Positive Affirmations: How Do They Work

In many cases, the biggest roadblock on the path of success is actually you. Self-defeating beliefs, such as "I am not good enough for this" or "I cannot do, I'm too clumsy" can really harm your chances, because they stop you from actually achieving your goals. Positive affirmations are short, positive statements that target those beliefs and help you reprogram your mind so they stop being an obstacle for your success.

It may sound a bit silly to just repeat a phrase to yourself again, and again, in front of the mirror, but you are actually mimicking one of the reasons why negative thought patterns emerge: When you are told by your peers or elders that something is not possible for you, or that you are lacking on some aspect or other, your mind ends up accepting it as truth. That feeling of resistance is often your subconscious trying to avoid having to change a behaviour pattern. Of course there's a limit, and repeating in front of the mirror "I will learn to fly" won't make you grow wings. But convincing yourself that losing weight or getting a promotion is possible is the first step towards actually achieving that.

Many thought patterns are learned during childhood, when the mind is still in a very malleable status, and most of them are incredibly useful. For example, as a child learning about the importance of a job well done and working hard can be key to a successful professional career as an adult. They remove the need to think: your subconscious uses those behaviour patterns to respond to every day patterns on your life, leaving your brain free to evaluate more complex situations. For example, if there's a fire your first thought will be to get away from it, your brain doesn't really need to think about that because your mind knows that fire is dangerous.

However, sometimes those beliefs are actually self-harming, formed on the wrong premises or in answer to a difficult set of circumstances that is no longer useful, appropriate or necessary and it's actually doing more harm than good. Positive affirmations aim to deal with this kind of subconscious beliefs that are hampering your progress and making you unhappy. By way of those short, positive statements you can learn how to bring positive and long-lasting change to your life, and that's why most self-help and coaching methods use them at some point or the other.

Positive affirmations also help you focus on your current goals, with a positive perspective. Being focused is necessary to achieve success. Using this kind of language tools you will be able to replace negative and undermining beliefs with others that are positive and self-nurturing and encourage a positive spiral of change. They help you let go of the past and take control of your life, so you can actually take action and make those much needed changes. It all starts with a positive attitude and snowballs from there.

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