Increase Focus Through Positive Affirmations

As I was driving home through the city today I was distracted by all of the commotion outside of my car. Tractor trailers were banging and clanging quickly past me. On the sidewalk, construction workers were shouting to one another, finishing up the day's work. Loud noise, such as radios and car horns, was invading my quiet space. My thoughts were scattered and I was having a hard time concentrating on one thing at a time. My mind was racing from topic to topic thinking of all the things I had to get accomplished. And then I realized; it all reminded me of a busy day at work!

I know we have all had experiences like these; getting interrupted while creating Power Point slides for an important presentation, being called to the telephone while in the midst of reading email, or getting asked to work on a task for a co-worker while trying to finish up another project for our boss. This is the nature of our work today. It is demanding and it is relentless. We need to be in a million different places all at one time. We have so much to get done each day and so much responsibility on our shoulders. Our professional roles can become distracting with their multiple facets and tasks. It can get a bit chaotic; and quite exhausting at times!

One way to decrease distraction during your day to day routine is through the use of positive affirmations. Stating positive declarations can create greater focus, increased concentration, and a sense of balance. Taking time out each day to sit quietly, breathe, and state mantras either to yourself or aloud can have a deep impact on your happiness, peace of mind, and health. When you do this you quiet the mind. You create a space that is free from disruption. And then, with practice, you can call upon this state of mind at any point during a busy work day.

Here is what you do. Make time each day, either in the morning or the evening, to quietly state each affirmation. Reflect on what its words means to you. You can also begin to add affirmations of your own as you become comfortable with the process. Take a slow and deep breath in and out through your nose between each of the affirmations. Become aware how you feel and start to notice any shifts in energy, mood, or stress levels. Also, observe how you relate to others; your co-workers, your family, your friends, or your neighbors. Here are some statements I use that can help you get started:

• I am exactly where I need to be as my journey in life reveals itself to me.

• I honor my mind, body, and soul and treat each aspect of my being with respect.

• I am a confident, knowledgeable, and successful role model as I inspire others to be the same.

• I know great joy and peace and therefore have wonderful energy.

• My speech is a form of love.

• I am limitless in my capacity for joy, healing, and happiness.

• I will achieve perfect balance and be successful in all that I take on.

Realizing that you are worth it and taking the time to sit quietly with your own positive thoughts will greatly affect your life on many levels. You will create a way to cope with distraction during your busy days. You will generate a calmer presence through slowing down and breathing with yourself. Knowing that you are a wholesome force of good that deserves peace and joy in your life will create a space of being able to receive for yourself. You deserve great happiness, peace, and love in your life. Make room for yourself!

Elizabeth Scala is a Registered Nurse and Health Coach who guides individuals to create space for balance and self-care in their lives in order to increase overall health and well-being. If you would like contact Elizabeth or subscribe to her monthly newsletter then please visit

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Weight Loss Affirmations: Are They Enough and How to Practice Them

Weight loss affirmations are one of the many daily affirmations that people practice to improve themselves, but are they enough by themselves to make change and how do you practice them effectively? This article discusses what to include with your positive affirmations for weight loss as well as ways to make them effective.

First, when practicing weight loss affirmations or any other self esteem affirmations, it's important to remember that you are "working from the inside out." What that means is that in order to make any change in your life, whether it is focused on your physical body or on your finances, you want to change your mindset and inner mind (your subconscious) before any outer change will show up.

While many people already know about this concept, it's not always practiced in such a way that positive affirmations for weight loss or other self esteem affirmations work as well as they could. In order to "be thin," you've got to already "believe" that you are thin and this is where most people "fall off the wagon" and stop doing their daily affirmations when the outer change doesn't come fast enough.

So, when you begin, decide to give yourself ample time to make the inner change without any "expectation" of seeing any outer change.

Next, you want to include other daily positive affirmations such as self love affirmations, spiritual affirmations and affirmations of faith and trust. Why? Because when you are trying to make change, especially when it is about your own self concept, you really want to "pour on the love" to yourself as well as instill as much "trust" in the process, and in yourself, as possible.

In fact, increasing your self love and ability to trust the process are critical for any self affirmations on your list of affirmations to work because when you can increase your self love, you have raised your "vibration" to the level of love, which manifests things faster. Also, when you have greater self love, you are more likely to treat yourself differently and before you know it, you've lost weight effortlessly.

Trusting the process is also important because the vibration of trust is absolutely necessary for attracting what you want, which in this case is to be slender. And, by the way, when practicing weight loss affirmations, it's vitally important that you not use words such as "don't" or "weight" because they focus your mind on "what you 'don't' want."

For example, "I don't want to overeat" focuses on "overeating." On the other hand, weight loss affirmations that include words like slender, beautiful, fit and healthy are better choices because they "focus" on being slender, beautiful, fit and healthy."


"I love myself unconditionally just as I am now."
"I trust my process in becoming more slender."
"I feel more and more beautiful every day."

CREATIVE VISUALIZATION: Once you find the right weight loss affirmations that make you feel terrific, get a picture of the "perfect for you body" and put it up somewhere around your bed so when you wake up in the morning, you immediately see your goal. Then close your eyes and really "feel" like your body looks like that, and say your positive affirmations for weight loss, self love affirmations, affirmations of faith and trust and feel grateful.

The key point to remember at the outset is that you want to make the inner change happen first and affirmations are a great beginning step, but self hypnosis could be a better choice for changing your inner mind. In fact, self hypnosis for weight loss is very popular simply because it works to change your inner mind first which paves the way for outer change to follow.

Once you give yourself time to make the inner change of seeing yourself thinner without any expectations of seeing the outer change of actually becoming thinner, and you've gotten the hang of visualizing your weight loss affirmations that include self love affirmations and affirmations of faith and trust, you'll be surprised at how fast you'll see the outer change happen.

Suzanne Glover shares more about weight loss affirmations in her List of Affirmations article, as well as more hypnosis weight loss tips at

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List of Affirmations: Why Is It Essential to Include Affirmations of Faith?

When compiling a list of affirmations, most people include the typical abundance affirmations, prosperity affirmations or health affirmations to manifest money, health and/or happiness. But there is a key element necessary for any affirmation on your affirmation list to work. Without this key element, your daily positive affirmations may generate some attraction, but when affirmations of faith and trust are included in your list of affirmations, you've "jump started" your ability to use daily affirmations to their full potential. This is because the Law of Attraction responds to our ability to trust that something will occur.

LAW OF ATTRACTION: Typically, the main reason for practicing affirmations for abundance and prosperity, self esteem affirmations, weight loss affirmations or other personal affirmations is to invoke something called the "Law of Attraction."

This "law" is one of the universal laws of attraction and is just as "real" as the Law of Gravity. In fact, there are 7 laws of attraction to be specific, but they all have to do with manifesting what you desire based on the theory that "like things attract to each other" like a magnet.

When working with the Law of Attraction, however, many people focus solely on reciting their list of affirmations over and over again like a robot, while leaving out the necessary emotional components of faith and trust.

7 LAWS OF ATTRACTION: One of the 7 laws of attraction is the "Law of Harmony." This law focuses on the fact that in order to manifest what you desire, you must be in harmony with the Universe.

When you are in harmony with the Universe, you are at peace and without worry. So, if you are worrying, it's showing that you are not trusting in the outcome. On the other hand, when you trust, worry is left completely out of the picture.

Doing spiritual affirmations and/or affirmations of faith and trust also correspond to the other 7 Laws of Attraction, but the Law of Harmony is the strongest one to remember why you want to trust that your daily affirmations have the power to manifest your desires.

AFFIRMATIONS OF FAITH AND TRUST: When writing positive affirmations for your affirmation list, you'll want to learn how to write affirmations that include the words "faith" or "trust." While this may sound "elementary, my dear Suzanne," it's something that is readily left out when many people start using daily affirmations and is a good starting place for you to start attracting more trust into your life.

There are also ways to instill trust within your body on a physical vibration level, which is also key to "talking the language of the Universe."

Regardless of how many positive affirmations you may have on your list of affirmations for different areas of your life that you wish to change, including affirmations of faith and trust are critical to manifesting your desires. If you can also find ways to instill the vibration of trust within your body on a physical level, then your affirmation list can really become active and manifest whatever you desire and make your life work in new and magical ways.

Suzanne Glover gives other key elements for your list of affirmations as well as how to instill the vibration of trust within your body at

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Listen to the Mustn'ts

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."

-Shel Silverstein

Or, in Biblical terms, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Why is it that as adults we often forget what was spoken just yesterday, but the words we heard in our youth stay with us forever? Even though I know better now, the old words (I'll call them rotten-babble) occasionally come back- usually when I'm accomplishing something good or hearing a beautiful compliment. I've worked hard to overcome the obstacles in my life and to disprove the rotten-babble, but I wonder: was I trying to disprove it to them, or to me? Am I still trying?

I was a homely child. Or at least that's what Sharon told the kids in my 7th grade math class. It must be true, I thought, because she should know- she's popular and an eighth-grader... they know everything. (It didn't help that I had the worst haircut ever, no boobs, and hand-me-down clothes which caused adults to sometimes mistake me for a boy.) Even years later when I blossomed and people would tell me I was pretty, I would think one of two things: They are just saying that to make me feel good. Or, that's nice to hear- somebody thinks I'm pretty... but that's just because they have never met anyone really pretty, like maybe... Sharon. Oh, please Lord... may they never meet her because then they'll know that I'm actually homely.

