You Are An Infinite Being of the Light

I stood on the shore, gazing out towards the distant horizon where a flock of birds flew in perfect formation. How beautiful that they were so synchronised and in tune with one another, without a single word being spoken. "Poetry in motion" was the term that came to mind.

I could feel the soft sand squeezing between my toes as I tentatively dipped my feet into the water of the little rock pool. Small fish darted away to hide under a rock at my sudden approach. I thought how I had done the same on occasion when something, or someone, had startled me from my quiet reveries. At times, it seems we are not so different from the animal world that quietly surrounds us. I wonder whether they also sit in quiet contemplation and wonder at the marvel that is life.

Surely there can be few such lovely moments as this, wading through the tepid water that lapped my knees like a faithful hound, watching the ripples slowing spreading in an ever-increasing circle all around me. This is how my energy and aura must look if I could see it. How beautiful we human beings must be if we could see one another simply as light emissions, like walking rainbows.

Imagine our auras melding and merging as we pass one another in the street, like tie-died garments with brilliant colours flowing one into the other. Like swathes of gorgeous jewel coloured silk floating in the breeze on a wash line, with a backdrop of azure blue sky and puffy white clouds. Aah but the beauty of nature would overshadow all our peacock splendour if we would but take the time to admire her gentle vistas, or gaze upon her majestic heights.

How splendid to know that we are an integral part of all this magnificence, a tiny infinitesimal part, but an integral part none-the-less, of all of life itself on this planet we call home. Home? A strange concept to one who has moved around so much. Why confine the idea of home to one small box in one small corner of the world. Why not claim the whole of the earth as home and share it openly and lovingly with everyone we come into contact with. Why this need for supremacy and ownership. One cannot own something that is already a part of who we are, it's not outside us, or around us....its inside us. We are not separate from this living, breathing being that is the earth.

As a tiny speck of dust, we may have floated through time and space to finally find a temporary resting place here on this green and blue planet, just like migrating birds, but even so, there is no separation. All that we are, all that we have ever been, all that we ever will be came from the same infinite source. The light.

We are divine beings of light, created with unconditional love, for the purpose of allowing source to experience the ebb and flow of life and emotions, feelings and humanness. In this humbled state we may be infinitesimal specks of space dust, but we are all a part of that divine source, that sacredness, that unconditional love that is The Great Creator.

In the field of infinite possibilities, we are limitless, pure, wondrous and magnificent. Our potential is endless, without boundaries, should we but allow ourselves to believe it is so. It is so! Believe! For just as the Great Creator designed all that is, so were we also designed as a part of all that is. We are spiritual beings for this brief moment in linear time having a human experience...but soon we will return to our true home, whence we came, back to source and light and divine unconditional love.

And so it is.

Linney Elder is the author of "Infinitely Possible - A Cancer Odyssey", a freelance researcher and writer, Reiki Master Teacher, intuitive channel for healing energy and perennial student of life. Join her on this magical journey of self-discovery - read more insights and related subjects on her website: This article was originally published on my website. © Copyright 2011 - Linney Elder. All Rights reserved.

Original article

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