While life is sure to throw us a few curve balls, and at times our future may seem bleak, it's always important to remember is truly important in life, and not lose focus of the real tangible loving things in our lives that need constant care.
Do you remember the last time you stopped and smelled the roses? Seriously! There is an abundance of beauty all around us if we only open our senses to allow them to be appreciated. No matter where you are or where you live, from apartment complexes to the countryside, from the mountains of steel and glass, to the small-town streams that flow through them, appreciate where you are. Try and find the things you like and admire in all things. No matter if it's man-made or of nature, there is beauty in the symmetry and order in all things.
Do you remember the last time you told you wife and kids you loved them? Wouldn't you like to have someone tell you that will sincerity every day? I can't stress enough how important it is to communicate your love and appreciation effectively to the important people in your life. Never take for granted any of them or the moments you share together. One thing is for sure, time never stops, and nothing lasts forever, and one day we will all be gone. So cherish each moment, and make the most of the times you share.
Do you remember the last time you took control? No, I don't mean in some power hungry egocentric kind of way. When was the last time you stopped making excuses, and took responsibility for everything that happens in your life? Do you remember the last time you took charge, didn't wait for someone else, and finished whatever it was on your own? I bet the results were just as you wished them to be, if not, you knew exactly what you had to do to make them so. Sit in the drivers' seat of your life. Dictate the outcomes you want by taking upon yourself the work that must be done in order to achieve them. Don't pass the buck, or wait for others. It's your life, so take control.
Remember the good things in life and let them inspire you to even greater heights in life. Dwelling on what's going wrong, only focuses your thoughts on negatives, instead of thinking of positive solutions. As human beings, no one is perfect, but hopefully we're surrounded by people who are perfect for us. Cherish them and tell them how much you appreciate them at every turn, and they're love and respect will be returned. Remembering the good things in life is a fantastic foundation to build on as you write new chapters in your life.
Elliot Zovighian is a life coach, speaker, author, blogger is the owner of EZ Lifestyles, a life coaching company from Toronto, Canada. His daily blog offers articles and advice on such subjects as life skills, work and career, relationships, parenting, featured videos and more. http://www.ezlifestyles.ca/
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