I was unlovable and a loser. Just ask K. Nobody would ever love me or want me forever. I was "skinny, had no skills, and had a kid. No guy wants someone with a kid- they want their own kid." Realizing I'd have to join a convent was pretty bleak news for a 19 year-old to accept.

There are times, when I'm hanging with hunky hubby and he tells me I'm his "perfect woman", that the old rotten-babble thoughts creep up and, just for a moment, I panic thinking he might someday realize that I'm really a skinny loser not worth loving.

I'll never make it on my own. K made sure of that too. A month before moving away to attend college, he stole my car in the middle of the night. "What are you going to do now?" He asked. Buy some better tennis shoes, I thought... but, defeated, I cried instead. Two years later when I bought my first "new" car, I remember looking out the window of my apartment, thinking not about the one that was stolen, but the one that was in front of me. I finally did it, I thought proudly. However, the next morning I ran back to the window to make sure it was still there.

I'll never succeed in a male-dominated, good-ol'-boy industry. "You'll do okay in sales only because you're pretty and you're dealing with men, but they won't ever take you seriously." So, let me get this straight: I'll never be loved because I'm not pretty enough but I'll never be successful because I'm too pretty?" And they say women are confusing.

After a relatively short time I was writing national contracts, negotiating multi-million dollar deals, and managing a large team of both men and women. Sometimes I would wonder, though, while tossing the rotten-babble around in my head: Am I being taken seriously? Are they signing this contract because of my excellent negotiating skills, because they trust me, or because they think I'm attractive?

Nobody will read your blog. "I don't get it... what's the point?" a friend asked in the beginning. The truth is, she loves me and had no intention of hurting me... she was just asking a reasonable question. As far as people reading my blog, of course I fear that maybe my mom will be my only reader; that others will find it stupid or be offended by something I've said; that I'll get hundreds of messages in my inbox regarding my typos. The blog is only a month new, so the jury is still out; however, when I sit down to write each article, I start with the question my friend posed... what is the point?

Like today-just in case someone actually reads it-what is the point I want them to take away?

It's the same today as it was from the beginning: this is the way life IS. I share my stories so you'll know you're not alone.

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

You have heard the same can'ts, won'ts, nevers, or don'ts that have been and will be heard by many, many others. They will be heard again by me, and they will be heard again by you. When we hear it, or when the old rotten-babble seeps into our thoughts, we'll need to be reminded that, in time... "Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."

For more encouraging conversations with author, Rachel M Hills, please visit

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The Power Of Subconscious Mind: We Can Overcome Early Limiting Beliefs and Have What We Desire

Middle class families and the school systems still program children that you must get strong grades and those grades will determine your outcome in the real world. This is programming that hurts our kids, and that makes these children believe that success is not possible for them. We are still ignoring that wealth is being created by the strongest entrepreneurs, who almost always dropped out of high school. Bill Gates and Paul Allen are just a few of these names. They are both billionaires. Albert Einstein was one of the smartest men who ever lived. He did not do well in school. He received all C and C- grades. Did it really matter to him either? These are men that have given so much to our society. The power of their minds, beliefs, and actions were unstoppable. They created positive pictures in their mind, and did not let the negativity in society around them guide their outcomes. They took responsibility for their outcomes, and did not let outside factors negatively shape them. They would not let anything deter their dreams.

People subconscious minds' can be shaped early on before we really know the difference. If you watch the news, the negative stories and programming can happen daily. The news is a negative medium that can penetrate the human mind consistently and negatively. I am not sure why people still watch the news when you can catch the major days stories online in a few seconds. People have to realize that they can reshape their mind, or retrain themselves in a positive way. Many people just accept their current circumstances, instead of changing them. There are so many self-help gurus that can help you reshape your mind. People have to stop letting themselves be beat down by negative programming everyday. Your subconscious mind is your most valuable asset in improving your situation in life.

Wealthy people teach the next generation how to have a prosperity mindset and create abundance. The middle class teach their kids negativity and therefore they have a poverty mindset. Changes happen everyday in our lives. Your subconscious mind can also be reprogrammed. Your subconscious mind will allow you to become wealthy, by believing you can. I suggest if you have a poverty mindset and are in a tough financial or life situation, to look into these self-help teachers. Joe Vitale, Rhonda Byrne, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Tony Robbins.

There are so many others I did not mention that can help you to think positively about your life. The power of your subconscious mind has led you to create your current circumstances and beliefs. You can change them, but you must believe you can.

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How To Use Affirmations To Get What You Want In Life

What do you want in life? Or let me simplify the question a bit -- what do you want to happen in your career? What do you wish for your family? What is it that you want for your health? Whatever your answers are, let me teach you a way to help you achieve those dreams more easily -- tools I call "affirmations."

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are words, spoken and thought, that declare what you want for yourself. Affirming your goals -- declaring that they have already been achieved -- instantly gives you a clear picture of what you truly want in your life.

Let's take your career, for instance. Let's say you want to be a successful entrepreneur. A good affirmation would be, "I am a successful entrepreneur." Or if you want to have a solid family, a good affirmation would be: "I have a great family."

Affirmations instantly blow away any fear, uncertainty, or anxiety about your current problems, and gives you the courage and confidence to work towards that goal, whatever that goal may be!

Why Affirmations Work

The idea of "affirming" things that haven't happened yet may sound silly to some. I thought it was silly too, the first time I learned about it. But later on, I realized that they DID work. Affirmations don't "fool" you into believing something that hasn't happened yet -- it OPENS you to the possibility of it happening very soon!

Many of us trudge towards our goals every single day. But every single day, we also have "blocks" slowing us down and making the road to our goals harder and more discouraging.

For instance, some of us want to be millionaires, but deep inside, we don't want to be like those snobby millionaires we see on TV.

Or we'd like to have a good family, but deep inside, we don't think it's possible. Deep inside, we may think certain family members have issues that prevent the dream from happening.

These "blocks" are what's keeping us from achieving our dreams. It's like driving a car with your foot on the gas, but the hand-brake's still engaged. You exert a lot of effort, but you won't go far.

Try These Affirmations

If it's hard for you to accept affirmations as a goal-achieving tool, then try this instead: Instead of declaring your dreams fulfilled, ASK yourself WHY they're fulfilled. For instance, instead of declaring, "I'm a successful entrepreneur," ask yourself: "Why am I a successful entrepreneur?"

Instantly, your brain will find reasons why you're successful. You'll uncover skills, business opportunities, contacts, and more. Instantly, you've blown away your fears and uncertainty, and the road to being a successful entrepreneur lies clear before you!

Affirm And Act

Affirmations are a great tool, but remember that every affirmation requires good, solid action. Start your day by viewing your dream board, reciting your goal list, or lifting your dreams up in prayer. And then spend the rest of the day moving towards what you want for yourself.

Kevin J Donaldson is the Founder and CEO at Real Wealth Solutions, Inc, a consultancy firm specializing in wealth building. Affirmations is one of the skills he teach his readers, friends and coaching clients. For more simple, powerful ways to turn your dreams to reality visit his blog! For over a decade, Kevin J Donaldson has been helping people just like you, improve the quality of their life!

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Sink - Swim - No Such Thing As Swim Badly

To "reflect" is "to think, ponder, or meditate a fixing on thoughts with careful consideration." So far we've learned certain concepts, examined both relevant and irrelevant anecdotal examples. With reflection, we ask: "why" for the sake of asking "WHY?" Children ask all the time: Why?" It is perhaps the most fundamental and essential of question of all. Like life itself "WHY?" has to do with its essence: "WHY?" is deep, philosophical, profound, simple, all a bit out of the ordinary. If one question leads to another, the second one will take us to a journey, an experience. There is this thing called "Life" that is both an experience and a journey. What else do we need to know about "journey" and "experience?" It's days, one after the other that represents a journey, each and every one adding a life's experience. There are good days and bad, and some barely all that a person can do is just to be able to deal. Despite the aches, pains, trials and tribulations, we manage to persevere, get through the day albeit frustrated, exhausted or drained. As we live and breathe, our lives have purpose and meaning, gauged by accomplishments or lack thereof. They follow a course, path or life road map, planned or unplanned. For those journeying down the path of deliberateness, life is methodical, with direction and predestination, and along the haphazard or prescribed course we call life, and there are tasks that we take charge.

The tasks are ours and ours alone, like the fingerprints or identifiers that make each one of us different. Each day, we perform certain of these tasks or duties that are routine and manageable according to our personal settings and profiles. These particular tasks we take in stride because we expect and await and are prepared for their arrivals. The others, the ones we disdain, we wish are someone else's headache and more than not, they don't go away, despite what we hope and wish for. This notwithstanding, whatever the task, we must remain at the ready, always poised for battle. Battles, big or small, are won or lost, assumed the personas of inner struggles where, for example, some "experience" idleness, isolation, loneliness, the likes of which involve empty stares, focuses, ambitions, temporary setbacks or perpetuity. Under duress, faced with harsh and trying, if not extreme circumstances, the battle lines are unequivocally drawn. The process to choose to fight or surrender with respect to all tasks is absolute and comes from within. We are breathing, thinking beings, and we possess this ability. We are warriors one and all, ultimately emboldened to face tasks with confidence and accomplishment. If our minds are cluttered or narrow; not being of open or of "empty" mind, then we may be setting ourselves up for failure. Regardless, each of these tasks or events is depicted or "cartographic," so to speak, on the map of life. And identifying or recognizing ourselves as warriors or not, we are alive with abilities to make things happen. Do we accept the challenge of "task-facing" or more correctly, "task-taking" with responsibility?

