Prana Energy

Indo-Aryan culture and Sanskrit language have a word with significant meaning of life sustaining body force. Prana is the notion of life and vital energy. It is also the central concept in yoga and it is believed to flow through a network of channels much like the different forces of the Universe.

It is concentrated in the human breath, blood, and vaginal/semen. The sun and sunshine are held to be a source of prana. Prana energy acts as physical energy, mental energy, where the mind collects information as intellectual energy, where information is examined and filtered. Prana also acts as sexual energy, spiritual energy and cosmic energy. This self-energizing force is the principle of life and consciousness. Prana is the creation of all beings in the Universe. All beings are born through it and live by it. When they die, their individual breath dissolves into the cosmic breath.

Because prana is associated with the air factor, it is subtle and moves. Therefore, it lies in the world of causality. The kosha of the mind is one in which prana exists and operates in the realm of causality. Prana tends to be a causal factor. According to Prana laws, it is flowing everywhere and it is the feeding force of life, and it is bound to change. It is possible to induce its change in the Universe by man made situations. This situations are changing the flow of Prana in the Universe creating catastrophic disasters.

As it has been coming on, one will notice species shifting. The evolutionary vital force is putting its trajectory in new ways and not working as it did before. Coincidentally, negative thoughts of disaster destruction and negativity towards man, might make it easier for Prana to work in different ways, as we know Prana is a mind force that helps make things happen. It is possible to restore many things in the Universe utilizing Prana, and channeling its purpose towards recuperation. Prana force needs to flow smoothly to create and promote life in the Universe. It is possible that Prana is what the scientists have being searching for in their efforts to find the God's Particle, Higgs Buson. The need to reproduce the Big Bang explosion that created life is being held back by the fact that Gravity-God's Particle-and the causality factor have not being introduced to the equation. The world might be closer to an answer, but for now it is safe to assume that Prana is the large brain of the Universe and its things.

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