and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Helping you to make the rest of your life, the best of your life.

Original article

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