I believe most do. And I believe that those who do, do so fulfilled, multi-dimensional in scope, breadth and depth. Our ferocity, our tenacity forge life ahead forever transforming a world, our world, always in transition, always evolving. With this constant evolution, we have adapted, always persevering. Those who persevere are survivors. Bottom line? It's either sink or swim; no such thing as swim badly.

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Contemplative Thought 3: Affirm This!

The media is all a buzz with talk these days about the new craze, positive affirmations. This includes all kinds of things like positive thinking, vision boards, visualization, meditation, etc. Positive affirmation is basically obtaining what we want or desire by feeling that it's already true or we already have it.

On the reverse side there has been an increase in the criticism of positive thinking, expressing warnings and concerns about subscribing to such things.

This article is not about the pros and cons of positive thinking. Scientific investigation from fields like neuroscience are definitely starting to prove its validity. There is truth in what the naysayers claim as well. You'll have to do the research and decide for yourself.

What this article is about is something that doesn't get a lot of attention when speaking about positive thinking. It is the thing that ultimately discourages people from sticking with it and what the proponents are basically warning about. In a word, it is belief or lack there of.

You can positively affirm yourself until your blue in the face. Looking at yourself in the mirror morning after morning affirming something like "I am a good person" or "I am going to meet the person of my dreams" is not sufficient. The problem is, if you don't believe it than the affirmation is pretty much a bunch of empty words. It wasn't just that the little engine said he could, it was that he believed he could.

This is what the critics harp on. The criticism of positive affirmations is that just speaking the words will lull people into complacency. That they will just sit around waiting for the affirmation to kick in. It's not enough to just say the words but one has to live the words as if they were real. It is the belief that causes us to take action. Not just saying the words but acting in ways that back them up.

Without the action, all one is doing is trying to convince themselves that it is true. The difficulty with this is that you are trying to convince the one person that knows the truth, you. It doesn't have to really be true, it's what your mind says is true. That has always been the paradox for me. The thing we need to help fix our problems is the same thing causing them, our brain.

What's a person to do then? I tell myself, "I'm smart" or "I'm happy" to combat the negative views of myself, but these words go to my brain which is the thing that is telling me I'm not smart or happy in the first place. The first thing you need to do is stop believing your brain! We have this inherent problem that just because I have a thought it must be true. We need to realize that most of who we are is the accumulative effect of everything we have experienced. In a nutshell, who you believe you are is learned. The good news is that anything that is learned can be unlearned.

Second, start acting in ways that reinforce your positive thinking. What happens when we act in ways that support the belief is that we get positive feedback from the environment that reinforces the idea we are trying to affirm. This increases the likelihood of acting in similar ways to get yet more reinforcement. Around and around in a big positive affirmation loop.

The third thing is that by acting and believing you will start to feel that it is true. Image yourself on the date with the person of your dreams. Harvest the feelings that you get, bottle them up and use them when you start to doubt yourself. You have to feel it.You have to imagine you already have it and actually "feel" the feelings you get from this mental image. Get giddy, feel the feeling of embracing that perfect person. It's these feelings that you get that will make you believe.

These are the key ingredients to positive affirmations.

So, affirm this, "I BELIEVE!"

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Positive Affirmations For Success: 5 Crucial Rules To Remember

How do you write positive affirmations for success? When do you write them and where do you post them? With all these questions ringing in our head, it's no wonder most people haven't started anything at all yet.

Now that you're here though, it's time you learn how to come up with positive affirmations for success! Here are some important guidelines to follow:

1) Keep Affirmations Short And Direct To The Point.

Long, winding passages might have served some of your favorite authors well; but when it comes to writing positive affirmations for success, it's vital that you keep them short and direct to the point.

Shorter affirmations are more effective because they're easier to remember than long and complex ones. Think of the shortest possible affirmations for your purpose without sacrificing their meaning to you.

2) Avoid Anything Negative.

It sounds almost redundant to say this, but you have to be conscious about what you're writing. Sometimes, people don't think much of how they phrase their positive affirmations.

For example, "I don't want to get sick" is negative. Although it sounds like you're defending yourself against illnesses, the opposite effect might occur! That's because your subconscious could ignore the word "don't."

A powerful alternative would be to say something like, "I am perfectly healthy in mind, body and spirit."

3) Write When You're In A Positive Mood.

When writing positive affirmations for success, it is advisable that you do so when you're happy, thrilled or excited. Calm and peaceful works as well.

If you're feeling frustrated, sad or defeated, your words will carry a hint of negativity in them. You won't be able to look at your words without remembering that time when you were at your worst.

Write only when you're in a good state of mind. That way, the emotions attached to your affirmation won't be spoiled.

4) Keep Them In Present Tense.

Keeping your positive affirmations for success in present tense helps you attract your goals faster. It's as if you're living your life the way you want to, right at this very moment. It's as if all your dreams and ambitions are now moving from your future to your present.

When you think about it, doesn't "I am the youngest CEO of this company" sound better than "I will be the youngest CEO of this company?"

There are times, however, when you don't "feel" it. In the example above, if you're still having doubts inside when you say, "I am the youngest CEO," you can instead say, "I choose to be the youngest CEO of this company."

5) Post Them Where You Can See Them.

These affirmations are of no use if you don't follow them up after writing or reciting them. You have to really commit yourself to change.

By seeing your affirmations everyday, you are reminded of a promise to yourself - that you will, from now on, take care of you! So post them on your laptop if you're always using it or write them down on your notebook several times each day.

Positive affirmations for success keep people going, even though others would have quit. If you're not one to stop even before a job's done, then keep these tips in mind.

To help you achieve your dreams fast, I'd like to give you instant access to more than 100 of the best free self-help ebooks that could greatly transform your life! Download them free at

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Using Daily Affirmations

What do you think of when I start to talk about how to use daily affirmations? Perhaps you immediately reject the idea as something that someone weak needs. Or perhaps you've met people who have yellow post-it notes dotted around their homes to remind them of the state of mind they are striving to achieve.

Norman Vincent Peale's famous book "The Power Of Positive Thinking" uses some of the most famous affirmations that people know. But one of his most famous affirmations is "I can do all things through Jesus Christ our savior who strengthens me...". The fact that it's quoted from Philippians 4:13 gives away more about what the essence of an affirmation is and where they come from. It shows that some of the most fundamental positive statements we use are derived from ancient texts and thoughts.

But, surely, the point is that someone who uses this affirmation on a daily basis will find some relevance in it? They are likely to be someone who follows a western religious doctrine and takes comfort from the Bible. You would be unlikely to find someone of an eastern faith using this particular form of words as a source of strength.

I recently visited Nepal and had the privilege of seeing many Buddhist followers repeatedly chanting the mantra "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum" as they walked trance-like around the Boudhanath in Kathmandu.

What about the real estate salesman who wakes in the morning, stares himself in the mirror and affirms "I have the inner strength to make this sale today"? He affirms it again and again until it is ingrained in his subconscious and his lips murmur it while he brushes his teeth... While he drives to work... He's like an automaton, trance like as he operates the car.

Two things are noteworthy. Firstly, these phrases are short and have a context of relevance to the participant. Secondly, they are repeated in such a way and with such regularity that their incantation becomes an almost mindless (and I mean that in the most positive way!) act. It's not so much the content of the words that matters so much as their emotional relevance and their sound.

Find some time to repeat some positive statements that have meaning to you each day and see how your mood changes.

- Make it relevant
- Make it short
- Repeat it regularly for a set amount of time each day
- Make it automatic


I have been on a spiritual journey for the last 30 odd years of my short 45 years on this earth so far. The idea of spirituality has appealed to me from my early school days when I found solace in the fortress of my own thoughts. If this article has interested you and you'd like to read more then you can see related articles at

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Positive Affirmations for 2012

At the beginning of a new year, it is a very common tradition to make resolutions about how you would like to improve yourself. Using positive affirmations, you can accomplish any resolution that you would like to make. By definition, resolutions made at the beginning of the year are things that you want to do to make your life better, or to change. Commonly, these resolutions last for maybe a week. The reason for this is that people, in general, do not truly believe that they can change these things. That is why it is important to ring in the New Year with both resolutions and positive affirmations.

One of the most common resolutions that people make is to quit smoking. If you smoke, you may realize that quitting is very hard. You can help your chances of successfully quitting by using positive affirmations. When you are ready to start reciting your affirmations, visualize yourself without a cigarette. Tell yourself that you don't need to smoke. To reinforce your statements, visualize yourself in a situation where you would normally smoke. Then take that cigarette out of the picture. Imagine yourself enjoying the same situation without the need to smoke. Some good suggestions to get you started on your positive affirmations include saying "I am happy as a non-smoker" and "I am above the temptation of smoking". These tips combined will go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals of not smoking.

