I'm fascinated by how our brains work, and the incredible power that our thoughts have in helping us to bring to life those things that we most desire.
I'm also a little bit terrified of it all, if I'm being honest.
Because if I have the ability to create something out of nothing merely by the thoughts that I think, then I need to be extra vigilant about the quality of those thoughts.
You know, just to make sure that what I'm bringing in is in alignment with what I actually want. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed, "A man is what he thinks about all day long."
That's a tremendous responsibility, don't you think?
Positive affirmations are a great way to "train your brain" to think the kinds of thoughts that produce the sort of results you're looking for (whether that's small business success, a loving relationship, financial freedom, or whatever it is you are wanting to manifest), but they're just a starting point.
In fact, if you want lasting small business success, it's important to get to a point where you're not attaching too much importance to your thoughts at all, and instead are feeling your way through life.
Let me explain.
Most of the thoughts that we think aren't really our own. In fact, they've been passed along to us from our family, our society, teachers, and those we spend our days with.
Over time, for better or for worse, these thoughts become beliefs that we operate by, often without even being aware of it.
Once we become aware of this fact, we tend to take an analytical approach to changing these thoughts, which, if you've ever tried it, is like whistling in the wind. Put your attention on a negative belief you'd just as soon be done with, and what do you think about?
That negative belief.
Lather, rinse, repeat, and you see why it's very difficult for us to root out thoughts and beliefs that don't serve us.
When we instead choose to feel our way through any given situation, we move away from the thinking brain and its conditioned thought processes and beliefs, and instead tune our internal radio dial to another frequency where we can "know without knowing" what step to take next as we move towards our goal.
If you're frustrated with the practice of positive affirmations and want to bring about real change in 2012, try sitting in silence at least once a day. Follow your breath, or the beating of your heart, and when thoughts come up, as they will, watch them float in your consciousness like they were bubbles on a summer day. Don't judge them as good or bad; just observe. As you do, you'll notice that your thoughts are actually neutral - neither good or bad, just thoughts - until you assign them a value.
Better still, once you can observe your thoughts and let them go, you'll begin to trust your feelings and intuition, as well as the inspiration that comes when we turn off the mind chatter (even if that chatter consists of positive affirmations) and tune into the silence.
Try this practice of silent observation for one week, and see what happens. You might be surprised to see that the small business success, or any other good thing that you desire, is just a heartbeat away.
Pamela Schott has been teaching entrepreneurs how to build thriving, multi-million dollar businesses for over 18 years. Now it's your turn. Discover ways to work from home and the secret to small business success, plus invaluable tips, techniques and training for how to become rich in your chosen field, and guided meditations for manifesting more of everything in life on her blog.
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