How to Use Affirmations to Attract Wealth Into Your Life

How do you use affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation. Repeated over time, it is meant to impress upon the subconscious and trigger it into action.

In order for affirmations to be effective, they have to be said with attention, conviction, interest and desire. Remember, whatever your subconscious mind believes, your conscious mind will manifest.

For affirmations to work, you need to repeat them to yourself daily with conviction and believe in the statements.

By repeating the wealth affirmations, some people soon find many opportunities to create wealth and riches appear right within sight that they have previously missed.

Examples of wealth affirmations
I am a money magnet.Money comes easily and frequently.I enjoy multiple streams of passive income.I clearly see opportunities to make money effortlessly.I look wealth because I am wealthy.I keep finding lost money.Every new idea that I think of brings me money.My work always brings plenty of money.

Here's a wealth creation creed that has worked for many people.

"All wealth arises from my thoughts

All dreams are actualised by my actions

Every of those who creates wealth in the universe

Prior to their success

They must possess

Deep down in their souls

The supreme force that generates wealth

Everyone of us possess the unlimited potential

And only if I believe

And only if I desire

I can definitely unleash the powers within

And materialise the quality life I desire

If I can't, then I must!

If I must, than I can!

The most treasured gen lies right ahead

This very moment

I swear with my heart

With all my might

I shall spur towards my Destiny of Success

The above are samples of affirmations on wealth and creating riches. You can feel free to amend them to your situation. For affirmations to work, they also have to be written in present tense.

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to put yourself in a state that reflects the essence of the experience of wealth and riches you intend to manifest. To sum it up, an affirmation should put you in the feeling of being and having what you are seeking.

For a start, go ahead and repeat the above affirmations and see how you feel about it.

Are you already feel happy, positive and full of drive? Now go use these affirmations and have them work for you in manifesting wealth and riches.

Cindy Siow is the owner of the website MyFirstMagicButton.
MyFirstMagicButton is a system that enables virtually anyone to create an extra stream of passive income right from the comfort of their home.
It's like having your own 'magic button' where you can spin off cash almost like clockwork.
For a limited time only, you can claim the blueprints to creating your own 'Magic Button' by visiting

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