Another resolution that positive affirmations can help with is getting into physical shape. Many people decide that the New Year is a great time to start getting that clean physique they had when they were younger, or they want to just feel better about themselves physically. This could mean going on a diet or even starting to go to gym on a more regular basis. You can help yourself with this goal by repeating to yourself such statements as "I have a good physique and am happy with my body" or "I am more physically fit than I have been in years". While using these statements, visualize what you want your end goal to be. In other words, picture exactly what you will look like when you reach your current goal. Are you going to be rippling with muscles, or are you going to just lose some weight? Picturing exactly what you want to look like will help reinforce your positive affirmations, which will in turn help you achieve your goals.

Financial independence is another resolution people make that positive affirmations can help with. Coming up with statements that illustrate what you want to achieve will help strengthen your willpower, improving your chances of success. Imagine what life would be like if you had enough money to do what you want, when you want to. What would you be wearing, who would be around you, and what kinds of things would you smell in the air at the time? Make all of this into a complete picture while repeating your positive affirmations such as "I am financially secure" or "I have financial freedom". This will ensure that you can reach your goals.

A new year often brings about new changes. These can often be lofty goals that you can only achieve with the help of positive affirmations. The best thing to remember is that it is a great plan to use the saying "a new year equals a new you" but it is important to use every tool in your toolbox. Using positive affirmations can help you be all you want in 2012.

Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning™. He is also the co-founder of New You Life Coaching.
Because his interests stem from philosophy, spirituality, psychology, and leadership, Rich's coaching style incorporates a rare and ingenious approach to understanding and empowering you in an insanely effective manner.
New You Life Coaching

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Three Daily Affirmations For Happiness

Did you ever wonder why being loved, successful, or admired is something for other people, but not for you? The answer to that question is very simple: the other people have heard and accepted positive affirmations about themselves, for years, from people they believe. Think for a moment about the simplicity of that: Positive affirmations feed your belief in yourself.

Many of the miseries of life are the result of belief in the negative things which were stated as fact about us as children. Adults often say and do frightening things to and around children. These are taken in by children in a very literal way and interpreted as a true view of who they are. Children accept the authority of adults without question. And, because children tend to want to keep adults happy, they often act out what they have heard from those adults in order to prove the adults right. Often, the adults are unaware of their power, and thus seem confused when the children then act badly.

This begins young, and can run throughout life.

Here are some examples:

A. Grandma tells me she will take away my new toy and give it to my cousin if I don't play with it "right."

Grandma does not tell me what "right" means to her.

I love my Grandma, and therefore feel vaguely "wrong" about how I play with this toy, no matter what I am doing. Because of this, I avoid playing with it.

Grandma takes the toy away because I don't play with it "right." I am left alone in my "wrongness."

Because I don't know how to resolve this, I come to believe that I don't deserve new toys.

Because I don't deserve new toys, Grandma has the right to take things away. And around we go again with the next new toy.

This becomes: "I don't deserve new things," which is in fact easier to live with than the confusion between Grandma and what is "right."

The child who decides early on that Grandma is a nut case, and has other loving adults who agree, makes further life decisions of a very different nature from the one who continues to try to love and please Grandma.

B. When a child expresses needs that counter the parent's needs, or touches very sore spots in the untrained parent's psyche, the angry response might be: "Who do you think you are, MR. BIG?"

The child can internalize this as: "I am unable to express my needs." Or: "I am not safe." Or: "Mother will not satisfy me." etc. The child, unsafe to express needs and get them met, becomes more and more needy, probably clingy or disruptive, and less and less tolerable to the parent who is threatened by such neediness. And round we go again.

The decisions, "I don't deserve", "I'm not safe", "I am unable", or "I am alone", become foundation blocks upon which the further behaviors of the individual are built. They become life patterns. Changing those patterns changes the foundation itself. Affirmations rebuild the foundation. The new foundation is positive and supporting. Old behaviors change easily to express the beauty of the new one.

In my career as a therapist, the list of negative statements and put-downs that my clients bring is long and utterly dreary:

"You Jerk!; Why are you so stupid (clumsy, silly, needy)?; Who do you think you are, the Great I Am?; There you go again.; What are you doing here?; You're just like your Dad (Mom, bad sister, etc); Go away!; I should never have had you!; Why can't you get it right, for a change?; You little bastard!; You are what's wrong with this family!; Don't be an idiot!; Now What?; Are you still here?" Etc.

The ones that my clients wish they had heard as children are surprisingly, and poignantly, few:

I love you. We love you. You are loved. I am worthy. I'm OK. You're so smart. You can do anything you put your mind to. I'm so proud of you. I love you. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Just reading that list is like a cool breeze. Did reading one make you feel strange? That is the one for you. Now for two others. Pick three statements from the list below, especially if they make you feel funny when you first read them, and write them on pretty paper. The three you pick are just for you---they are yours, for you are unique, and are now beginning to express the truth of your amazing nature.

I believe in myself.

I am worthy.

I can do anything I put my mind to.

I am satisfied.

I find joy every day.

I am loved.

I love.

Stick your affirmations onto your mirror, fridge, dashboard, notebook cover, in your wallet, and (yes, AND) anywhere else you will see them. Say them out-loud all day, greet yourself in the morning with them. Begin today. Now. Print them out right now and Begin. Your life will become more livable, more flexible, more enjoyable than it is right now.
I write about hypnosis practice itself and about those experiences that are felt and interpreted by the deepest aspects of ourselves. As a hypnotherapist and author for 15+ years, I explore how we incorporate information from our subconscious mind into our daily lives.

Please visit my website/blog to order my book, "20-20 Insight, Advanced Theory and Practice of Hypnosis:" (click on "hypnosis")

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Affirmation Quotes: Use Them To Stay Motivated

Affirmation quotes are a great tool to use for staying motivated when practicing any affirmations on your list of affirmations because they remind you that the affirmation process works. Many people, however, leave out these types of quotes from their daily positive affirmations list and solely focus on just one category of affirmations or positive phrases. This article explains why including affirmation quotes and many other types of affirmations is valuable.

MOTIVATIONAL AFFIRMATIONS: When you think of a motivational affirmation, what comes to mind? Usually something like, "I'm motivated to [fill in the blank]." But a better motivational phrase could be using positive thinking quotes and affirmations quotes to help you "believe" that you actually have the ability to change your beliefs. Why is this important? Because nothing changes in your "outer world" until something changes in the "inner world" of your mind. I think Albert Einstein said it very well when he said:

"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Albert Einstein

Many times when I want to remind myself that my list of affirmations actually has great power to help me change, I'll repeat Einstein's quote to myself all day as a turbo boost for confidence in the process of doing my daily positive affirmations. Another one of my favorites is from Napoleon Hill:

"Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought." ~ Napoleon Hill

The fact that these two men were greatly successful also tells my subconscious that I'm repeating affirmation quotes from people who "knew what they were talking about."

POSITIVE THINKING QUOTES: Positive thinking quotes, while not directly confirming the power of repeating positive phrases themselves, are also words of affirmation which "affirm" that positive thinking and keeping a positive attitude will make you happier or more successful.

This gives you hope and hope gives you motivation. Why? Simply because we're more motivated to get up and do something when we think that the "something" that we're doing is very possible to achieve.

This is also true with any positive affirmation that you practice because it is through these daily positive phrases that change occurs inch by inch. I view JRR Tolkien's quote as summing it up precisely when talking about how words of affirmation, motivational affirmations, self esteem affirmations or any other daily positive affirmations on your list of affirmations work over time:

"Little by little, one travels far." ~ J R R Tolkien

In fact, if you look at your list of affirmations as the dashboard in your cockpit of your rocket ship, you'll see that every time you practice any of your daily positive affirmations or other words of affirmation that initiate a small change in the direction of your desires, you'll realize that with every "positive affirmation button" you push on the dashboard, that you are changing the trajectory of your rocket ship "little by little" until you are on a new heading. Kind of like Star Trek when the captain initiated orders for a new bearing. This is exactly what you are doing when you are practicing your affirmation list of quotes and other words of affirmation.

In summary, using affirmation quotes or positive thinking quotes to keep your mindset filled with hope and possibility because you believe in the "process of doing affirmations" can help you stay motivated because having hope and believing in possibilities are two basic ingredients to staying motivated, which is vital when doing daily positive affirmations because they work "little by little" to create great change.

Suzanne Glover offers a list of affirmations that includes more motivational phrases and quotes. She also gives more positive thinking quotes at

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How to Use Affirmations to Attract Wealth Into Your Life

How do you use affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation. Repeated over time, it is meant to impress upon the subconscious and trigger it into action.

In order for affirmations to be effective, they have to be said with attention, conviction, interest and desire. Remember, whatever your subconscious mind believes, your conscious mind will manifest.

For affirmations to work, you need to repeat them to yourself daily with conviction and believe in the statements.

By repeating the wealth affirmations, some people soon find many opportunities to create wealth and riches appear right within sight that they have previously missed.

