The Mantra - Healthy Wealthy and Wise

Everyone wants to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Would anyone like to know how? Everyone also wants to live an engaging life while enjoying the above. These are the things that make us feel joyful.

Using a mantra is one way of self-reprogramming. The objective is to believe, accept, practice, become, enjoy, and excel in a manner that brings us joy.

The following are a few suggestions that may be helpful in realizing a joyful mindset:

I am immortal; I can be anything I want to be

Being healthy is my natural state

A healthy body makes me feel great and brings me joy

I am thankful for this healthy body

I am immortal; I can feel anything I want to feel

Feeling healthy is my natural state

Feeling healthy is joyful

I am thankful for this wonderful experience

I am immortal; I can do anything I want to do

Being healthy allows me to do fun things

Doing fun activities puts the excitement in my life

I am thankful for the joyfulness this brings

I am immortal; I can be anything I want to be

Being wealthy is my natural state

A wealthy life makes me feel great and brings me joy

I am thankful for this overflowing abundance

I am immortal; I can feel anything I want to feel

Feeling wealthy is my natural state

Feeling wealthy is joyful

I am thankful for this wonderful experience

I am immortal; I can do anything I want to do

Being wealthy allows me to do fun things

Doing fun activities puts the excitement in my life

I am thankful for the joyfulness this brings

I am immortal; I can be anything I want to be

Making wise decisions is natural for me

Being wise is what gives me confidence and joy

I am thankful for this wisdom

I am immortal; I can feel anything I want to feel

Feeling wise is my natural state

Making wise decisions helps me feel great about myself

I am thankful for this wonderful experience

I am immortal; I can do anything I want to do

Being wise allows me to confidently do fun things

Doing fun activities puts the excitement in my life

I am thankful for the joyfulness this brings

Although our bodies may be mortal, the lifeforce that powers our bodies is not. We are not actually our bodies, but the immortal lifeforce using these bodies as a conduit to experience this moment.

Anyone who can believe, accept, practice and become the statements mentioned above is likely to enjoy their life to its fullest and excel through their endeavors in a manner that brings them joy!

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