Examples of wealth affirmations
I am a money magnet.Money comes easily and frequently.I enjoy multiple streams of passive income.I clearly see opportunities to make money effortlessly.I look wealth because I am wealthy.I keep finding lost money.Every new idea that I think of brings me money.My work always brings plenty of money.

Here's a wealth creation creed that has worked for many people.

"All wealth arises from my thoughts

All dreams are actualised by my actions

Every of those who creates wealth in the universe

Prior to their success

They must possess

Deep down in their souls

The supreme force that generates wealth

Everyone of us possess the unlimited potential

And only if I believe

And only if I desire

I can definitely unleash the powers within

And materialise the quality life I desire

If I can't, then I must!

If I must, than I can!

The most treasured gen lies right ahead

This very moment

I swear with my heart

With all my might

I shall spur towards my Destiny of Success

The above are samples of affirmations on wealth and creating riches. You can feel free to amend them to your situation. For affirmations to work, they also have to be written in present tense.

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to put yourself in a state that reflects the essence of the experience of wealth and riches you intend to manifest. To sum it up, an affirmation should put you in the feeling of being and having what you are seeking.

For a start, go ahead and repeat the above affirmations and see how you feel about it.

Are you already feel happy, positive and full of drive? Now go use these affirmations and have them work for you in manifesting wealth and riches.

Cindy Siow is the owner of the website MyFirstMagicButton.
MyFirstMagicButton is a system that enables virtually anyone to create an extra stream of passive income right from the comfort of their home.
It's like having your own 'magic button' where you can spin off cash almost like clockwork.
For a limited time only, you can claim the blueprints to creating your own 'Magic Button' by visiting

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IF Excuses Won't Make Me Money - What Will?

"As long as I KNOW I'm going to make it happen (a deal, this business, whatever), whatever holds me back (poor credit and/or no money) is immaterial to accomplishing my goals. In fact, I am BLESSED to have this challenge (poor credit and/or no money) because since I KNOW I will succeed that means I will have successfully defeated this challenge and developed skills and attributes (patience, tenacity, faith, creativity) that will take me far FURTHER than someone for whom this (credit/money) was not a problem. Nor will I, when I have bested this challenge (poor credit and/or no money) ever take what I have gained (good credit, wealth, financial independence) for granted and lose it-- as some who never face challenges do."

Believe that and you cannot fail.

This quote from Danny Welsh takes to the essence of what it takes to be a success. We must first resolve to achieve success, regardless of challenges. Once you've set your mind toward success the path becomes apparent. This first step is often overlooked as people try, aspire, and hope. Only true resolve to a successful end will set you on the right path.

Each obstacle we encounter is an opportunity for growth. Since we have the resolve to see the project through until the end, obstacles are speed bumps not roadblocks. The skills gained to overcome these obstacles make us stronger. In fact, it is these very challenges that allow us to appreciate the success we achieve.

Often we look at others that have achieved success and say, "They started out with [fill in the blank], they were lucky". While the challenges aren't the same, they have indeed overcome some obstacles to achieve success. And for those very few that encountered no challenges, they often make mistakes that destroy them.

I know at the start of my own investing career I had good credit and money did not seem to be a challenge. Creditors were all too happy to provide mortgages at 95% LTV. With the market soaring it seemed impossible to fail. I had worked out the purchase of three SF houses with two lease option tenants ready to go with 95% LTV loans. I picked up another duplex with subject-to financing. During the rehab of the duplex I had another single family house deal with 100% financing. It was a project I was partnering with the previous investor. I took an assignment of a master lease option on a local triplex. All told, I closed on four single family houses, one rehab duplex, and a triplex in less than three months.

I did not have the money challenges and I grew careless. The market corrected and I was highly leveraged. I had to evict one of the lease option tenants as they got behind. My duplex rehab went over budget by $10,000. The partner for the single family rehab disappeared.

I look back and wonder, would this have happened if I didn't have such easy access to credit?

Excuses won't make me money but challenges will. The fact is that society rewards those who solve problems and not those who just complain. So let's put away the excuses and train our energies on observing problems and finding solutions that others will pay us handsomely for.

Dana J Lange invites you to learn to earn high and even INFINITE returns investing in commercial real estate with a group (on money you used to have sitting in pathetic CD's at 4% or less) when you become a Select Member with America's #1 Real Estate Network today! Join us for an upcoming Commercial Real Estate presentation online to get information or to get started now.

Learn more about "Excuses Won't Make Me Money" Get additional Tips/Articles by Dana J Lange.

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Affirmations - How They Help Us Grow

Positive affirmations are produced simply because you would like to accomplish some thing. That might be more cash, a brand new automobile, a larger home, a much better job, much more success, love, wellness, spiritual growth, happiness or peace. We all have such desires - we would be strange if we didn't. But these outcomes can occasionally appear so far beyond our grasp that we don't truly dare to believe that they might be ours for the asking. Instead, we focus on how far away from our desired outcomes we are, and negative affirmations turn out to be our mantra.

- We desire to be wealthy, so we believe: I'm by no means going to be wealthy.

- We want that promotion, so we believe: It is bound to go to somebody else.

- We want love in our life, so we believe: No one's going to adore me.

We are thinking about the issues we want, but from a negative perspective. If this is accurate, then there ought to be no doubt as to why it's a great idea to flip the coin and begin talking positively. It isn't as though we are being forced to begin doing some thing we aren't doing already, or that's in any way laborious. Just how much effort does it take to say 1 sentence to your self? And wouldn't it be nice to speak to your self in positive terms for a change?

Be Careful What You Wish For...

You'll doubtless have heard this saying in the past. In full, it says: "Be careful what you wish for; you might just get it."

This might appear an odd saying, simply because who in their right mind would wish for negative issues to occur? Sadly, too many of us are thinking negative thoughts each and every day. Take a look at the examples above - how it is so simple to have a positive desire that's expressed in a negative way. Take the example of your desire for a promotion. Rather than repeating to your self: "The promotion is mine", you believe: It is bound to go to somebody else. Maybe this is really a means of protecting your self from disappointment, but what you're really doing is repeating a negative affirmation. Your subconscious is receiving the message that you'll not be promoted, and it interprets this as an order. You might believe that your subconscious can't impact the choice made by your boss, but your negativity comes through loud and clear. Your boss might be looking at you and feel reluctant to promote you simply because they sense you're not the positive individual they want in a position of increased power.

So you fail to win the promotion largely because you've been thinking you won't, and your boss has picked up on some thing negative that they do not like. Even though you didn't really wish that you'd fail, you helped make it occur simply because failure was the dominant thought inside your mind. "Be careful what you think of; you might just get it."

The outcomes which are manifested in your life could be directly affected by the thoughts inside your head, and also the affirmations you give to your self.

The PMA/NMA Coin

An additional reason to produce positive affirmations for your self is simply because it's so easy to do. As already mentioned, that doesn't mean it's necessarily an easy procedure to carry out ' however it is definitely an easy procedure to comprehend.

In positive thinking circles, your mental attitude is frequently referred to as a coin. It is an apt description. You have two forms of mental attitude: a positive mental attitude (PMA), along with a negative mental attitude (NMA). Just like the heads and tails of a coin. And just like a coin, it could be flipped very easily and the interesting thing is that it will never come to rest on its edge. This means there's no third choice of a neutral mental attitude. It's either positive or it's negative.

When some thing is so simple to comprehend, there's extremely little reason to merely stare at your coin and leave it lying there with its NMA side upwards. Whenever you notice that you're feeling negative, or you catch your self generating a negative comment to your self, make a conscious effort to flip the coin to its PMA side, and counter the negative thought with a positive affirmation. As wonderfully complicated as your mind is, it doesn't have the capability to focus on much more than 1 thought at a time. If you're thinking a negative thought, you are able to immediately dismiss it by bringing a positive thought to mind.

Controlling and Understanding the Subconscious Mind

This is really a helpful life-skill, and affirmations can forge closer links between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.

As soon as you begin generating your positive affirmations and you start to see that they're working, you've proven your capability to control a component of your self that remains out of reach to so many other people. Your subconscious mind is like the registry of your pc. A computer's registry is its database that stores configuration settings and choices. Many people have a vague thought it is there, some might understand what it does, but very few will probably be able to open it up and begin deleting or adjusting any of its keys or values simply because they won't know what anything in there means.

You'll need to comprehend that it's feasible to adjust your subconscious mind, and positive affirmations are the method to do this. It's how you are able to clear out all of the redundant and harmful information your subconscious stores, and permit you to know precisely why you might be behaving in a particular way in a particular scenario. When a PC is behaving oddly or sluggishly, it's frequently a muddled and messed up registry that's responsible. Even when you delete a program, there will generally be remnants of it remaining within the registry. Your aim with positive affirmations would be to reprogram your subconscious, and to continue to clear out any negative traces that stay from your prior way of thinking.

Positive affirmations assist you to become more in tune with how your subconscious operates, and why you might respond poorly in particular circumstances. The more you program your mind positively, the more effortlessly you'll recognize negative activity and have the ability to jump on it and delete it. Equally, you'll discover that you're far more tuned into the whisperings of your subconscious mind that frequently bring answers to hard dilemmas in your life.

Overcoming Poor Habits

Depending on how they're phrased, affirmations can produce great or poor habits. You might begin with affirmations that relate to some grand objectives, like a much better career, or a more peaceful life, but do not forget that affirmations could be applied to any area of your life. They could be utilized to help control your weight, to quit smoking, to cut back on the booze, to quit biting your fingernails. You name the habit, a positive affirmation could be phrased to deal with it.

Increased Confidence

Positive affirmations have a knock-on effect beyond the result named within the affirmation. As your life gradually improves, you'll feel a sense of growing confidence, whether or not you've ever phrased an affirmation concerning an increase in your confidence levels. This will be the natural consequence of individual achievement. Your outlook on life changes and your self-image is transformed. You produce a virtuous circle where a vicious one might have existed prior to.

Better Physical Health

Once more, this may be a side-effect of positive affirmations even when you have not phrased 1 that relates directly to your wellness. Negative emotions are draining on the psyche, and this can have a debilitating effect on your physical well-being. Negativity causes you to feel lethargic, and can trigger genuine physical illness. Where positive affirmations can make you feel at ease, negative thoughts and habits trigger dis-ease. This is why individuals develop psychosomatic illnesses.

Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma), and an illness of this sort consequently entails both the mind and also the body. You'll have heard the phrase "sick with worry". It's entirely feasible to make your self ill via stressful thoughts. Some physical diseases are thought to be especially affected by mental elements like tension and anxiety. Psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, IBS, high blood pressure, and heart illness, for instance, are all aggravated by negative thoughts. Actually, there's a mental aspect to each and every physical illness in how we react to it and cope with it.

Positive affirmations can enhance your wellness in 3 ways: Firstly, your mindset is healthier overall having a positive mental attitude, therefore your immune system is stronger; secondly, a particular affirmation could be phrased to augment your wellness and counter illness appearing; thirdly, they could be utilized to speed recovery in the event you do get ill.

Happier Relationships

Positive affirmations produce much better relationships, as other individuals instinctively respond better to positive vibes and success. This can impact each and every kind of relationship in your life - together with your partner, your children, your relatives, buddies, acquaintances, strangers, work colleagues, and your boss.

Once more, this is an area which will naturally improve as your affirmations take effect, even if they've not been targeted toward your relationships. You're far more likely to be effective when you have produced a more appealing aura for your self via positive affirmations.

Simply because Every thing Begins in Mind

This is the truth that underpins positive affirmations, and positive thinking in general. This should be the idea that should be accepted if you're to really embrace the possibility that positive affirmations can enhance your life and bring success.

The easiest way to verify this statement would be to merely look around you right now. Apart from Nature, every thing you are able to see began life as a thought within the mind of a human being. The clothes you wear, the automobile you drive, the street you drive along, the home you live in, the Television you watch, the books you read, the PC you work at, the chair you sit in, the business you work for, every thing started out as an thought in someone's mind.

That ought to make you believe. Affirmations and the power of your mind to invent and accomplish is practically limitless.

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Affirmations That Actually Work! or How to Use Both Brains to Get What You Want!

Positive affirmations have been all the rage for quite some time now and they do work. However...

Lots of people have been emailing me to ask why they are not working for them even though they are doing them every day and often 20 - 30 times a day!

So let's start with the basics and build up from there.

Your conscious mind

A positive affirmation is made by the conscious mind and therefore is accepted by the conscious mind - unless there is some emotional charge on it to activate the subconscious mind too you will have to continue to repeating it every day until it sinks in and that can take months or even years.

So an example of a positive conscious mind affirmation is:

"I am competent and able to learn and work with interest each day"

So you will see from this example that it meets all the necessary criteria for a positive affirmation

It is personal


In the present tense

Needs to be dynamic - they must involve you in doing something

Needs to have an emotional component (this is so important!!!)

But you have been saying this one for months and it does not work - you feel no different

So a positive improvement on this affirmation would be:

"I am improving my reading and writing every day and enjoying it more and more"

When broken down into its parts this statement meets the requirements of positive affirmation.

I personal

Am improving present tense, dynamic, active

My reading and writing personal and specific tasks to be accomplished

Everyday reinforces the notion of continual improvement

And enjoying it more and more Emotional - reinforces positive nature of the experience

Note I have not used any words that have negative connotations such as 'no, 'not' or "but'. Nor are there conditions put on the affirmations e.g. 'I will improve my writing if you give assistance.'

I have also not used words such as 'have to ' or 'must' as these infer that you are being forced into it.

So here is a step by step guide to positive affirmations

Start with writing:

I am

And then add two positive words that describe you:

I am brave and enthusiastic

Now add a description of what you are going to do

I am brave and enthusiastic and working keenly at improving my work

In this example you will notice that all of the requirements of an affirmation are present. It is personal, it is in the present tense, it is positive, it has an emotional quality, it is enthusiastic and keen, it is dynamic in its achievement, it has no conditions and it has not negative words or connotations.

You do this for months and Still it is not working properly - what do you do now?

Your subconscious mind might be sabotaging your success.

Once you write your affirmation spend a couple of minutes and read that affirmation to yourself.

If there is any discomfort this is an indication that there is something going on in the subconscious mind that is blocking it coming true.

If you now ask your subconscious mind why it is blocking you, you will get an answer - and you may find that the voice you hear is that of a child who is frightened of being dynamic and successful.

There can be hundreds of reasons why your subconscious mind blocks or sabotages your good intentions - as Nelson Mandela said it is our greatness that frightens us, not our smallness.

So ask your subconscious mind why it is blocking you or why it does not want to improve- when you get an answer chat with the small person or child within who gave you that answer until you have resolved it.

Keep questioning that small voice within until you have completely cleared all blocks to your success.

Now your positive affirmation will feel exciting to do and you will feel empowered by saying it.

Not only that. you will find that now that it involves both your conscious and subconscious minds that it will work.

Good luck!

Margaret Stuart has a unique ability to see, hear and feel the thoughts, emotions and beliefs that are held within the subconscious mind. Out of this ability Margaret has created, developed and implemented her personal techniques that enable you to access your subconscious mind. These techniques enable you to know whether you are creating a platform for illness to develop, to discover the thoughts beliefs and emotions are have created an illness for you and more importantly gives you the technique to release these so that your body can return to health. Visit Margaret Stuart at

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You Are An Infinite Being of the Light

I stood on the shore, gazing out towards the distant horizon where a flock of birds flew in perfect formation. How beautiful that they were so synchronised and in tune with one another, without a single word being spoken. "Poetry in motion" was the term that came to mind.

I could feel the soft sand squeezing between my toes as I tentatively dipped my feet into the water of the little rock pool. Small fish darted away to hide under a rock at my sudden approach. I thought how I had done the same on occasion when something, or someone, had startled me from my quiet reveries. At times, it seems we are not so different from the animal world that quietly surrounds us. I wonder whether they also sit in quiet contemplation and wonder at the marvel that is life.

Surely there can be few such lovely moments as this, wading through the tepid water that lapped my knees like a faithful hound, watching the ripples slowing spreading in an ever-increasing circle all around me. This is how my energy and aura must look if I could see it. How beautiful we human beings must be if we could see one another simply as light emissions, like walking rainbows.

Imagine our auras melding and merging as we pass one another in the street, like tie-died garments with brilliant colours flowing one into the other. Like swathes of gorgeous jewel coloured silk floating in the breeze on a wash line, with a backdrop of azure blue sky and puffy white clouds. Aah but the beauty of nature would overshadow all our peacock splendour if we would but take the time to admire her gentle vistas, or gaze upon her majestic heights.

How splendid to know that we are an integral part of all this magnificence, a tiny infinitesimal part, but an integral part none-the-less, of all of life itself on this planet we call home. Home? A strange concept to one who has moved around so much. Why confine the idea of home to one small box in one small corner of the world. Why not claim the whole of the earth as home and share it openly and lovingly with everyone we come into contact with. Why this need for supremacy and ownership. One cannot own something that is already a part of who we are, it's not outside us, or around us....its inside us. We are not separate from this living, breathing being that is the earth.

As a tiny speck of dust, we may have floated through time and space to finally find a temporary resting place here on this green and blue planet, just like migrating birds, but even so, there is no separation. All that we are, all that we have ever been, all that we ever will be came from the same infinite source. The light.

We are divine beings of light, created with unconditional love, for the purpose of allowing source to experience the ebb and flow of life and emotions, feelings and humanness. In this humbled state we may be infinitesimal specks of space dust, but we are all a part of that divine source, that sacredness, that unconditional love that is The Great Creator.

In the field of infinite possibilities, we are limitless, pure, wondrous and magnificent. Our potential is endless, without boundaries, should we but allow ourselves to believe it is so. It is so! Believe! For just as the Great Creator designed all that is, so were we also designed as a part of all that is. We are spiritual beings for this brief moment in linear time having a human experience...but soon we will return to our true home, whence we came, back to source and light and divine unconditional love.

And so it is.

Linney Elder is the author of "Infinitely Possible - A Cancer Odyssey", a freelance researcher and writer, Reiki Master Teacher, intuitive channel for healing energy and perennial student of life. Join her on this magical journey of self-discovery - read more insights and related subjects on her website: This article was originally published on my website. © Copyright 2011 - Linney Elder. All Rights reserved.

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Own Your Affirmation - 3 Mental Tips

Affirmations when used correctly can be very powerful tools to transform your thinking and reprogram your subconscious mind. However, if you're only repeating affirmations and you don't own them you'll find them to be ineffective in bringing you the results you desire.

Affirmations need to come alive with the spirit of your belief otherwise they'll be just words without the power of you behind them. In order for your words to become 'flesh', become tangible in your life, you must become one with them, own them.

So let's look at 3 mental tips you can put to use right away to own your affirmation and gain the transformative results you desire.

1) See yourself experiencing your affirmation

As you repeat your affirmation, you must see yourself doing the act or experiencing what it is you desire to manifest in your life. You must become one with your affirmation. Let your imaginative skills come alive in all its vivid colours and sounds that will make this experience feel very real to you. Create the mental images you desire that let that image communicate to the rest of your body and stimulate you into action while attracting the resources needed to help you on your journey.

2) Become emotionally connected

Feel the feelings of experiencing your desire. How does it feel to have the relationship you want? How does it feel to be more confident, to believe in yourself? How does it feel to break free of low self-esteem and see the value in you?

Feel the emotions of that feeling because that will help you connect on a deeper level with what you desire and also attract to you more of the experience you want to have or the conditions you desire. The energy of your emotions fuels your desire and connects you to it.

Your emotional connection to your affirmation helps you repeat them. Without this connection you'll may find it becoming a chore to remember saying them and then lose interest.

3) Express gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool when combined with your affirmation. Because as you are being thankful for what you desire to experience, to manifest, you're seeing it as already yours. You are being thankful for something that you already see yourself in possession of and that mindset sets the belief that will cause the universal power to act on your behalf to create the mirrored image of your desire in tangible form.

Changing your life may seem like an overwhelming frustrating process. But it doesn't have to be if you're given simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be and experience a transformed life.

Now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to Using Affirmations, Visualization and Vision Boards To Overcome Inferiority Complex And Create The Life You Desire from the e-book Overcome Inferiority Complex, 5+ Steps to Overcome Inferiority Complex and Build Self-Confidence when you visit

From: Alicia Isaacs - Changing Inside Out Now!

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Negative Thoughts Out Of Control

How many times have you worked at thinking positive, worked on affirmations to replace negative thoughts, only to find that when you are in the midst of a frustrating or stressful situation, your thoughts return to the negative and you realize that your work was in vain? You have spent time trying to nurture your positive thoughts. You have spent time memorizing the affirmations. What went wrong? Is there nothing you can do to fix this? You can break this habit, but it is just that a habit of negative thinking.

Unless you grew up in a powerfully positive environment, stayed away from other people and spent your whole life thinking positive, chances are negative thought is your habit--your go to state of mind. The good news is, as with all habits this one can be broken as well. It may well just take a long time. The older you are the harder it is to break from this cycle. Most habits can be broken in 21 days, so if you can make it 21 days the habit will be broken. Chances are you will slip and revert, but don't quit. Find a more powerful affirmation and remember your goal.

I know for myself this cycle still happens no matter how hard I work at thinking positive thoughts. My habitual negative thinking is very much apart of my life. I always saw the negative side of things. I have tried several times though-out my life to break this habit, but have always fallen short and end up giving up thinking it's just in my DNA to think that way.

Recently though I have started again to work on my positive thinking. Committing to the task at hand. Realizing that my thoughts are one of the few things I can control. If I can't master my thoughts how can I master my life? It is finally starting to work. I am able to realize what is happening and shift to a more positive and powerful state in most situations. I stay positive for longer periods of time. I'm getting better and will break this habit!

I am not a master of my own thoughts yet, but am getting better at it. Affirmations are key. Affirmations are only good though if they resonate within you for the goal you are trying to achieve. If they are just words that you repeat that have meaning but don't move you to action, they are just empty words. You need an affirmation that moves you to take action and do what you should do.

Another thing to remember is that you do have control and can control your thoughts, just as well as your actions. If your actions can't be controlled than that too is a lack of control of your thoughts. Just realizing that you are in control of your thinking can make a huge impact on how well you progress.

Positive thinking is not a one time action. It is a lifetime of actions. Something that takes time and most importantly work, as it's not easy. The great news is the work will be rewarded in a more peaceful life and a life of rewards if your thoughts are directed in the right way thorough goals and actions.

Lewis Michael is owner of the website

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What Is the Difference Between Forward-Looking and Forward-Thinking?

Webster's Dictionary defines forward-looking as "concerned with or planning for the future". A forward-looking individual is someone who is particularly focused on the future and making plans for it--someone who looks ahead. Is there a better definition of musician than that?

The actual definition of musician, one who is skilled in music, leaves out so much of who and what we are! By necessity and practicality we are forward-looking individuals. We have to be focused on the future and making plans for it. Most of us lack the qualities and skills of a Bach or Mozart and are unable to compose, perform, or teach without weeks, months, or sometimes even years of planning and preparation.

This week, the first full week of the New Year, is littered with forward-looking meetings, encounters, emails, and practice.

· As a church musician, the wonder and glory of the Advent, Christmas and Epiphany celebrations are behind me, and the forward-looking work of preparing music for Ash Wednesday, Lent, Holy Week, and Easter services has arrived.

· As a teacher, the fall series of lessons culminating with a wonderful December recital by my students is over, and the forward-looking work for preparing schedules, and making lesson plans for the next five months of sharing the joy of music with my students is here.

· As a performer, the successful presentation of our Bach and Sons and From Sea to Shining Sea organ and media events last fall are a wonderful memory, but now the forward-looking intensive practice and preparation for various concerts and a presentation of Bach and Sons with narration in German demand my immediate attention.

· As a businessperson, the government regulated demarcation between 2011 and 2012 arrived ten days ago. The forward-looking work of organizing financial details and filing taxes is a reality.

· Then there is this newsletter and my blogs and _____ (you fill in the blank). All projects requiring and demanding forward-looking attention to detail! Yes, we musicians are by necessity a group who by necessity are particularly focused on the future and making plans for it. We are forward-looking! However, are we or should we also be forward-thinking?

Forward-thinking is a term that has not yet found its way into dictionaries. It is too "new". However, much has been written about the topic and the characteristics of those who are forward-thinkers with visionaries Bill Gates and Steve Jobs topping the list of great forward-thinkers. Forward-thinking has been described as

· thinking progressively

· looking beyond the "now" and formulating strategies for future success

· asking "what's next?"

· looking ahead with an eye to improvement

· relating to the future with fresh perspectives and conscious departures which acknowledge that in this never-before-in-history time anything and everything is possible

· trying to figure out the goals of tomorrow, then trying to find the methods of tomorrow to achieve them

Becoming a forward-thinking musician is a tall order for the busy and at times, overwhelmed forward-looking musician. Is it possible to integrate the two behaviors? Some thoughts and questions to ponder as we begin anew with fresh eyes, ears, and minds this year of 2012.

· As a church musician, am I thinking progressively?

· As a teacher, am I looking ahead with an eye to improving my teaching skills?

· As a performer am I looking beyond the strictures of my instrument, the organ, and creating ways to better share this instruments and its great repertoire with my audiences?

· As a businessperson, am I able to get out of the "this is the way I have always kept the books" to finding ways to streamline this time-consuming task.

· As a writer of newsletters and blogs, am I relating to our readers with fresh perspectives and insights?

Which are you inclined to be? A forward-looking person or a forward-thinker?

Dr. Jeannine Jordan has made music her life. She is a performer and teacher and loves sharing her music and helping others realize their goals of becoming organists and pianists.

Jeannine received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Oregon specializing in Classical Organ performance with additional studies in Class Piano Pedagogy.

She also actively performs throughout the world and is known for her unique programming which strives to bring music alive for her audiences. Find out more about Jeannine at and the new book On The Heels of an Organist.

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Start the New Year Well With Positive Resolutions

New Year is a time for examining our lives, for vowing to improve and then usually deciding what we need to give up. Let's look instead at ways to improve ourselves by using positive resolutions.

Why not decide to start to:
- be more open and honest about your feelings. Instead of trying to please others, let them take responsibility for their own choices. By communicating more honestly you'll build a better relationship both with yourself and with others.

- be more positive about your job. Work provides more than income in our lives: a reason to get up each day and look smart, social contact, challenge and satisfaction are some of the important benefits of being employed. Decide to relish the work opportunities that come along and try to do your best every day.

- commit to having positive people in your life. Friends often stay in our lives out of habit; over time you may come to realise that you do not even like them very much. Positive people bring with them fun, interesting conversation, energy and enthusiasm for life. Clear away negative, unsupportive people. Decide instead to spend time with positive, fulfilling friends.

- make time for those special people. Sometimes our priorities need re-assessing. Many people find that months can go by without them seeing their friends. Life can get in the way, but spending time with friends matters. If times are tough, people are short of time or money why not plan a dinner where each person prepares a course. One person provides the house and setting, the effort and expense are shared by all and you have a pleasant evening together.

- ensure that you do things you enjoy within your relationship. Compromise is an important part of sharing your life, but it's important that your interests are also accommodated at times. Make a commitment to schedule activities that give you pleasure on a regular basis. That way you get to know each other better, respect each other's interests and bring variety into the relationship.

- enjoy the things in life that are free. Start to notice the valuable experiences that cost nothing or very little in terms of expense. Walking on a beach or in the countryside, visiting art galleries, browsing in a book store, having friends round for coffee are all inexpensive ways of enjoying life. Some theatres host free lunchtime concerts. Find out what's on in your home town.

- allow yourself some personal time. Many people are busy keeping their boss/family/friends happy. Other people's priorities can often take precedence over our own. Schedule time for yourself on a regular basis. Appreciate that if you'd booked to see an important client you would be sure to keep that appointment. You're equally important.

Treat yourself with kindness and you'll find that the other areas of your life improve as a consequence. When you feel refreshed, recharged and happy everyone benefits. Positive resolutions support you looking after yourself. The results speak for themselves.

Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief, with couples in crisis to improve communications and understanding and with business clients to support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams.

Further help, advice and articles are available.

For more information see

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The Process of Empowerment

I am whom I've become, not who or what I used to be". That statement best describes just who you are. The value of your life is engrained in the journey that has gotten you to where you are now. The past is history, recorded in time. If you look carefully, your past will allow you to gain insight of your strengths and weaknesses. You will develop a clear understanding of what works for you what holds you back. There is an Akan word, "Sankofa". It means to reach back in your life and gather the great things about you and bring them to your present. Make good, of what is good in you and you keep momentum in your favor. Understand that your life is a journey, and you are captain of that journey. What you do, and how you do it will be the factors that determine your faith. Understand that greatness is developed by habitually and constantly doing good, righteous things, over and over. Greatness becomes a habit.

Once you truly realize the process, you gain the ability to impact the events of cause and effect that define, exactly who you are, how you got where you are and how you are going to get where you want to go. Life offers no quick solution that will instantaneously turn your life around. What you are and where you are, was determined by your past actions and experiences, good and bad. The key to this process is drive. There has never been an occasion were something was accomplished by doing nothing. You got to want it. It's possible to be fueled by outside forces but that effect is temporary. In order to reach your goals or have some successes, it has to come from within. Internalize what you want to make of your life, the process will help to sharpen your aim and keep you focused. I don't want to give the impression that this can be overnight, but in all actuality it can. Doing these things habitually and consistently, determines that. It's a matter of where is your starting point.

Do you have the drive to implement the process now, or do you feel you need to think about this more? Both decisions still offer you momentum in the right direction. This journey is a simple one, if you want it. There will always be obstacles, please count on that. Taking advantage of what's inside you, not only benefits you but it benefits all of us. It critical that we understand, that in order to truly understand who we are and what are we made, of we need to understand our past. Reach back grasp on to makes you unique and special. When we allow the greatness of our past to intertwine with our present, success will surely be in our future.

LaMont Campbell born St. Louis, MO has sought to mentor and motivate the underserved communities throughout the St.Louis metropolitan area for the last 5 years. Founder of Stl Empowerment Group Inc, formed to assist the disempowered by offering assistance from building empowerment through linking with Social Services organization that serves the particular needs of individuals and groups.

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Positive Affirmations Can Counteract Negative Thoughts

Affirmations are short sentences stating something, and are often used to improve behavioural issues and blocks that may be stopping you from accomplishing your goals, or preventing you from being happy. But even if you don't believe in them, affirmations are already on your life, often in the form of negative affirmations. Every time you tell yourself that you can't do something or that you are too old/heavy/ugly/slow to do something you want to do, you are using a negative affirmation to reinforce that belief. Positive affirmations are created to counteract those negative thoughts.

Positive affirmations are created to target particular behaviours that you know are negative, and help you achieve your goals by convincing yourself that you can actually do it. You cannot win a race if you never start running or if you just give up mid-way because somehow, you knew you were going to lose anyway. It's easy to see negative behaviour patterns on others, such as that workmate that never gets a promotion because he never asks for it, but it's much more difficult to see them on yourself. By identifying those goals that are dearest for you, you can then see what kind of negative behaviour patterns are stopping you on your tracks, and create an opposing positive affirmation to replace them on your mind.

Many negative thoughts originate from seemingly innocent comments made to you during your life that spiral out of control, or from well-meaning adults trying to excuse a mistake without making you feel bad. Take for example those people who never manage a diet, because they think that obesity is just their body build. Believing that you are just overweight because that's how life is and your mum always said that you just had to live with being round is not only damaging, but it's stopping you from actually succeeding on a diet. Unless there's an underlying medical issue, eating chocolate because a little voice on your head tells you that dieting is not going to work for you because your metabolism is slow is not leading you anywhere.

Turn around your negative thoughts into a positive affirmation that you can repeat happily and regularly to yourself, until it becomes part of you. This way you can actually invite change into your life, and change those things that are preventing you from being happy, or limiting your ability to enjoy yourself. There will be always a certain degree of resistance, as your subconscious doesn't want to change deeply seated behaviour patterns that at some point were useful, but if you persevere you'll soon start noticing that resistance fade and positive changes taking effect on your life. This, in turn, makes it easier for you to believe on the power of positive affirmations and your innate capacity for change.

If you aren't sure about the power of positive affirmations and a positive attitude to change your life you only need to try. Create an affirmation about a single goal that is important for you, and write it down, sing it or repeat it for yourself several times a day. Once the initial feelings of resistance fade you'll find yourself thinking differently, and that's the first step towards actually enabling change on your life.

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Appreciating the Quiet Place

There are those people who fear being alone. The thought of no one being around them is terrifying, or maybe it is the thought of being alone with self that is terrifying. Some people equate the state of alone with being lonely. However it is possible to be alone without experiencing or suffering from certain feelings of loneliness some people fear. There is also a state of alone that feels much better than the noise of an impersonal crowd that may be oblivious or insensitive to your physical or emotional needs. So don't become alarmed about the physical state of alone, but rather consider it as the perfect opportunity for you to go to the Quiet Place. If you have not experienced the virtues of the Quiet Place, it is time to start learning the importance of spending time in this safe haven reserved exclusively for you and the Creator. The solitude found in this place of refuge can be the peaceful place that is impossible for you to find despite all of your efforts to obtain inner peace from external forces; it is the sanctuary where you find protection for your well-being; it is where you are brought back into focus from a whirlwind of activity that may have landed you in a state of confusion; and it is the retreat we all need to visit as often as possible.

In the Quiet Place there are no distractions, criticisms or any other impediments separating you from reaching your peak at the right time. You only have to listen to the Creator's voice, and as well as your inner-voice. There are no conflicting bits of advice to make you second-guess your intuition. There are no naysayers planting seeds of doubt instead of words of support. There are no naïve questions from those who may not understand the wisdom of the inner-voice. The Quiet Place is that peaceful place where you are safe from insult, criticism or any other negative feedback that keeps you anxious, doubtful, or fearful of proceeding. When you are alone in the Quiet Place, you are not lonely because you are in touch with the person who knows you best (you) and the Deity who created you. So if you are with the person who knows you best and the Deity who created you, you are in the perfect environment to receive healing, strength, inspiration, and whatever other ministrations you are in need of.

Sometimes the greatest source of comfort comes from standing absolutely still - doing absolutely nothing. You do this best in the Quiet Place. Sometimes the best recourse is to do absolutely nothing because everything does not require a response. Naturally our bodies and minds know this. Body systems can become worn out when we attempt to respond to every demand or piece of instruction, try to maintain unreasonable schedules, or try to please everyone else while neglecting our bodies and our minds. I believe someone calls it the "Disease to Please", and the Disease to Please oftentimes manifests itself in forms of physiological and psychological sicknesses. The mind can shut down from overload when you attempt to absorb more advice than necessary, advice that may be good for the advice-giver, but not necessarily good for you. The emotional collapse will occur when you become lost and confused, working overtime attempting to understand everything, refusing to accept that there are some things you will never understand, and coming to terms with the fact that some things were never intended for you to understand.

The manifestations of body and mind overload are the warning signals trying to tell you that it is time to steal way to the Quiet Place. So listen to these warnings because in the Quiet Place, there are no disquieting sounds to respond to; there are no actions you are required to take if inaction is the best solution, and all systems are eased into a state of rest. You are at peace, you are resting, your every need is being ministered to, and you will never again have to fear the state of being alone. Visit the Quiet Place as often as possible.

Pamela R. Reaves © December 19, 2011

Pamela Reaves is the Founder and CEO of NELLA LLC. She is a Certified Professional Coach, with concentrations in Motivational Coaching and Relationship Coaching. Pam is trained to coach clients in their pursuits of healthy, happy and powerful human experiences. She is also the author of the thought-provoking and powerful book, "Is It Love...Or Merely a Sick Attachment?" "Is It Love..." is published by Tate Publishing & Enterprises and has been well-received by readers as far away as Africa and Australia. Pam holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Management and has over 30 years experience in working and thriving in diverse corporate cultures in the areas of human resource, labor relations, finance, legal, and real estate. Pam has appeared on a number of radio talk shows, participated in numerous blog-radio talk shows, and on cable TV talk shows. She has also co-hosted a virtual Think Tank, and has been a featured author and speaker at a host of other cultural events, book festivals, expos. To more learn more about Pam, her life coaching practice, upcoming books and events, visit her at

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